C# (CSharp) Accord.Imaging.Filters 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AdaptiveSmoothing Adaptive Smoothing - noise removal with edges preserving.
Add Add fillter - add pixel values of two images.
AdditiveNoise Additive noise filter.
ApplyMask Apply mask to the specified image.
BackwardQuadrilateralTransformation Performs backward quadrilateral transformation into an area in destination image.
BaseFilter Base class for filters, which produce new image of the same size as a result of image processing.
BaseFilter2 Base class for filters, which operate with two images of the same size and format and produce new image as a result.
BaseInPlaceFilter Base class for filters, which may be applied directly to the source image.
BaseInPlaceFilter2 Base class for filters, which operate with two images of the same size and format and may be applied directly to the source image.
BaseInPlacePartialFilter Base class for filters, which may be applied directly to the source image or its part.
BaseResizeFilter Base class for image resizing filters.
BaseRotateFilter Base class for image rotation filters.
BaseTransformationFilter Base class for filters, which may produce new image of different size as a result of image processing.
BaseUsingCopyPartialFilter Base class for filters, which require source image backup to make them applicable to source image (or its part) directly.
BayerDithering Ordered dithering using Bayer matrix.
BayerFilter Generic Bayer fileter image processing routine.
BayerFilterOptimized Optimized Bayer fileter image processing routine.
BilateralSmoothing Bilateral filter implementation - edge preserving smoothing and noise reduction that uses chromatic and spatial factors.
BinaryDilatation3x3 Binary dilatation operator from Mathematical Morphology with 3x3 structuring element.
BinaryErosion3x3 Binary erosion operator from Mathematical Morphology with 3x3 structuring element.
Blend Linear Gradient Blending filter.
BlobsFiltering Blobs filtering by size.
Blur Blur filter.
BottomHat Bottop-hat operator from Mathematical Morphology.
BradleyLocalThresholding Adaptive thresholding using the internal image.
BrightnessCorrection Brightness adjusting in RGB color space.
BurkesDithering Dithering using Burkes error diffusion.
CannyEdgeDetector Canny edge detector.
CanvasCrop Fill areas outiside of specified region.
CanvasFill Fill areas iniside of the specified region.
CanvasMove Move canvas to the specified point.
ChannelFiltering Channels filters.
Closing Closing operator from Mathematical Morphology.
ColorFiltering Color filtering.
ColorRemapping Color remapping.
CombineChannel Combine channel filter.
CompassConvolution Compass convolution filter.
Concatenate Concatenation filter.
ConnectedComponentsLabeling Connected components labeling.
ConservativeSmoothing Conservative smoothing.
ContrastCorrection Contrast adjusting in RGB color space.
ContrastStretch Contrast stretching filter.
Convolution Convolution filter.
CornersMarker Filter to mark (highlight) corners of objects.
Crop Crop an image.
Difference Difference filter - get the difference between overlay and source images.
DifferenceEdgeDetector Difference edge detector.
DifferenceOfGaussians Difference of Gaussians filter.
Dilatation Dilatation operator from Mathematical Morphology.
Dilatation3x3 Dilatation operator from Mathematical Morphology with 3x3 structuring element.
Divide Divide filter - divide pixel values of two images.
Edges Simple edge detector.
Erosion Erosion operator from Mathematical Morphology.
Erosion3x3 Erosion operator from Mathematical Morphology with 3x3 structuring element.
ErrorDiffusionDithering Base class for error diffusion dithering.
ErrorDiffusionToAdjacentNeighbors Base class for error diffusion dithering, where error is diffused to adjacent neighbor pixels.
EuclideanColorFiltering Euclidean color filtering.
Exponential Exponential filter.
ExtractBiggestBlob Extract the biggest blob from image.
ExtractChannel Extract RGB channel from image.
ExtractNormalizedRGBChannel Extract normalized RGB channel from color image.
FastBoxBlur Fast Box Blur filter.
FastGuidedFilter Fast Guided Filter (non-commercial).
FastVariance Fast Variance filter.
FeaturesMarker Filter to mark (highlight) feature points in a image.
FillHoles Fill holes in objects in binary image.
FilterIterator Filter iterator.
FiltersSequence Filters' collection to apply to an image in sequence.
FlatFieldCorrection Flat field correction filter.
FloydSteinbergDithering Dithering using Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion.
GaborFilter Gabor filter.
GammaCorrection Gamma correction filter.
GaussianBlur Gaussian blur filter.
GaussianSharpen Gaussian sharpen filter.
GrayWorld Gray World filter for color normalization.
Grayscale Base class for image grayscaling.
Grayscale.CommonAlgorithms Set of predefined common grayscaling algorithms, which have already initialized grayscaling coefficients.
GrayscaleToRGB Convert grayscale image to RGB.
HSLFiltering Color filtering in HSL color space.
HSLLinear Luminance and saturation linear correction.
HighBoost High boost filter.
HistogramEqualization Histogram equalization filter.
HitAndMiss Hit-And-Miss operator from Mathematical Morphology.
HomogenityEdgeDetector Homogenity edge detector.
HorizontalRunLengthSmoothing Horizontal run length smoothing algorithm.
HueModifier Hue modifier.
Intersect Intersect filter - get MIN of pixels in two images.
Invert Invert image.
IterativeThreshold Iterative threshold search and binarization.
JarvisJudiceNinkeDithering Dithering using Jarvis, Judice and Ninke error diffusion.
Jitter Jitter filter.
KirschEdgeDetector Kirsch's Edge Detector
Kuwahara Kuwahara filter.
LevelsLinear Linear correction of RGB channels.
LevelsLinear16bpp Linear correction of RGB channels for images, which have 16 bpp planes (16 bit gray images or 48/64 bit colour images).
LineMarker Filter to mark (highlight) lines in a image.
Logarithm Log filter.
MaskedFilter Apply filter according to the specified mask.
Mean Mean filter.
Median Median filter.
Merge Merge filter - get MAX of pixels in two images.
Mirror Mirroring filter.
Morph Morph filter.
MoveTowards Move towards filter.
Multiply Multiply filter - multiply pixel values of two images.
NiblackThreshold Niblack Threshold.
OilPainting Oil painting filter.
Opening Opening operator from Mathematical Morphology.
OrderedDithering Binarization with thresholds matrix.
OtsuThreshold Otsu thresholding.
PairsMarker Filter to mark (highlight) pairs of points in a image.
Pixellate Pixellate filter.
PointedColorFloodFill Flood filling with specified color starting from specified point.
PointedMeanFloodFill Flood filling with mean color starting from specified point.
PointsMarker Filter to mark (highlight) points in a image.
QuadrilateralTransformation Performs quadrilateral transformation of an area in a given source image.
RGChromacity RG Chromaticity.
RectanglesMarker Filter to mark (highlight) rectangles in a image.
Rectification Rectification filter for projective transformation.
ReplaceChannel Replace RGB channel of color imgae.
ResizeBicubic Resize image using bicubic interpolation algorithm.
ResizeBilinear Resize image using bilinear interpolation algorithm.
ResizeNearestNeighbor Resize image using nearest neighbor algorithm.
RobinsonEdgeDetector Robinson's Edge Detector
RotateBicubic Rotate image using bicubic interpolation.
RotateBilinear Rotate image using bilinear interpolation.
RotateChannels Rotate RGB channels.
RotateNearestNeighbor Rotate image using nearest neighbor algorithm.
SISThreshold Threshold using Simple Image Statistics (SIS).
SaltAndPepperNoise Salt and pepper noise.
SaturationCorrection Saturation adjusting in HSL color space.
SauvolaThreshold Sauvola Threshold.
Sepia Sepia filter - old brown photo.
Sharpen Sharpen filter
Shrink Shrink an image by removing specified color from its boundaries.
SierraDithering Dithering using Sierra error diffusion.
SimplePosterization Simple posterization of an image.
SimpleQuadrilateralTransformation Performs quadrilateral transformation of an area in the source image.
SimpleSkeletonization Simple skeletonization filter.
StereoAnaglyph Stereo anaglyph filter.
StuckiDithering Dithering using Stucki error diffusion.
Subtract Subtract filter - subtract pixel values of two images.
TexturedFilter Textured filter - filter an image using texture.
TexturedMerge Merge two images using factors from texture.
Texturer Texturer filter.
Threshold Threshold binarization.
ThresholdWithCarry Threshold binarization with error carry.
ThresholdedDifference Calculate difference between two images and threshold it.
ThresholdedEuclideanDifference Calculate Euclidean difference between two images and threshold it.
TopHat Top-hat operator from Mathematical Morphology.
TransformFromPolar Transform polar image into rectangle.
TransformToPolar Transform rectangle image into circle (to polar coordinates).
Variance Variance filter.
VerticalRunLengthSmoothing Vertical run length smoothing algorithm.
WaterWave Simple water wave effect filter.
WaveletTransform Wavelet transform filter.
WhitePatch White Patch filter for color normalization.
WolfJolionThreshold Wolf Jolion Threshold.
YCbCrExtractChannel Extract YCbCr channel from image.
YCbCrFiltering Color filtering in YCbCr color space.
YCbCrLinear Linear correction of YCbCr channels.
YCbCrReplaceChannel Replace channel of YCbCr color space.