C# 클래스 syncFlounderCamera.syncFlounderCameraComponent

상속: GH_Component
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: provolot/FlounderCamera

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
syncFlounderCameraComponent ( ) : System

Each implementation of GH_Component must provide a public constructor without any arguments. Category represents the Tab in which the component will appear, Subcategory the panel. If you use non-existing tab or panel names, new tabs/panels will automatically be created.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
RegisterInputParams ( GH_Component pManager ) : void

Registers all the input parameters for this component.

RegisterOutputParams ( GH_Component pManager ) : void

Registers all the output parameters for this component.

SolveInstance ( IGH_DataAccess DA ) : void

This is the method that actually does the work.

메소드 상세

RegisterInputParams() 보호된 메소드

Registers all the input parameters for this component.
protected RegisterInputParams ( GH_Component pManager ) : void
pManager GH_Component
리턴 void

RegisterOutputParams() 보호된 메소드

Registers all the output parameters for this component.
protected RegisterOutputParams ( GH_Component pManager ) : void
pManager GH_Component
리턴 void

SolveInstance() 보호된 메소드

This is the method that actually does the work.
protected SolveInstance ( IGH_DataAccess DA ) : void
DA IGH_DataAccess The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and /// to store data in output parameters.
리턴 void

syncFlounderCameraComponent() 공개 메소드

Each implementation of GH_Component must provide a public constructor without any arguments. Category represents the Tab in which the component will appear, Subcategory the panel. If you use non-existing tab or panel names, new tabs/panels will automatically be created.
public syncFlounderCameraComponent ( ) : System
리턴 System