C# 클래스 org.GraphDefined.Vanaheimr.Illias.StreamExtensions

Extensions to the Stream class.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Vanaheimr/Illias

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
SeekAndCopyTo ( this SourceStream, Stream DestinationStream, Int32 SkipFromBeginning ) : void

Reads the bytes from the given stream and writes them to another stream. May skip the given number of bytes.

메소드 상세

SeekAndCopyTo() 공개 정적인 메소드

Reads the bytes from the given stream and writes them to another stream. May skip the given number of bytes.
public static SeekAndCopyTo ( this SourceStream, Stream DestinationStream, Int32 SkipFromBeginning ) : void
SourceStream this The source stream.
DestinationStream Stream The destination stream.
SkipFromBeginning System.Int32 Anumber of bytes to skip from the beginning of the source stream.
리턴 void