C# 클래스 msos.StackWalkerStrategy

Stack walker abstract class, defining stack walker interface
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: goldshtn/msos 1 사용 예제들

보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
_runtime Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.ClrRuntime

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetCriticalSectionBlockingObject ( UnifiedStackFrame frame, UnifiedBlockingObject &blockingObject ) : bool
SetFrameParameters ( UnifiedStackFrame frame ) : bool
StackWalkerStrategy ( Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.ClrRuntime runtime ) : System

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddMultipleWaitInformation ( UnifiedStackFrame frame, uint numberOfHandles, ulong addressOfHandlesArray ) : void
AddSingleWaitInformation ( UnifiedStackFrame frame, ulong handleValue ) : void
ConvertToAddress ( byte bits ) : ulong
ExtractWaitForMultipleObjectsInformation ( UnifiedStackFrame frame ) : void
ExtractWaitForSingleObjectInformation ( UnifiedStackFrame frame ) : void
GetCriticalSectionBlockingObject ( UnifiedStackFrame frame ) : UnifiedBlockingObject

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
DuplicateHandle ( IntPtr handle, uint pid, IntPtr &newHandle ) : bool
GetHandleObjectName ( IntPtr handle, uint pid ) : string

Retrieves the name of the object referenced by the specified handle using NtQueryObject.

GetHandleType ( IntPtr handle, uint pid ) : string

Retrieve the handle type name using NtQueryObject.

IsMatchingMethod ( UnifiedStackFrame frame, string key ) : bool
ReadHandles ( ulong startAddress, uint count ) : List

메소드 상세

AddMultipleWaitInformation() 보호된 메소드

protected AddMultipleWaitInformation ( UnifiedStackFrame frame, uint numberOfHandles, ulong addressOfHandlesArray ) : void
frame UnifiedStackFrame
numberOfHandles uint
addressOfHandlesArray ulong
리턴 void

AddSingleWaitInformation() 보호된 메소드

protected AddSingleWaitInformation ( UnifiedStackFrame frame, ulong handleValue ) : void
frame UnifiedStackFrame
handleValue ulong
리턴 void

ConvertToAddress() 보호된 정적인 메소드

protected static ConvertToAddress ( byte bits ) : ulong
bits byte
리턴 ulong

ExtractWaitForMultipleObjectsInformation() 보호된 추상적인 메소드

protected abstract ExtractWaitForMultipleObjectsInformation ( UnifiedStackFrame frame ) : void
frame UnifiedStackFrame
리턴 void

ExtractWaitForSingleObjectInformation() 보호된 추상적인 메소드

protected abstract ExtractWaitForSingleObjectInformation ( UnifiedStackFrame frame ) : void
frame UnifiedStackFrame
리턴 void

GetCriticalSectionBlockingObject() 보호된 추상적인 메소드

protected abstract GetCriticalSectionBlockingObject ( UnifiedStackFrame frame ) : UnifiedBlockingObject
frame UnifiedStackFrame
리턴 UnifiedBlockingObject

GetCriticalSectionBlockingObject() 공개 메소드

public GetCriticalSectionBlockingObject ( UnifiedStackFrame frame, UnifiedBlockingObject &blockingObject ) : bool
frame UnifiedStackFrame
blockingObject UnifiedBlockingObject
리턴 bool

SetFrameParameters() 공개 메소드

public SetFrameParameters ( UnifiedStackFrame frame ) : bool
frame UnifiedStackFrame
리턴 bool

StackWalkerStrategy() 공개 메소드

public StackWalkerStrategy ( Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.ClrRuntime runtime ) : System
runtime Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.ClrRuntime
리턴 System

프로퍼티 상세

_runtime 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected ClrRuntime,Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime _runtime
리턴 Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.ClrRuntime