C# 클래스 jabber.connection.ItemList

상속: System.Collections.ArrayList
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: codebutler/jabber-net 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Add ( object value ) : int

Adds to the end of the list, replacing any item with the same ID, or bumping the oldest item if the list is full.

ItemList ( PubSubNode node, int maxItems ) : System

Creates an item list, which will have at most some number of items.

RemoveAt ( int index ) : void

Makes sure that the underlying ID index is in sync when an item is removed.

RemoveId ( string id ) : void

Removes the item with the given ID. No exception is thrown if no item is found with that ID.

this ( string id ) : XmlElement

Gets or sets the contents of the specified item.

메소드 상세

Add() 공개 메소드

Adds to the end of the list, replacing any item with the same ID, or bumping the oldest item if the list is full.
public Add ( object value ) : int
value object PubSubItem to add to the list.
리턴 int

ItemList() 공개 메소드

Creates an item list, which will have at most some number of items.
public ItemList ( PubSubNode node, int maxItems ) : System
node PubSubNode The node to which this item list applies.
maxItems int Maximum size of the list. Delete notifications will be sent if this size is exceeded.
리턴 System

RemoveAt() 공개 메소드

Makes sure that the underlying ID index is in sync when an item is removed.
public RemoveAt ( int index ) : void
index int Index of PubSubItem to remove.
리턴 void

RemoveId() 공개 메소드

Removes the item with the given ID. No exception is thrown if no item is found with that ID.
public RemoveId ( string id ) : void
id string ID of the item to remove
리턴 void

this() 공개 메소드

Gets or sets the contents of the specified item.
public this ( string id ) : XmlElement
id string Id of the PubSubItem.
리턴 System.Xml.XmlElement