C# 클래스 inVtero.net.Vtero

Moving things around to support save state If it turns out that we are to parse the input aggressivly, it may make sence to not have to waste time doing the same analysis over again Rooting everything off of a main class helps the structure a bit
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: ShaneK2/inVtero.net 1 사용 예제들

공개 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
ASGroups ConcurrentBag>.ConcurrentDictionary
AddressSpace ConcurrentBag>.ConcurrentDictionary
FileSize long
GroupThreshold double
KVS VirtualScanner
KernelProc DetectedProc
MemFile string
OverRidePhase bool
Phase int
Processes ConcurrentBag
ProgressCallback System.Action
VMCSs VMCS>.ConcurrentDictionary
hCurrentProcess System.IntPtr

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddProcessPageTable ( DetectedProc tdp, Mem memAxs ) : void
CheckpointRestoreState ( string SaveFile ) : Vtero
CheckpointSaveState ( string OverrideName = null, string DirSpec = null ) : string
DecodePointer ( ulong BlockAddress, ulong Always, ulong Never, ulong Value ) : ulong

You only need this if you can't get symbols. see http://uninformed.org/index.cgi?v=3&a=3&t=sumry by skape & Skywing

DumpASToFile ( IDictionary AS_ToDump = null ) : void

Memory Dump routines

DumpFailList ( ) : void
DumpProc ( string Folder, DetectedProc Proc, bool IncludeData = false, bool KernelSpace = true ) : long
ExtractCVDebug ( DetectedProc dp, MemSection sec ) : CODEVIEW_HEADER
ExtrtactAddressSpaces ( IOrderedEnumerable MemSpace = null, ConcurrentBag Procs = null, PTType pTypes = PTType.UNCONFIGURED ) : List>.Dictionary

This routine is fairly expensive, maybe unnecessary as well but it demo's walking the page table + EPT. You can connect an address space dumper really easily TODO: Remake this. Instead of just pre-buffering everything. Ensure the GroupAS detections are appropriate and if not, reassign the VMCS/EPTP page to bare metal or a different HVLayer item.

GetKernelDebuggerData ( DetectedProc dp, Extract ext, CODEVIEW_HEADER cv_data, string SymbolCache ) : bool

Prefer symbol loading.

GetKernelRangeFromGroup ( int GroupID ) : DetectedProc
GetSymAddress ( DetectedProc dp, string SymName ) : long
GetSymValueLong ( DetectedProc dp, string SymName ) : long

TODO: Make better for all types

GroupAS ( PTType pTypes = PTType.UNCONFIGURED ) : void

Group address spaces into related buckets We will assign an address space ID to each detected proc so we know what process belongs with who After AS grouping we will know what EPTP belongs to which AS since one of the DP's will have it's CR3 in the VMCS Yes it's a bit complicated. The overall procedure however is straight forward in that; * For every detected process Bucket into groups which are the "Address spaces" that initially are (a) based on kernel address space similarities and then (b) based on what VMCS value was found pointing to that group This ensures that if we have several hypervisors with a possibly identical kernel grouping (i.e. the PFN's were used by each kernel were identical), they are disambiguated by the VMCS. (Which can be validated later) The benefit here is that brute forcing at this stage is fairly expensive and can lead to significant overhead, there does tend to be some outliers for large systems that need to be looked at more to determine who they belong too. Nevertheless, it's inconsequential if they are grouped with the appropriate AS since even if they are isolated into their own 'AS' this is an artificial construct for our book keeping. The net result is that even if some process is grouped by itself due to some aggressive variation in kernel PFN' use (lots of dual mapped memory/MDL's or something), it's still able to be dumped and analyzed.

ModuleScan ( DetectedProc dp, long StartingVA, long EndingVA = 0xFFFFFFFFF000 ) : Extract>.ConcurrentDictionary

Only scanning for core kernel modules

PrintLastDumped ( List LastList ) : void
ProcDetectScan ( PTType Modes, int DetectOnly ) : int
ReScanNextLevel ( DetectedProc tdp, bool DisplayOutput = false ) : void
TryLoadSymbols ( CODEVIEW_HEADER cv_data, long BaseVA, string SymPath ) : bool
VMCSScan ( ) : int
Vtero ( ) : inVtero.net.Support
Vtero ( string MemoryDump ) : inVtero.net.Support
Vtero ( string MemoryDump, AMemoryRunDetector MD ) : inVtero.net.Support
WalkProcList ( DetectedProc dp ) : dynamic[]
WriteColor ( ConsoleColor ForeGround, ConsoleColor BackGround, string var ) : void
WriteColor ( ConsoleColor ForeGround, string var ) : void
WriteRange ( VIRTUAL_ADDRESS KEY, PFN VALUE, string BaseFileName, Mem PhysMemReader = null, bool SinglePFNStore = false, bool DumpNULL = false ) : string

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
DeriveMemoryDescriptors ( ) : void
REPLhelp ( ) : void

메소드 상세

AddProcessPageTable() 공개 메소드

public AddProcessPageTable ( DetectedProc tdp, Mem memAxs ) : void
tdp DetectedProc
memAxs Mem
리턴 void

CheckpointRestoreState() 공개 메소드

public CheckpointRestoreState ( string SaveFile ) : Vtero
SaveFile string
리턴 Vtero

CheckpointSaveState() 공개 메소드

public CheckpointSaveState ( string OverrideName = null, string DirSpec = null ) : string
OverrideName string
DirSpec string
리턴 string

DecodePointer() 공개 메소드

You only need this if you can't get symbols. see http://uninformed.org/index.cgi?v=3&a=3&t=sumry by skape & Skywing
public DecodePointer ( ulong BlockAddress, ulong Always, ulong Never, ulong Value ) : ulong
BlockAddress ulong
Always ulong
Never ulong
Value ulong
리턴 ulong

DumpASToFile() 공개 메소드

Memory Dump routines
public DumpASToFile ( IDictionary AS_ToDump = null ) : void
AS_ToDump IDictionary
리턴 void

DumpFailList() 공개 메소드

public DumpFailList ( ) : void
리턴 void

DumpProc() 공개 메소드

public DumpProc ( string Folder, DetectedProc Proc, bool IncludeData = false, bool KernelSpace = true ) : long
Folder string
Proc DetectedProc
IncludeData bool
KernelSpace bool
리턴 long

ExtractCVDebug() 공개 메소드

public ExtractCVDebug ( DetectedProc dp, MemSection sec ) : CODEVIEW_HEADER
dp DetectedProc
sec MemSection

ExtrtactAddressSpaces() 공개 메소드

This routine is fairly expensive, maybe unnecessary as well but it demo's walking the page table + EPT. You can connect an address space dumper really easily TODO: Remake this. Instead of just pre-buffering everything. Ensure the GroupAS detections are appropriate and if not, reassign the VMCS/EPTP page to bare metal or a different HVLayer item.
public ExtrtactAddressSpaces ( IOrderedEnumerable MemSpace = null, ConcurrentBag Procs = null, PTType pTypes = PTType.UNCONFIGURED ) : List>.Dictionary
MemSpace IOrderedEnumerable The list of VMCS/EPTP configurations which will alter the page table use
Procs ConcurrentBag Detected procs to query
pTypes PTType Type bitmask to interpret
리턴 List>.Dictionary

GetKernelDebuggerData() 공개 메소드

Prefer symbol loading.
public GetKernelDebuggerData ( DetectedProc dp, Extract ext, CODEVIEW_HEADER cv_data, string SymbolCache ) : bool
dp DetectedProc
ext Extract
SymbolCache string
리턴 bool

GetKernelRangeFromGroup() 공개 메소드

public GetKernelRangeFromGroup ( int GroupID ) : DetectedProc
GroupID int
리턴 DetectedProc

GetSymAddress() 공개 메소드

public GetSymAddress ( DetectedProc dp, string SymName ) : long
dp DetectedProc
SymName string
리턴 long

GetSymValueLong() 공개 메소드

TODO: Make better for all types
public GetSymValueLong ( DetectedProc dp, string SymName ) : long
dp DetectedProc
SymName string
리턴 long

GroupAS() 공개 메소드

Group address spaces into related buckets We will assign an address space ID to each detected proc so we know what process belongs with who After AS grouping we will know what EPTP belongs to which AS since one of the DP's will have it's CR3 in the VMCS Yes it's a bit complicated. The overall procedure however is straight forward in that; * For every detected process Bucket into groups which are the "Address spaces" that initially are (a) based on kernel address space similarities and then (b) based on what VMCS value was found pointing to that group This ensures that if we have several hypervisors with a possibly identical kernel grouping (i.e. the PFN's were used by each kernel were identical), they are disambiguated by the VMCS. (Which can be validated later) The benefit here is that brute forcing at this stage is fairly expensive and can lead to significant overhead, there does tend to be some outliers for large systems that need to be looked at more to determine who they belong too. Nevertheless, it's inconsequential if they are grouped with the appropriate AS since even if they are isolated into their own 'AS' this is an artificial construct for our book keeping. The net result is that even if some process is grouped by itself due to some aggressive variation in kernel PFN' use (lots of dual mapped memory/MDL's or something), it's still able to be dumped and analyzed.
public GroupAS ( PTType pTypes = PTType.UNCONFIGURED ) : void
pTypes PTType Types to scan for, this is of the already detected processes list so it's already filtered really
리턴 void

HashRange() 공개 메소드

public HashRange ( VIRTUAL_ADDRESS KEY, PFN VALUE ) : byte[]
리턴 byte[]

ModuleScan() 공개 메소드

Only scanning for core kernel modules
public ModuleScan ( DetectedProc dp, long StartingVA, long EndingVA = 0xFFFFFFFFF000 ) : Extract>.ConcurrentDictionary
dp DetectedProc
StartingVA long
EndingVA long
리턴 Extract>.ConcurrentDictionary

PrintLastDumped() 공개 메소드

public PrintLastDumped ( List LastList ) : void
LastList List
리턴 void

ProcDetectScan() 공개 메소드

public ProcDetectScan ( PTType Modes, int DetectOnly ) : int
Modes PTType
DetectOnly int
리턴 int

ReScanNextLevel() 공개 메소드

public ReScanNextLevel ( DetectedProc tdp, bool DisplayOutput = false ) : void
tdp DetectedProc
DisplayOutput bool
리턴 void

TryLoadSymbols() 공개 메소드

public TryLoadSymbols ( CODEVIEW_HEADER cv_data, long BaseVA, string SymPath ) : bool
BaseVA long
SymPath string
리턴 bool

VMCSScan() 공개 메소드

public VMCSScan ( ) : int
리턴 int

Vtero() 공개 메소드

public Vtero ( ) : inVtero.net.Support
리턴 inVtero.net.Support

Vtero() 공개 메소드

public Vtero ( string MemoryDump ) : inVtero.net.Support
MemoryDump string
리턴 inVtero.net.Support

Vtero() 공개 메소드

public Vtero ( string MemoryDump, AMemoryRunDetector MD ) : inVtero.net.Support
MemoryDump string
MD AMemoryRunDetector
리턴 inVtero.net.Support

WalkProcList() 공개 메소드

public WalkProcList ( DetectedProc dp ) : dynamic[]
dp DetectedProc
리턴 dynamic[]

WriteColor() 공개 메소드

public WriteColor ( ConsoleColor ForeGround, ConsoleColor BackGround, string var ) : void
ForeGround ConsoleColor
BackGround ConsoleColor
var string
리턴 void

WriteColor() 공개 메소드

public WriteColor ( ConsoleColor ForeGround, string var ) : void
ForeGround ConsoleColor
var string
리턴 void

WriteRange() 공개 메소드

public WriteRange ( VIRTUAL_ADDRESS KEY, PFN VALUE, string BaseFileName, Mem PhysMemReader = null, bool SinglePFNStore = false, bool DumpNULL = false ) : string
BaseFileName string
PhysMemReader Mem
SinglePFNStore bool
DumpNULL bool
리턴 string

프로퍼티 상세

ASGroups 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public ConcurrentDictionary> ASGroups
리턴 ConcurrentBag>.ConcurrentDictionary

AddressSpace 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public ConcurrentDictionary> AddressSpace
리턴 ConcurrentBag>.ConcurrentDictionary

FileSize 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public long FileSize
리턴 long

GroupThreshold 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public double GroupThreshold
리턴 double

KVS 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public VirtualScanner,inVtero.net KVS
리턴 VirtualScanner

KernelProc 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public DetectedProc,inVtero.net KernelProc
리턴 DetectedProc

MemFile 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public string MemFile
리턴 string

OverRidePhase 공개적으로 프로퍼티

Set OverRidePhase to force a re-run of a stage
public bool OverRidePhase
리턴 bool

Phase 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public int Phase
리턴 int

Processes 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public ConcurrentBag Processes
리턴 ConcurrentBag

ProgressCallback 공개적으로 정적으로 프로퍼티

public static Action,System ProgressCallback
리턴 System.Action

VMCSs 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public ConcurrentDictionary VMCSs
리턴 VMCS>.ConcurrentDictionary

hCurrentProcess 공개적으로 정적으로 프로퍼티

public static IntPtr,System hCurrentProcess
리턴 System.IntPtr