C# 클래스 azurecopycommand.Program

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: kpfaulkner/azurecopy

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetHandler ( UrlType urlType, string url ) : IBlobHandler

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ConfigureDropbox ( ) : void
ConfigureOneDrive ( ) : void
ConsoleCtrlCheck ( CtrlTypes ctrlType ) : bool
DisplayExamples ( ) : void
DoList ( bool debugMode ) : void
DoListContainers ( ) : void
DoMake ( ) : void
DoNormalCopy ( ) : void
GenerateFileName ( string downloadDirectory, string blobName ) : string
GenerateOutputUrl ( string baseOutputUrl, string inputUrl ) : string
GetArgument ( string args, int i ) : string
GetSourceBlobList ( IBlobHandler inputHandler ) : IEnumerable

Get all possible blobs for the handler (which had the original url passed into the constructor).

GetUrlType ( string url ) : UrlType
Main ( string args ) : void
ModifyUrl ( string outputUrl, UrlType outputUrlType ) : string
ParseArguments ( string args ) : void
Process ( bool debugMode ) : void
SanitizeUrl ( string _inputUrl ) : string

Currently just add trailing /

SetConsoleCtrlHandler ( HandlerRoutine Handler, bool Add ) : bool

메소드 상세

GetHandler() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static GetHandler ( UrlType urlType, string url ) : IBlobHandler
urlType UrlType
url string
리턴 IBlobHandler