C# 클래스 Zetbox.Server.Wcf.WcfNamespaceReservation

Utility class to hold everything neccessary to modify the HTTP ACLs before starting the WCF server
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: daszat/zetbox

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ModifyReservation ( string urlPrefix, string accountName, bool removeReservation ) : void

Adds or removes an entry in the HTTP ACLs for a given prefix.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CheckResult ( string fcn, int errorCode ) : void

Checks whether the errorCode is zero. If not, an ApplicationException is thrown.

CreateSddl ( string account ) : string

Creates a SDDL string representation of the ACL that Allows Generic eXecute for the specified user.

GetWin32ErrorMessage ( int errorCode ) : string

Retrieves the Win32 error message from an error code.

HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( int errorCode ) : int

Transforms an error code into a HRESULT

HttpDeleteServiceConfigurationAcl ( IntPtr mustBeZero, int configID, [ configInfo, int configInfoLength, IntPtr mustBeZero2 ) : int
HttpInitialize ( HTTPAPI_VERSION version, int flags, IntPtr mustBeZero ) : int
HttpSetServiceConfigurationAcl ( IntPtr mustBeZero, int configID, [ configInfo, int configInfoLength, IntPtr mustBeZero2 ) : int
HttpTerminate ( int flags, IntPtr mustBeZero ) : int

메소드 상세

ModifyReservation() 공개 정적인 메소드

Adds or removes an entry in the HTTP ACLs for a given prefix.
public static ModifyReservation ( string urlPrefix, string accountName, bool removeReservation ) : void
urlPrefix string the prefix whose ACL should be modified
accountName string the account name to be added or removed from the ACL
removeReservation bool whether access should be granted or denied
리턴 void