C# 클래스 ZeroInstall.DesktopIntegration.ConflictDataUtils

Helper methods for creating ConflictData lists.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: 0install/0install-win

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CheckForConflicts ( [ appList, [ accessPoints, [ appEntry ) : void

Checks new AccessPoint candidates for conflicts with existing ones.

GetConflictData ( [ accessPoints, [ appEntry ) : ConflictData>.IDictionary

Returns all ConflictDatas for a set of new AccessPoint candidates.

GetConflictData ( [ appEntries ) : ConflictData>.IDictionary

Returns all ConflictDatas for a set of existing AppEntrys.

메소드 상세

CheckForConflicts() 공개 정적인 메소드

Checks new AccessPoint candidates for conflicts with existing ones.
An reference to a is invalid. One or more of the would cause a conflict with the existing s in .
public static CheckForConflicts ( [ appList, [ accessPoints, [ appEntry ) : void
appList [ The containing the existing s.
accessPoints [ The set of s candidates to check.
appEntry [ The the are intended for.
리턴 void

GetConflictData() 공개 정적인 메소드

Returns all ConflictDatas for a set of new AccessPoint candidates.
There are inner conflicts within .
public static GetConflictData ( [ accessPoints, [ appEntry ) : ConflictData>.IDictionary
accessPoints [ The set of s candidates to build the list for.
appEntry [ The the are intended for.
리턴 ConflictData>.IDictionary

GetConflictData() 공개 정적인 메소드

Returns all ConflictDatas for a set of existing AppEntrys.
There are preexisting conflicts within .
public static GetConflictData ( [ appEntries ) : ConflictData>.IDictionary
appEntries [ The s to build the list for.
리턴 ConflictData>.IDictionary