C# 클래스 YAMP.PolarPlotValue

Container for polar plot data.
상속: XYPlotValue
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: FlorianRappl/YAMP 1 사용 예제들

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddPoints ( MatrixValue m ) : void

Adds points given by a matrix. Vector ? x Values will be generated Matrix ? Investigates which dimension is bigger and takes the larger one as values, the lighter one as series. In a matrix the first series is always excluded and represents the x values.

AddPoints ( MatrixValue x, MatrixValue y ) : void

Adds points with 2 different matrices. If x is a vector then it will represent the x values for different series that are present in y. Otherwise both matrices are interpreted as "stand-alone" and will be just added to the AddPoints that take 1 matrix.

AddValues ( double _x, double _y ) : void
Deserialize ( byte content ) : Value

Converts a set of bytes to a new instance.

Normalize ( double x, double max ) : void
PolarPlotValue ( ) : System

Creates a new instance.

Serialize ( ) : byte[]

Converts the given instance to an array of bytes.

this ( int index, int point ) : PointPair

Gets a certain point of the specified series.

this ( int index ) : Points

Gets the series at the specified index.

메소드 상세

AddPoints() 공개 메소드

Adds points given by a matrix. Vector ? x Values will be generated Matrix ? Investigates which dimension is bigger and takes the larger one as values, the lighter one as series. In a matrix the first series is always excluded and represents the x values.
public AddPoints ( MatrixValue m ) : void
m MatrixValue The matrix with the (multiple) series.
리턴 void

AddPoints() 공개 메소드

Adds points with 2 different matrices. If x is a vector then it will represent the x values for different series that are present in y. Otherwise both matrices are interpreted as "stand-alone" and will be just added to the AddPoints that take 1 matrix.
public AddPoints ( MatrixValue x, MatrixValue y ) : void
x MatrixValue The first matrix, usually a vector (set of x values).
y MatrixValue The second matrix, usually a set of y series (each series is a set of y values).
리턴 void

AddValues() 공개 메소드

public AddValues ( double _x, double _y ) : void
_x double
_y double
리턴 void

Deserialize() 공개 메소드

Converts a set of bytes to a new instance.
public Deserialize ( byte content ) : Value
content byte The binary representation.
리턴 Value

Normalize() 공개 메소드

public Normalize ( double x, double max ) : void
x double
max double
리턴 void

PolarPlotValue() 공개 메소드

Creates a new instance.
public PolarPlotValue ( ) : System
리턴 System

Serialize() 공개 메소드

Converts the given instance to an array of bytes.
public Serialize ( ) : byte[]
리턴 byte[]

this() 공개 메소드

Gets a certain point of the specified series.
public this ( int index, int point ) : PointPair
index int The 0-based index of the series.
point int The 0-based index of the point.
리턴 PointPair

this() 공개 메소드

Gets the series at the specified index.
public this ( int index ) : Points
index int The 0-based index of the series.
리턴 Points