C# 클래스 XboxMusicLibrary.MusicHelper

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: kusl/vlcwinrt

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetAccessToken ( string clientId, string clientSecret, string refreshToken ) : Task

Get a developer authentication Access Token obtained from Azure Data Market. Used to identify the third-party application using the Xbox Music RESTful API.

LoadNext ( string token, string continuationToken, string namespaceids = null ) : Task

Request the continuation of an incomplete list of content.

LookupMediaCatalog ( string token, string namespaceids, Extras extras = null, Culture culture = null ) : Task

Access a small number of items from a media catalog.

SearchMediaCatalog ( string token, string query, Extras extras = null, uint maxitems = 25, Filters filters = null, Culture culture = null ) : Task

Search for a potentially large number of items from a media catalog.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
OnFailed ( ErrorEventArgs e ) : void

메소드 상세

GetAccessToken() 공개 메소드

Get a developer authentication Access Token obtained from Azure Data Market. Used to identify the third-party application using the Xbox Music RESTful API.
public GetAccessToken ( string clientId, string clientSecret, string refreshToken ) : Task
clientId string
clientSecret string
refreshToken string
리턴 Task

LoadNext() 공개 메소드

Request the continuation of an incomplete list of content.
public LoadNext ( string token, string continuationToken, string namespaceids = null ) : Task
token string Required. A valid developer authentication Access Token obtained from Azure Data Market, used to identify the third-party application using the Xbox Music RESTful API.
continuationToken string Required. A Continuation Token provided in an earlier service response and optionally passed back to the service to request the continuation of an incomplete list of content.
namespaceids string Optional. The ID or IDs to be looked up. Each ID is prefixed by a namespace and ".". You can specify from 1 to 10 IDs in your request.
리턴 Task

LookupMediaCatalog() 공개 메소드

Access a small number of items from a media catalog.
public LookupMediaCatalog ( string token, string namespaceids, Extras extras = null, Culture culture = null ) : Task
token string Required. A valid developer authentication Access Token obtained from Azure Data Market, used to identify the third-party application using the Xbox Music RESTful API.
namespaceids string Required. The ID or IDs to be looked up. Each ID is prefixed by a namespace and ".". You can specify from 1 to 10 IDs in your request.
extras Extras Optional. List of extra fields that can be optionally requested (at the cost of performance).
culture XboxMusicLibrary.Settings.Culture Optional. The standard two-letter code that identifies the country/region of the user. If not specified, the value defaults to the geolocated country/region of the client's IP address. Responses will be filtered to provide only those that match the user's country/region.
리턴 Task

OnFailed() 보호된 메소드

protected OnFailed ( ErrorEventArgs e ) : void
e XboxMusicLibrary.Models.ErrorEventArgs
리턴 void

SearchMediaCatalog() 공개 메소드

Search for a potentially large number of items from a media catalog.
public SearchMediaCatalog ( string token, string query, Extras extras = null, uint maxitems = 25, Filters filters = null, Culture culture = null ) : Task
token string Required. A valid developer authentication Access Token obtained from Azure Data Market, used to identify the third-party application using the Xbox Music RESTful API.
query string Required. The search query.
extras Extras Optional. The extras query
maxitems uint Optional. Positive integer from 1 to 25, inclusive. The maximum number of results that should be returned in the response. If this parameter is not set, the response will be limited to a maximum of 25 results. There is no guarantee that all search results will be returned in a single response; the response may contain a truncated list of responses and a continuation token.
filters Filters A subcategory of item types, in case the client is interested in only one or more specific types of items. If this parameter is not provided, the search will be performed in all categories.
culture XboxMusicLibrary.Settings.Culture Optional. The standard two-letter code that identifies the country/region of the user. If not specified, the value defaults to the geolocated country/region of the client's IP address. Responses will be filtered to provide only those that match the user's country/region.
리턴 Task