프로퍼티 | 타입 | 설명 | |
editorPackage |
메소드 | 설명 | |
Close ( ) : int | ||
CreateEditorInstance ( uint grfCreateDoc, string pszMkDocument, string pszPhysicalView, IVsHierarchy pvHier, uint itemid, System punkDocDataExisting, System &ppunkDocView, System &ppunkDocData, string &pbstrEditorCaption, System.Guid &pguidCmdUI, int &pgrfCDW ) : int |
Used by the editor factory to create an editor instance. the environment first determines the editor factory with the highest priority for opening the file and then calls IVsEditorFactory.CreateEditorInstance. If the environment is unable to instantiate the document data in that editor, it will find the editor with the next highest priority and attempt to so that same thing. NOTE: The priority of our editor is 32 as mentioned in the attributes on the package class. Since our editor supports opening only a single view for an instance of the document data, if we are requested to open document data that is already instantiated in another editor, or even our editor, we return a value VS_E_INCOMPATIBLEDOCDATA.
Dispose ( ) : void |
Since we create a ServiceProvider which implements IDisposable we also need to implement IDisposable to make sure that the ServiceProvider's Dispose method gets called.
GetService ( |
MapLogicalView ( System.Guid &rguidLogicalView, string &pbstrPhysicalView ) : int | ||
SetSite ( Microsoft psp ) : int |
Used for initialization of the editor in the environment
메소드 | 설명 | |
CalledFromVulcanDLL ( ) : bool | ||
GetProjectNode ( string fileName ) : object | ||
GetVulcanFactory ( string className, string fileName ) : object |
메소드 | 설명 | |
VOEditorFactoryBase ( ) : System |
abstract public CreateEditorInstance ( uint grfCreateDoc, string pszMkDocument, string pszPhysicalView, IVsHierarchy pvHier, uint itemid, System punkDocDataExisting, System &ppunkDocView, System &ppunkDocData, string &pbstrEditorCaption, System.Guid &pguidCmdUI, int &pgrfCDW ) : int | ||
grfCreateDoc | uint | Flags determining when to create the editor. Only open and silent flags /// are valid /// |
pszMkDocument | string | path to the file to be opened |
pszPhysicalView | string | name of the physical view |
pvHier | IVsHierarchy | pointer to the IVsHierarchy interface |
itemid | uint | Item identifier of this editor instance |
punkDocDataExisting | System | This parameter is used to determine if a document buffer /// (DocData object) has already been created /// |
ppunkDocView | System | Pointer to the IUnknown interface for the DocView object |
ppunkDocData | System | Pointer to the IUnknown interface for the DocData object |
pbstrEditorCaption | string | Caption mentioned by the editor for the doc window |
pguidCmdUI | System.Guid | the Command UI Guid. Any UI element that is visible in the editor has /// to use this GUID. This is specified in the .vsct file /// |
pgrfCDW | int | Flags for CreateDocumentWindow |
리턴 | int |
protected GetProjectNode ( string fileName ) : object | ||
fileName | string | |
리턴 | object |
public GetService ( |
serviceType | ||
리턴 | object |
protected GetVulcanFactory ( string className, string fileName ) : object | ||
className | string | |
fileName | string | |
리턴 | object |
public MapLogicalView ( System.Guid &rguidLogicalView, string &pbstrPhysicalView ) : int | ||
rguidLogicalView | System.Guid | |
pbstrPhysicalView | string | |
리턴 | int |
public SetSite ( Microsoft psp ) : int | ||
psp | Microsoft | pointer to the service provider. Can be used to obtain instances of other interfaces /// |
리턴 | int |