C# 클래스 WinRTXamlToolkit.AwaitableUI.UIElementExtensions

Provides awaitable extension methods for UIElement objects.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: xyzzer/WinRTXamlToolkit

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
WaitForLostFocusAsync ( this control ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Waits for the LostFocus event. Note that the event might not be raised if the focus has already been lost or is queued to be lost, so some polling might be advised if that is the case.

메소드 상세

WaitForLostFocusAsync() 공개 정적인 메소드

Waits for the LostFocus event. Note that the event might not be raised if the focus has already been lost or is queued to be lost, so some polling might be advised if that is the case.
public static WaitForLostFocusAsync ( this control ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
control this The control whoe focuse loss is being awaited.
리턴 System.Threading.Tasks.Task