C# 클래스 WhatCD.Api

Provides a user-friendly interface to the WhatCD JSON API.
Home: https://github.com/frankston/WhatAPI JSON API Reference: https://github.com/WhatCD/Gazelle/wiki/JSON-API-Documentation
상속: IDisposable
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: frankston/WhatAPI 1 사용 예제들

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명
GetTorrent WhatCD.Model.ActionTorrent.Torrent

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Api ( string username, string password, bool errorOnMissingMember = false ) : System

Logs the user on to what.cd.

Dispose ( ) : void

Logs off the current session.

DownloadTorrent ( int torrentID ) : Torrent

Downloads the torrent file.

GenerateTorrentDownloadUri ( int torrentID ) : Uri

GetAnnouncements ( ) : Announcements

Gets the most recent announcements and blog posts.

GetArtist ( int artistID ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionArtist.Artist

Gets artist information.

GetArtist ( string artistName ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionArtist.Artist

Gets artist information.

GetBookmarksArtists ( ) : BookmarksArtists

Gets artist bookmarks.

GetBookmarksTorrents ( ) : BookmarksTorrents

Gets torrent bookmarks.

GetBrowse ( ISearchTorrents options ) : Browse

Searches torrents.

GetCollage ( int collageID ) : Collage

Gets information about a particular collage.

GetFlacLogScore ( string log ) : int

Determines the rip log score out of 100.

GetForumMain ( ) : ForumMain

Gets all forum categories.

GetForumViewForum ( int forumID, int page ) : ForumViewForum

Gets a page of threads from a forum.

GetForumViewThread ( int postID ) : ForumViewThread

Gets a page of forum thread posts where a specific thread exists.

GetForumViewThread ( int threadID, int page ) : ForumViewThread

Gets a specific page of forum thread posts.

GetInbox ( IInbox options ) : Inbox

Searches the contents of messages from either inbox or sentbox.

GetInboxViewConv ( int conversationID ) : InboxViewConv

Gets all messages from a conversation.

GetIndex ( ) : Index

Gets information about the current user.

GetNotifications ( int page ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionNotifications.Notifications

Gets notifications.

GetRecords ( ) : Records

Obtains the maximum uptime records for the site, tracker, and irc (hours).

GetRequest ( IGetRequest options ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionRequest.Request

Gets information about a specific request.

GetRequests ( ISearchRequests options ) : Requests

Searches requests. If no arguments are specified then the most recent requests are shown.

GetSimilarArtists ( int artistID, int limit ) : SimilarArtists

Gets similar artists. Note: the return response from the server does not conform to the standard JSON response pattern.

GetStatus ( ) : Status

Determines if the site, tracker, and irc are online.

GetSubscriptions ( bool onlyShowUnread ) : Subscriptions

Get forum scriptions.

GetTop10Tags ( int limit ) : Top10Tags

Gets the top tags.

GetTop10Torrents ( int limit ) : Top10Torrents

Gets the top torrents.

GetTop10Users ( int limit ) : Top10Users

Gets the top users.

GetTorrent ( int id ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionTorrent.Torrent

Gets information about a particular torrent.

GetTorrent ( string hash ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionTorrent.Torrent

Gets information about a particular torrent.

GetTorrentGroup ( int groupID ) : TorrentGroup

Gets a torrent group.

GetUptime ( ) : Uptime

Obtains the current site, tracker, and irc uptime (hours).

GetUser ( int userID ) : User

Gets user information.

GetUserSearch ( string searchTerm, int page ) : UserSearch

Searches for users.

SessionIsValid ( ) : bool

Verifies the current logged-on session is valid.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetTorrent ( QueryBuilder builder ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionTorrent.Torrent

Gets information about a particular torrent.

메소드 상세

Api() 공개 메소드

Logs the user on to what.cd.
public Api ( string username, string password, bool errorOnMissingMember = false ) : System
username string What.cd username.
password string What.cd password.
errorOnMissingMember bool If set to true then the deserialization process will raise an exception if any JSON members exist that do not exist in the model data.
리턴 System

Dispose() 공개 메소드

Logs off the current session.
public Dispose ( ) : void
리턴 void

DownloadTorrent() 공개 메소드

Downloads the torrent file.
public DownloadTorrent ( int torrentID ) : Torrent
torrentID int The ID of the torrent to download. Mandatory.
리턴 Torrent

GenerateTorrentDownloadUri() 공개 메소드

public GenerateTorrentDownloadUri ( int torrentID ) : Uri
torrentID int
리턴 System.Uri

GetAnnouncements() 공개 메소드

Gets the most recent announcements and blog posts.
public GetAnnouncements ( ) : Announcements
리턴 Announcements

GetArtist() 공개 메소드

Gets artist information.
public GetArtist ( int artistID ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionArtist.Artist
artistID int Artist ID. Mandatory.
리턴 WhatCD.Model.ActionArtist.Artist

GetArtist() 공개 메소드

Gets artist information.
public GetArtist ( string artistName ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionArtist.Artist
artistName string Artist Name. Mandatory.
리턴 WhatCD.Model.ActionArtist.Artist

GetBookmarksArtists() 공개 메소드

Gets artist bookmarks.
public GetBookmarksArtists ( ) : BookmarksArtists
리턴 BookmarksArtists

GetBookmarksTorrents() 공개 메소드

Gets torrent bookmarks.
public GetBookmarksTorrents ( ) : BookmarksTorrents
리턴 BookmarksTorrents

GetBrowse() 공개 메소드

Searches torrents.
public GetBrowse ( ISearchTorrents options ) : Browse
options ISearchTorrents Object that inherits from ISearchTorrents.
리턴 Browse

GetCollage() 공개 메소드

Gets information about a particular collage.
public GetCollage ( int collageID ) : Collage
collageID int Collage ID. Mandatory.
리턴 Collage

GetFlacLogScore() 공개 메소드

Determines the rip log score out of 100.
public GetFlacLogScore ( string log ) : int
log string Log file contents.
리턴 int

GetForumMain() 공개 메소드

Gets all forum categories.
public GetForumMain ( ) : ForumMain
리턴 ForumMain

GetForumViewForum() 공개 메소드

Gets a page of threads from a forum.
public GetForumViewForum ( int forumID, int page ) : ForumViewForum
forumID int Forum ID. Mandatory.
page int Page number. Optional.
리턴 ForumViewForum

GetForumViewThread() 공개 메소드

Gets a page of forum thread posts where a specific thread exists.
public GetForumViewThread ( int postID ) : ForumViewThread
postID int Post ID. Mandatory.
리턴 ForumViewThread

GetForumViewThread() 공개 메소드

Gets a specific page of forum thread posts.
public GetForumViewThread ( int threadID, int page ) : ForumViewThread
threadID int Thread ID. Mandatory.
page int Page number. Optional.
리턴 ForumViewThread

GetInbox() 공개 메소드

Searches the contents of messages from either inbox or sentbox.
public GetInbox ( IInbox options ) : Inbox
options IInbox Object implementing the IInbox interface.
리턴 Inbox

GetInboxViewConv() 공개 메소드

Gets all messages from a conversation.
public GetInboxViewConv ( int conversationID ) : InboxViewConv
conversationID int Conversation ID. Mandatory.
리턴 InboxViewConv

GetIndex() 공개 메소드

Gets information about the current user.
public GetIndex ( ) : Index
리턴 Index

GetNotifications() 공개 메소드

Gets notifications.
public GetNotifications ( int page ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionNotifications.Notifications
page int Notification page number. Optional.
리턴 WhatCD.Model.ActionNotifications.Notifications

GetRecords() 공개 메소드

Obtains the maximum uptime records for the site, tracker, and irc (hours).
public GetRecords ( ) : Records
리턴 WhatCD.Model.WhatStatus.Records

GetRequest() 공개 메소드

Gets information about a specific request.
public GetRequest ( IGetRequest options ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionRequest.Request
options IGetRequest Object that inherits IGetRequest
리턴 WhatCD.Model.ActionRequest.Request

GetRequests() 공개 메소드

Searches requests. If no arguments are specified then the most recent requests are shown.
public GetRequests ( ISearchRequests options ) : Requests
options ISearchRequests Object that inherits ISearchRequests.
리턴 Requests

GetSimilarArtists() 공개 메소드

Gets similar artists. Note: the return response from the server does not conform to the standard JSON response pattern.
public GetSimilarArtists ( int artistID, int limit ) : SimilarArtists
artistID int Artist ID. Mandatory.
limit int Maximum result limit. Mandatory.
리턴 WhatCD.Model.ActionSimilarArtists.SimilarArtists

GetStatus() 공개 메소드

Determines if the site, tracker, and irc are online.
public GetStatus ( ) : Status
리턴 WhatCD.Model.WhatStatus.Status

GetSubscriptions() 공개 메소드

Get forum scriptions.
public GetSubscriptions ( bool onlyShowUnread ) : Subscriptions
onlyShowUnread bool Only show subscribed forums with unread threads. Optional.
리턴 Subscriptions

GetTop10Tags() 공개 메소드

Gets the top tags.
public GetTop10Tags ( int limit ) : Top10Tags
limit int Maximum result limit. Acceptable values: 10, 25, 100, and 250. Optional. Default is 25.
리턴 Top10Tags

GetTop10Torrents() 공개 메소드

Gets the top torrents.
public GetTop10Torrents ( int limit ) : Top10Torrents
limit int Maximum result limit. Acceptable values: 10, 25, 100, and 250. Optional. Default is 25.
리턴 Top10Torrents

GetTop10Users() 공개 메소드

Gets the top users.
public GetTop10Users ( int limit ) : Top10Users
limit int Maximum result limit. Acceptable values: 10, 25, 100, and 250. Optional. Default is 25.
리턴 Top10Users

GetTorrent() 공개 메소드

Gets information about a particular torrent.
public GetTorrent ( int id ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionTorrent.Torrent
id int ID of torrent. Mandatory.
리턴 WhatCD.Model.ActionTorrent.Torrent

GetTorrent() 공개 메소드

Gets information about a particular torrent.
public GetTorrent ( string hash ) : WhatCD.Model.ActionTorrent.Torrent
hash string Hash of torrent. Mandatory.
리턴 WhatCD.Model.ActionTorrent.Torrent

GetTorrentGroup() 공개 메소드

Gets a torrent group.
public GetTorrentGroup ( int groupID ) : TorrentGroup
groupID int Group ID. Mandatory.
리턴 TorrentGroup

GetUptime() 공개 메소드

Obtains the current site, tracker, and irc uptime (hours).
public GetUptime ( ) : Uptime
리턴 WhatCD.Model.WhatStatus.Uptime

GetUser() 공개 메소드

Gets user information.
public GetUser ( int userID ) : User
userID int User ID. Mandatory.
리턴 User

GetUserSearch() 공개 메소드

Searches for users.
public GetUserSearch ( string searchTerm, int page ) : UserSearch
searchTerm string String to search for. Mandatory.
page int Results page number. Optional.
리턴 UserSearch

SessionIsValid() 공개 메소드

Verifies the current logged-on session is valid.
public SessionIsValid ( ) : bool
리턴 bool