C# 클래스 WP8.Async.Helpers.AppointmentsExtensions

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: tpetrina/wp8-helpers

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
SearchTaskAsync ( this appointments, System.DateTime startTimeInclusive, System.DateTime endTimeInclusive, Account account, object state ) : Task

Asynchronously searches for appointments that occur between the specified start date and time and end date and time, from the specified data source.

SearchTaskAsync ( this appointments, System.DateTime startTimeInclusive, System.DateTime endTimeInclusive, int maximumItems, Account account, object state ) : Task

Asynchronously searches for appointments that occur between the specified start date and time and end date and time, from the specified data source, returning no more than the specified number of appointments.

SearchTaskAsync ( this appointments, System.DateTime startTimeInclusive, System.DateTime endTimeInclusive, int maximumItems, object state ) : Task

Asynchronously searches for appointments that occur between the specified start date and time and end date and time, returning no more than the specified number of appointments.

SearchTaskAsync ( this appointments, System.DateTime startTimeInclusive, System.DateTime endTimeInclusive, object state ) : Task

Asynchronously searches for appointments that occur between the specified start date and time and end date and time.

메소드 상세

SearchTaskAsync() 공개 정적인 메소드

Asynchronously searches for appointments that occur between the specified start date and time and end date and time, from the specified data source.
public static SearchTaskAsync ( this appointments, System.DateTime startTimeInclusive, System.DateTime endTimeInclusive, Account account, object state ) : Task
appointments this The appointments which will be searched.
startTimeInclusive System.DateTime The start date and time to use to search for appointments.
endTimeInclusive System.DateTime The end date and time to use to search for appointments.
account Account The data source to search for appointments.
state object A user-defined object that contains information about the operation.
리턴 Task

SearchTaskAsync() 공개 정적인 메소드

Asynchronously searches for appointments that occur between the specified start date and time and end date and time, from the specified data source, returning no more than the specified number of appointments.
public static SearchTaskAsync ( this appointments, System.DateTime startTimeInclusive, System.DateTime endTimeInclusive, int maximumItems, Account account, object state ) : Task
appointments this The appointments which will be searched.
startTimeInclusive System.DateTime The start date and time to use to search for appointments.
endTimeInclusive System.DateTime The end date and time to use to search for appointments.
maximumItems int The maximum number of appointments to return.
account Account The data source to search for appointments.
state object
리턴 Task

SearchTaskAsync() 공개 정적인 메소드

Asynchronously searches for appointments that occur between the specified start date and time and end date and time, returning no more than the specified number of appointments.
public static SearchTaskAsync ( this appointments, System.DateTime startTimeInclusive, System.DateTime endTimeInclusive, int maximumItems, object state ) : Task
appointments this The appointments which will be searched.
startTimeInclusive System.DateTime The start date and time to use to search for appointments.
endTimeInclusive System.DateTime The end date and time to use to search for appointments.
maximumItems int The maximum number of appointments to return.
state object A user-defined object that contains information about the operation.
리턴 Task

SearchTaskAsync() 공개 정적인 메소드

Asynchronously searches for appointments that occur between the specified start date and time and end date and time.
public static SearchTaskAsync ( this appointments, System.DateTime startTimeInclusive, System.DateTime endTimeInclusive, object state ) : Task
appointments this The appointments which will be searched.
startTimeInclusive System.DateTime The start date and time to use to search for appointments.
endTimeInclusive System.DateTime The end date and time to use to search for appointments.
state object A user-defined object that contains information about the operation.
리턴 Task