메소드 | 설명 | |
AD7DocumentContext ( string fileName, TEXT_POSITION begPos, TEXT_POSITION endPos, |
메소드 | 설명 | |
GetLongPathName ( [ path, [ longPath, int longPathLength ) : int | ||
IDebugDocumentContext2 ( IDebugDocument2 &ppDocument ) : int |
Gets the document that contains this document context. This method is for those debug engines that supply documents directly to the IDE. Since the VSNDK Debug Engine does not do this, this method returns E_FAIL. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb161759.aspx)
IDebugDocumentContext2 ( IEnumDebugCodeContexts2 &ppEnumCodeCxts ) : int |
Retrieves a list of all code contexts associated with this document context. The VSNDK Debug Engine only supports one code context per document context and the code contexts are always memory addresses. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb146273.aspx)
IDebugDocumentContext2 ( TEXT_POSITION pBegPosition, TEXT_POSITION pEndPosition ) : int |
Gets the source code range of this document context. A source range is the entire range of source code, from the current statement back to just after the previous statement that contributed code. The source range is typically used for mixing source statements, including comments, with code in the disassembly window. Since this engine does not support the disassembly window, this is not implemented. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb146190.aspx)
IDebugDocumentContext2 ( enum_DOCCONTEXT_COMPARE Compare, IDebugDocumentContext2 rgpDocContextSet, uint dwDocContextSetLen, uint &pdwDocContext ) : int |
Compares this document context to a given array of document contexts. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb145338.aspx)
IDebugDocumentContext2 ( enum_GETNAME_TYPE gnType, string &pbstrFileName ) : int |
Gets the displayable name of the document that contains this document context. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb146162.aspx)
IDebugDocumentContext2 ( int nCount, IDebugDocumentContext2 &ppDocContext ) : int |
Moves the document context by a given number of statements or lines. This is used primarily to support the Autos window in discovering the proximity statements around this document context. Not implemented. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb146603.aspx)
IDebugDocumentContext2 ( string &pbstrLanguage, System.Guid &pguidLanguage ) : int |
Gets the language associated with this document context. The language for this sample is always C++. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb146340.aspx)
public AD7DocumentContext ( string fileName, TEXT_POSITION begPos, TEXT_POSITION endPos, |
fileName | string | Short path file name. |
begPos | TEXT_POSITION | Start position. |
endPos | TEXT_POSITION | End position. In VSNDK debug engine, both begPos and endPos have the same value. |
codeContext | An address in a program's execution stream. | |
리턴 | System |