C# 클래스 Universe.Physics.PrimMesher.Profile

generates a profile for extrusion
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Virtual-Universe/Virtual-Universe 1 사용 예제들

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddPos ( Coord v ) : void
AddPos ( float x, float y, float z ) : void
AddRot ( Quat q ) : void
AddValue2FaceNormalIndices ( int num ) : void
AddValue2FaceVertexIndices ( int num ) : void
Copy ( ) : Profile
Copy ( bool needFaces ) : Profile
DumpRaw ( string path, string name, string title ) : void
FlipNormals ( ) : void

Changes order of the vertex indices and negates the center vertex normal. Does not alter vertex normals of radial vertices

MakeFaceUVs ( ) : void
Profile ( ) : System
Profile ( int sides, float profileStart, float profileEnd, float hollow, int hollowSides, bool createFaces, bool calcVertexNormals ) : System
Scale ( float x, float y ) : void