C# 클래스 UninstallJava.Program

Runner class for uninstalling Java.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: DemonWav/BuildToolsGUI

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Main ( string args ) : void

Takes no arguments, when this program is run it will search for Java installed on the machine and run the uninstallation program for it. It will exit 0 if the uninstallation was successful, and 1 if the uninstallation was unsuccessful or it did not find Java to uninstall.

메소드 상세

Main() 공개 정적인 메소드

Takes no arguments, when this program is run it will search for Java installed on the machine and run the uninstallation program for it. It will exit 0 if the uninstallation was successful, and 1 if the uninstallation was unsuccessful or it did not find Java to uninstall.
public static Main ( string args ) : void
args string
리턴 void