C# 클래스 UMD.HCIL.Piccolo.Activities.PColorActivity

PColorActivity interpolates between two colors for its target over the duration of the animation.
The source color is retrieved from the target just before the activity is scheduled to start.
상속: UMD.HCIL.Piccolo.Activities.PInterpolatingActivity
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: ME3Explorer/ME3Explorer 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
PColorActivity ( long duration, long stepInterval, Target aTarget ) : System

Constructs a new PColorActivity that will animate from the source color to no color, unless the destination color is later set.

PColorActivity ( long duration, long stepInterval, Target aTarget, Color aDestination ) : System

Constructs a new PColorActivity that will animate from the source color to the destination color.

PColorActivity ( long duration, long stepInterval, int loopCount, ActivityMode mode, Target aTarget, Color aDestination ) : System

Constructs a new PColorActivity that animate between the source and destination colors in the order specified by the mode, looping the given number of iterations.

SetRelativeTargetValue ( float zeroToOne ) : void

Overridden. See PInterpolatingActivity.SetRelativeTargetValue.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
OnActivityStarted ( ) : void

Overridden. See PInterpolatingActivity.OnActivityStarted.

메소드 상세

OnActivityStarted() 보호된 메소드

Overridden. See PInterpolatingActivity.OnActivityStarted.
protected OnActivityStarted ( ) : void
리턴 void

PColorActivity() 공개 메소드

Constructs a new PColorActivity that will animate from the source color to no color, unless the destination color is later set.
public PColorActivity ( long duration, long stepInterval, Target aTarget ) : System
duration long The length of one loop of the activity.
stepInterval long /// The minimum number of milliseconds that this activity should delay between /// steps. ///
aTarget Target /// The object that the activity will be applied to and where the source state /// will be taken from. ///
리턴 System

PColorActivity() 공개 메소드

Constructs a new PColorActivity that will animate from the source color to the destination color.
public PColorActivity ( long duration, long stepInterval, Target aTarget, Color aDestination ) : System
duration long The length of one loop of the activity.
stepInterval long /// The minimum number of milliseconds that this activity should delay between /// steps. ///
aTarget Target /// The object that the activity will be applied to and where the source state /// will be taken from. ///
aDestination Color The destination color state.
리턴 System

PColorActivity() 공개 메소드

Constructs a new PColorActivity that animate between the source and destination colors in the order specified by the mode, looping the given number of iterations.
public PColorActivity ( long duration, long stepInterval, int loopCount, ActivityMode mode, Target aTarget, Color aDestination ) : System
duration long The length of one loop of the activity.
stepInterval long /// The minimum number of milliseconds that this activity should delay between steps. ///
loopCount int /// The number of times the activity should reschedule itself. ///
mode ActivityMode /// Defines how the activity interpolates between states. ///
aTarget Target /// The object that the activity will be applied to and where the source state /// will be taken from. ///
aDestination Color The destination color state.
리턴 System

SetRelativeTargetValue() 공개 메소드

Overridden. See PInterpolatingActivity.SetRelativeTargetValue.
public SetRelativeTargetValue ( float zeroToOne ) : void
zeroToOne float
리턴 void