C# 클래스 TourCMS.Utils.marketplaceWrapper

Wrapper class for the XML REST based TourCMS Marketplace API
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: TourCMS/tourcms-dotnet 1 사용 예제들

보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
_baseUrl string
_marketplaceId int
_privateKey string

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ApiRateLimitStatus ( ) : XmlDocument

Check how many requests are left before throttling, handy for checking API connectivity

ApiRateLimitStatus ( int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Check how many requests are left before throttling, handy for checking API connectivity

ChannelPerformance ( ) : XmlDocument

Get the statistics on the top 50 performing Channels (Suppliers)

ChannelPerformance ( int channel ) : XmlDocument

Show details on a specific Channel (Supplier)

CheckCustomerLogin ( string username, string password, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Validate a Customer Username and Password, retrieve their Name and User ID

CheckTourAvailability ( string queryString, int tourId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Check Tour/Hotel availability for a specific number of people on specific rates on a specific date, generally used when making a booking

CommitNewBooking ( XmlDocument bookingData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Convert a temporary booking to a confirmed booking

CreateCustomer ( XmlDocument customerData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Create a new customer record, optionally include some enquiry data

CreateDeparture ( XmlDocument departureData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Create a new departure

CreateEnquiry ( XmlDocument enquiryData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Create an enquiry, either with a new customer record or associated with an existing one

CreatePayment ( XmlDocument paymentData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Log details of a payment/refund on a booking sales ledger

DeleteDeparture ( int departure, int tourId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Update an existing departure

GetBookingRedirectUrl ( XmlDocument urlData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get a redirect URL from TourCMS, send the customer via it to retrieve a booking key, Tour Op use only

ListChannels ( ) : XmlDocument

List all connected Channels (Suppliers)

ListTourImages ( ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of Image URLs, use this if you want to bulk-mirror product images on your own hosting

ListTourImages ( int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of Image URLs for a specific Channel (Company), use this if you want to bulk-mirror product images on your own hosting

ListTourImages ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of Image URLs for a specific Channel (Company), use this if you want to bulk-mirror product images on your own hosting

ListTourImages ( string queryString, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of Image URLs for a specific Channel (Company), use this if you want to bulk-mirror product images on your own hosting

ListTourLocations ( ) : XmlDocument

Retrieve a list of connected tour locations

ListTourLocations ( int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Retrieve a list of connected tour locations for a specific Channel (Company)

ListTourLocations ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument

Retrieve a list of connected tour locations on any connected Channel, with a queryString

ListTourLocations ( string queryString, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Retrieve a list of connected tour locations for a specific Channel (Company)

ListTours ( ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of Tours with only very basic information. Probably most useful when bulk importing. For a more detailed list use SearchTours

ListTours ( int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of Tours with only very basic information. Probably most useful when bulk importing. For a more detailed list use SearchTours

ListTours ( int channelId, string queryString ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of Tours with only very basic information. Probably most useful when bulk importing. For a more detailed list use SearchTours

ListTours ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of Tours with only very basic information. Probably most useful when bulk importing. For a more detailed list use SearchTours

LogFailedPayment ( XmlDocument paymentData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Log details of a payment/refund on a booking sales ledger

Request ( string path ) : XmlDocument

Make a generic request to the API, most documented calls will have wrappers for this

Request ( string path, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Make a generic request to the API, most documented calls will have wrappers for this

Request ( string path, int channelId, string verb ) : XmlDocument

Make a generic request to the API, most documented calls will have wrappers for this

Request ( string path, int channelId, string verb, XmlDocument postData ) : XmlDocument

Make a generic request to the API, most documented calls will have wrappers for this

SearchBookings ( ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of all bookings, optionally filter by channel / querystring

SearchBookings ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of all bookings, optionally filter by channel / querystring

SearchBookings ( string queryString, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of all bookings, optionally filter by channel / querystring

SearchEnquiries ( ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of enquiries, filter by date, channel etc

SearchEnquiries ( String queryString ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of enquiries, filter by date, channel etc

SearchEnquiries ( String queryString, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of enquiries, filter by date, channel etc

SearchHotelsByRange ( ) : XmlDocument

Search Hotel type tours by a date range, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel

SearchHotelsByRange ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument

Search Hotel type tours by a date range, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel

SearchHotelsByRange ( string queryString, string tour ) : XmlDocument

Search Hotel type tours by a date range, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel

SearchHotelsByRange ( string queryString, string tour, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Search Hotel type tours by a date range, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel

SearchHotelsBySpecific ( ) : XmlDocument

Search Hotel type tours for specific dates/occupancy, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel

SearchHotelsBySpecific ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument

Search Hotel type tours for specific dates/occupancy, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel

SearchHotelsBySpecific ( string queryString, string tour ) : XmlDocument

Search Hotel type tours for specific dates/occupancy, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel

SearchHotelsBySpecific ( string queryString, string tour, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Search Hotel type tours for specific dates/occupancy, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel

SearchRawDepartures ( int tourId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of "Raw" Departures for a particular Tour

SearchTours ( ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of Tours, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel

SearchTours ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of Tours, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel

SearchTours ( string queryString, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of Tours, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel

ShowBooking ( int bookingId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get details on a particular booking

ShowChannel ( int channel ) : XmlDocument

Show details on a specific Channel (Supplier)

ShowCustomer ( int customerId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get information on a particular Customer, by passing their ID and Channel

ShowEnquiry ( int enquiryId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get information on a particular enquiry, by passing it's ID and Channel

ShowPromo ( string promo, int channel ) : XmlDocument

Check a promo code is valid for a Channel and view some info

ShowSupplier ( int supplierId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get details on an internal Supplier ID (For Operator use only, not for Marketplace Partner use)

ShowTour ( int tourId, int ChannelId ) : XmlDocument

Show all of the details on a specific Tour, all descriptions and other content etc

ShowTour ( int tourId, int ChannelId, bool showOptions ) : XmlDocument

Show all of the details on a specific Tour, all descriptions and other content etc

ShowTour ( int tourId, int ChannelId, string queryString ) : XmlDocument

Show all of the details on a specific Tour, all descriptions and other content etc

ShowTourDatesAndDeals ( int tourId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of dates and deals/special offers for a particular Tour

ShowTourDepartures ( int tourId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of all future Departures for a specific Tour/Hotel, useful if bulk importing availability information

ShowTourDepartures ( int tourId, int channelId, string queryString ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of all future Departures for a specific Tour/Hotel, useful if bulk importing availability information

ShowTourFeesale ( int tourId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Get a list of all future Freesale Seasons for a specific Tour/Hotel, useful if bulk importing availability information

StartNewBooking ( XmlDocument bookingData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Create a temporary booking

UpdateBooking ( XmlDocument bookingData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Update some of the details on a booking

UpdateCustomer ( XmlDocument customerData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Update an existing customer record, e.g. contact details

UpdateDeparture ( XmlDocument departureData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Update an existing departure

UpdateTour ( XmlDocument tourData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument

Update a Tour/Hotel

UpdateTourUrl ( int tourId, int channelId, string tourUrl ) : XmlDocument

Update the "Product URL" on a Tour/Hotel

marketplaceWrapper ( int marketplaceId, string privateKey ) : System

Create a new instance of the TourCMS Marketplace wrapper, pass Marketplace ID and Key

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
DateTimeToStamp ( DateTime value ) : int

Convert a DateTime object (in UTC) to a Unix Timestapm, generally you won't neeed to call this directly

GenerateSignature ( string path, string verb, int channelId, DateTime outboundTime ) : string

Create an encrypted signature for a particular request, generally you won't neeed to call this directly

StampToDateTime ( int value ) : DateTime

Convert a Unix Timestamp to a UTC DateTime object, generally you won't need to call this directly

메소드 상세

ApiRateLimitStatus() 공개 메소드

Check how many requests are left before throttling, handy for checking API connectivity
public ApiRateLimitStatus ( ) : XmlDocument
리턴 System.Xml.XmlDocument

ApiRateLimitStatus() 공개 메소드

Check how many requests are left before throttling, handy for checking API connectivity
public ApiRateLimitStatus ( int channelId ) : XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 System.Xml.XmlDocument

ChannelPerformance() 공개 메소드

Get the statistics on the top 50 performing Channels (Suppliers)
public ChannelPerformance ( ) : XmlDocument
리턴 XmlDocument

ChannelPerformance() 공개 메소드

Show details on a specific Channel (Supplier)
public ChannelPerformance ( int channel ) : XmlDocument
channel int
리턴 XmlDocument

CheckCustomerLogin() 공개 메소드

Validate a Customer Username and Password, retrieve their Name and User ID
public CheckCustomerLogin ( string username, string password, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
username string
password string
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

CheckTourAvailability() 공개 메소드

Check Tour/Hotel availability for a specific number of people on specific rates on a specific date, generally used when making a booking
public CheckTourAvailability ( string queryString, int tourId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
tourId int
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

CommitNewBooking() 공개 메소드

Convert a temporary booking to a confirmed booking
public CommitNewBooking ( XmlDocument bookingData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
bookingData XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

CreateCustomer() 공개 메소드

Create a new customer record, optionally include some enquiry data
public CreateCustomer ( XmlDocument customerData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
customerData XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

CreateDeparture() 공개 메소드

Create a new departure
public CreateDeparture ( XmlDocument departureData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
departureData XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

CreateEnquiry() 공개 메소드

Create an enquiry, either with a new customer record or associated with an existing one
public CreateEnquiry ( XmlDocument enquiryData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
enquiryData XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

CreatePayment() 공개 메소드

Log details of a payment/refund on a booking sales ledger
public CreatePayment ( XmlDocument paymentData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
paymentData XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

DateTimeToStamp() 보호된 메소드

Convert a DateTime object (in UTC) to a Unix Timestapm, generally you won't neeed to call this directly
protected DateTimeToStamp ( DateTime value ) : int
value DateTime
리턴 int

DeleteDeparture() 공개 메소드

Update an existing departure
public DeleteDeparture ( int departure, int tourId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
departure int
tourId int
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

GenerateSignature() 보호된 메소드

Create an encrypted signature for a particular request, generally you won't neeed to call this directly
protected GenerateSignature ( string path, string verb, int channelId, DateTime outboundTime ) : string
path string
verb string
channelId int
outboundTime DateTime
리턴 string

GetBookingRedirectUrl() 공개 메소드

Get a redirect URL from TourCMS, send the customer via it to retrieve a booking key, Tour Op use only
public GetBookingRedirectUrl ( XmlDocument urlData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
urlData XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ListChannels() 공개 메소드

List all connected Channels (Suppliers)
public ListChannels ( ) : XmlDocument
리턴 XmlDocument

ListTourImages() 공개 메소드

Get a list of Image URLs, use this if you want to bulk-mirror product images on your own hosting
public ListTourImages ( ) : XmlDocument
리턴 XmlDocument

ListTourImages() 공개 메소드

Get a list of Image URLs for a specific Channel (Company), use this if you want to bulk-mirror product images on your own hosting
public ListTourImages ( int channelId ) : XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ListTourImages() 공개 메소드

Get a list of Image URLs for a specific Channel (Company), use this if you want to bulk-mirror product images on your own hosting
public ListTourImages ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
리턴 XmlDocument

ListTourImages() 공개 메소드

Get a list of Image URLs for a specific Channel (Company), use this if you want to bulk-mirror product images on your own hosting
public ListTourImages ( string queryString, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ListTourLocations() 공개 메소드

Retrieve a list of connected tour locations
public ListTourLocations ( ) : XmlDocument
리턴 XmlDocument

ListTourLocations() 공개 메소드

Retrieve a list of connected tour locations for a specific Channel (Company)
public ListTourLocations ( int channelId ) : XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ListTourLocations() 공개 메소드

Retrieve a list of connected tour locations on any connected Channel, with a queryString
public ListTourLocations ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
리턴 XmlDocument

ListTourLocations() 공개 메소드

Retrieve a list of connected tour locations for a specific Channel (Company)
public ListTourLocations ( string queryString, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ListTours() 공개 메소드

Get a list of Tours with only very basic information. Probably most useful when bulk importing. For a more detailed list use SearchTours
public ListTours ( ) : XmlDocument
리턴 XmlDocument

ListTours() 공개 메소드

Get a list of Tours with only very basic information. Probably most useful when bulk importing. For a more detailed list use SearchTours
public ListTours ( int channelId ) : XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ListTours() 공개 메소드

Get a list of Tours with only very basic information. Probably most useful when bulk importing. For a more detailed list use SearchTours
public ListTours ( int channelId, string queryString ) : XmlDocument
channelId int
queryString string
리턴 XmlDocument

ListTours() 공개 메소드

Get a list of Tours with only very basic information. Probably most useful when bulk importing. For a more detailed list use SearchTours
public ListTours ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
리턴 XmlDocument

LogFailedPayment() 공개 메소드

Log details of a payment/refund on a booking sales ledger
public LogFailedPayment ( XmlDocument paymentData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
paymentData XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

Request() 공개 메소드

Make a generic request to the API, most documented calls will have wrappers for this
public Request ( string path ) : XmlDocument
path string
리턴 XmlDocument

Request() 공개 메소드

Make a generic request to the API, most documented calls will have wrappers for this
public Request ( string path, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
path string
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

Request() 공개 메소드

Make a generic request to the API, most documented calls will have wrappers for this
public Request ( string path, int channelId, string verb ) : XmlDocument
path string
channelId int
verb string
리턴 XmlDocument

Request() 공개 메소드

Make a generic request to the API, most documented calls will have wrappers for this
public Request ( string path, int channelId, string verb, XmlDocument postData ) : XmlDocument
path string
channelId int
verb string
postData XmlDocument
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchBookings() 공개 메소드

Get a list of all bookings, optionally filter by channel / querystring
public SearchBookings ( ) : XmlDocument
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchBookings() 공개 메소드

Get a list of all bookings, optionally filter by channel / querystring
public SearchBookings ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchBookings() 공개 메소드

Get a list of all bookings, optionally filter by channel / querystring
public SearchBookings ( string queryString, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchEnquiries() 공개 메소드

Get a list of enquiries, filter by date, channel etc
public SearchEnquiries ( ) : XmlDocument
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchEnquiries() 공개 메소드

Get a list of enquiries, filter by date, channel etc
public SearchEnquiries ( String queryString ) : XmlDocument
queryString String
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchEnquiries() 공개 메소드

Get a list of enquiries, filter by date, channel etc
public SearchEnquiries ( String queryString, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
queryString String
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchHotelsByRange() 공개 메소드

Search Hotel type tours by a date range, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel
public SearchHotelsByRange ( ) : XmlDocument
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchHotelsByRange() 공개 메소드

Search Hotel type tours by a date range, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel
public SearchHotelsByRange ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchHotelsByRange() 공개 메소드

Search Hotel type tours by a date range, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel
public SearchHotelsByRange ( string queryString, string tour ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
tour string
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchHotelsByRange() 공개 메소드

Search Hotel type tours by a date range, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel
public SearchHotelsByRange ( string queryString, string tour, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
tour string
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchHotelsBySpecific() 공개 메소드

Search Hotel type tours for specific dates/occupancy, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel
public SearchHotelsBySpecific ( ) : XmlDocument
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchHotelsBySpecific() 공개 메소드

Search Hotel type tours for specific dates/occupancy, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel
public SearchHotelsBySpecific ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchHotelsBySpecific() 공개 메소드

Search Hotel type tours for specific dates/occupancy, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel
public SearchHotelsBySpecific ( string queryString, string tour ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
tour string
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchHotelsBySpecific() 공개 메소드

Search Hotel type tours for specific dates/occupancy, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel
public SearchHotelsBySpecific ( string queryString, string tour, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
tour string
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchRawDepartures() 공개 메소드

Get a list of "Raw" Departures for a particular Tour
public SearchRawDepartures ( int tourId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
tourId int
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchTours() 공개 메소드

Get a list of Tours, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel
public SearchTours ( ) : XmlDocument
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchTours() 공개 메소드

Get a list of Tours, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel
public SearchTours ( string queryString ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
리턴 XmlDocument

SearchTours() 공개 메소드

Get a list of Tours, optionally filter by a search querystring and/or limit to a specific channel
public SearchTours ( string queryString, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
queryString string
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowBooking() 공개 메소드

Get details on a particular booking
public ShowBooking ( int bookingId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
bookingId int
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowChannel() 공개 메소드

Show details on a specific Channel (Supplier)
public ShowChannel ( int channel ) : XmlDocument
channel int
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowCustomer() 공개 메소드

Get information on a particular Customer, by passing their ID and Channel
public ShowCustomer ( int customerId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
customerId int
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowEnquiry() 공개 메소드

Get information on a particular enquiry, by passing it's ID and Channel
public ShowEnquiry ( int enquiryId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
enquiryId int
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowPromo() 공개 메소드

Check a promo code is valid for a Channel and view some info
public ShowPromo ( string promo, int channel ) : XmlDocument
promo string
channel int
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowSupplier() 공개 메소드

Get details on an internal Supplier ID (For Operator use only, not for Marketplace Partner use)
public ShowSupplier ( int supplierId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
supplierId int
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowTour() 공개 메소드

Show all of the details on a specific Tour, all descriptions and other content etc
public ShowTour ( int tourId, int ChannelId ) : XmlDocument
tourId int
ChannelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowTour() 공개 메소드

Show all of the details on a specific Tour, all descriptions and other content etc
public ShowTour ( int tourId, int ChannelId, bool showOptions ) : XmlDocument
tourId int
ChannelId int
showOptions bool
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowTour() 공개 메소드

Show all of the details on a specific Tour, all descriptions and other content etc
public ShowTour ( int tourId, int ChannelId, string queryString ) : XmlDocument
tourId int
ChannelId int
queryString string
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowTourDatesAndDeals() 공개 메소드

Get a list of dates and deals/special offers for a particular Tour
public ShowTourDatesAndDeals ( int tourId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
tourId int
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowTourDepartures() 공개 메소드

Get a list of all future Departures for a specific Tour/Hotel, useful if bulk importing availability information
public ShowTourDepartures ( int tourId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
tourId int
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowTourDepartures() 공개 메소드

Get a list of all future Departures for a specific Tour/Hotel, useful if bulk importing availability information
public ShowTourDepartures ( int tourId, int channelId, string queryString ) : XmlDocument
tourId int
channelId int
queryString string
리턴 XmlDocument

ShowTourFeesale() 공개 메소드

Get a list of all future Freesale Seasons for a specific Tour/Hotel, useful if bulk importing availability information
public ShowTourFeesale ( int tourId, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
tourId int
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

StampToDateTime() 보호된 메소드

Convert a Unix Timestamp to a UTC DateTime object, generally you won't need to call this directly
protected StampToDateTime ( int value ) : DateTime
value int
리턴 DateTime

StartNewBooking() 공개 메소드

Create a temporary booking
public StartNewBooking ( XmlDocument bookingData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
bookingData XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

UpdateBooking() 공개 메소드

Update some of the details on a booking
public UpdateBooking ( XmlDocument bookingData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
bookingData XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

UpdateCustomer() 공개 메소드

Update an existing customer record, e.g. contact details
public UpdateCustomer ( XmlDocument customerData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
customerData XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

UpdateDeparture() 공개 메소드

Update an existing departure
public UpdateDeparture ( XmlDocument departureData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
departureData XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

UpdateTour() 공개 메소드

Update a Tour/Hotel
public UpdateTour ( XmlDocument tourData, int channelId ) : XmlDocument
tourData XmlDocument
channelId int
리턴 XmlDocument

UpdateTourUrl() 공개 메소드

Update the "Product URL" on a Tour/Hotel
public UpdateTourUrl ( int tourId, int channelId, string tourUrl ) : XmlDocument
tourId int
channelId int
tourUrl string
리턴 XmlDocument

marketplaceWrapper() 공개 메소드

Create a new instance of the TourCMS Marketplace wrapper, pass Marketplace ID and Key
public marketplaceWrapper ( int marketplaceId, string privateKey ) : System
marketplaceId int
privateKey string
리턴 System

프로퍼티 상세

_baseUrl 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

API base URL
protected string _baseUrl
리턴 string

_marketplaceId 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

Marketplace ID, set via the constructor
protected int _marketplaceId
리턴 int

_privateKey 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

API Private Key, set via the constructor
protected string _privateKey
리턴 string