C# 클래스 T8SuitePro.Trionic8File

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: mattiasclaesson/TuningSuites 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetStartVectorAddress ( string filename ) : long
GetVectorAddresses ( string filename ) : long[]
GetVectorNames ( ) : string[]
TryToExtractPackedBinary ( string filename, int filename_size, CommonSuite.SymbolCollection &symbol_collection ) : bool
TryToLoadAdditionalBinSymbols ( string filename, CommonSuite.SymbolCollection coll2load ) : bool
TryToLoadAdditionalXMLSymbols ( string filename, CommonSuite.SymbolCollection coll2load ) : bool
ValidateTrionic8File ( string filename ) : bool
readdatafromfile ( string filename, int address, int length ) : byte[]

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddNamesToSymbols ( CommonSuite.SymbolCollection symbol_collection, string allSymbolNames ) : void

CastProgressEvent ( string info, int percentage ) : void
DumpBytesToConsole ( byte bytes ) : void
GetAddrTableOffset ( string filename ) : int
GetAddrTableOffsetBySymbolTable ( string filename ) : int
GetAddressFromOffset ( int offset, string filename ) : int
GetEndOfSymbolTable ( string filename ) : int
GetFileDescriptionFromFile ( string file ) : string
GetFirstNqStringFromOffset ( int offset, string filename ) : int
GetLastNqStringFromOffset ( int offset, string filename ) : int
GetLengthFromOffset ( int offset, string filename ) : int
GetNqNqNqStringFromOffset ( int offset, string filename ) : int
GetStartOfAddressTableOffset ( string filename ) : int
GetSymbolListOffSet ( string m_currentfile, int filelength ) : int
ImportSymbols ( System dt, CommonSuite.SymbolCollection coll2load ) : void
IsBinaryPackedVersion ( string m_currentfile, int filelength ) : bool

Check is identifier 0x9B is present in the footer. If this is the case, the file is packed!

ReadMarkerAddress ( string filename, int value, int filelength, int &length, string &val ) : int
ReadMarkerAddressContent ( string filename, int value, int filelength, int &length, int &val ) : int
UnpackFileUsingDecode ( string filename, int filelength, int &symboltableoffset ) : bool
extractCompressedSymbolTable ( string filename, int &symboltableoffset, byte &bytes ) : bool

메소드 상세

GetStartVectorAddress() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static GetStartVectorAddress ( string filename ) : long
filename string
리턴 long

GetVectorAddresses() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static GetVectorAddresses ( string filename ) : long[]
filename string
리턴 long[]

GetVectorNames() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static GetVectorNames ( ) : string[]
리턴 string[]

TryToExtractPackedBinary() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static TryToExtractPackedBinary ( string filename, int filename_size, CommonSuite.SymbolCollection &symbol_collection ) : bool
filename string
filename_size int
symbol_collection CommonSuite.SymbolCollection
리턴 bool

TryToLoadAdditionalBinSymbols() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static TryToLoadAdditionalBinSymbols ( string filename, CommonSuite.SymbolCollection coll2load ) : bool
filename string
coll2load CommonSuite.SymbolCollection
리턴 bool

TryToLoadAdditionalXMLSymbols() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static TryToLoadAdditionalXMLSymbols ( string filename, CommonSuite.SymbolCollection coll2load ) : bool
filename string
coll2load CommonSuite.SymbolCollection
리턴 bool

ValidateTrionic8File() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static ValidateTrionic8File ( string filename ) : bool
filename string
리턴 bool

readdatafromfile() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static readdatafromfile ( string filename, int address, int length ) : byte[]
filename string
address int
length int
리턴 byte[]