C# 클래스 System.Linq.Expressions.Strings

Strongly-typed and parameterized string resources.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: dotnet/corefx

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명
AmbiguousJump string
AmbiguousMatchInExpandoObject string
ArgumentMemberNotDeclOnType string
ArgumentTypeDoesNotMatchMember string
BinaryOperatorNotDefined string
BinderNotCompatibleWithCallSite string
CannotAutoInitializeValueTypeElementThroughProperty string
CannotAutoInitializeValueTypeMemberThroughProperty string
CannotCloseOverByRef string
CannotCompileConstant string
CoercionOperatorNotDefined string
DuplicateVariable string
DynamicBinderResultNotAssignable string
DynamicBindingNeedsRestrictions string
DynamicObjectResultNotAssignable string
ElementInitializerMethodNoRefOutParam string
EqualityMustReturnBoolean string
ExpressionNotSupportedForNullableType string
ExpressionNotSupportedForType string
ExpressionTypeCannotInitializeArrayType string
ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchAssignment string
ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchLabel string
ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchReturn string
ExpressionTypeNotInvocable string
ExtensionNodeMustOverrideProperty string
FieldInfoNotDefinedForType string
FieldNotDefinedForType string
GenericMethodWithArgsDoesNotExistOnType string
IncorrectTypeForTypeAs string
InstanceAndMethodTypeMismatch string
InstanceFieldNotDefinedForType string
InstancePropertyNotDefinedForType string
InstancePropertyWithSpecifiedParametersNotDefinedForType string
InstancePropertyWithoutParameterNotDefinedForType string
InvalidCast string
InvalidLvalue string
InvalidMetaObjectCreated string
KeyDoesNotExistInExpando string
LabelTargetAlreadyDefined string
LabelTargetUndefined string
LogicalOperatorMustHaveBooleanOperators string
MemberNotFieldOrProperty string
MethodContainsGenericParameters string
MethodIsGeneric string
MethodNotPropertyAccessor string
MethodWithArgsDoesNotExistOnType string
MethodWithMoreThanOneMatch string
MustRewriteChildToSameType string
MustRewriteToSameNode string
MustRewriteWithoutMethod string
NonLocalJumpWithValue string
NotAMemberOfType string
OperandTypesDoNotMatchParameters string
OperatorNotImplementedForType string
OutOfRange string
OverloadOperatorTypeDoesNotMatchConversionType string
ParameterExpressionNotValidAsDelegate string
PropertyDoesNotHaveAccessor string
PropertyDoesNotHaveGetter string
PropertyDoesNotHaveSetter string
PropertyNotDefinedForType string
PropertyWithMoreThanOneMatch string
ReferenceEqualityNotDefined string
SameKeyExistsInExpando string
SwitchValueTypeDoesNotMatchComparisonMethodParameter string
TestValueTypeDoesNotMatchComparisonMethodParameter string
TryNotSupportedForMethodsWithRefArgs string
TryNotSupportedForValueTypeInstances string
TypeMissingDefaultConstructor string
TypeNotIEnumerable string
TypeParameterIsNotDelegate string
UnaryOperatorNotDefined string
UndefinedVariable string
UnexpectedVarArgsCall string
UnhandledBinary string
UnhandledBindingType string
UnhandledConvert string
UnhandledUnary string
UnknownLiftType string
UserDefinedOpMustHaveConsistentTypes string
UserDefinedOpMustHaveValidReturnType string
UserDefinedOperatorMustBeStatic string
UserDefinedOperatorMustNotBeVoid string
VariableMustNotBeByRef string

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AmbiguousJump ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Cannot jump to ambiguous label '{0}'."

AmbiguousMatchInExpandoObject ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "More than one key matching '{0}' was found in the ExpandoObject."

ArgumentMemberNotDeclOnType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like " The member '{0}' is not declared on type '{1}' being created"

ArgumentTypeDoesNotMatchMember ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like " Argument type '{0}' does not match the corresponding member type '{1}'"

BinaryOperatorNotDefined ( object p0, object p1, object p2 ) : string

A string like "The binary operator {0} is not defined for the types '{1}' and '{2}'."

BinderNotCompatibleWithCallSite ( object p0, object p1, object p2 ) : string

A string like "The result type '{0}' of the binder '{1}' is not compatible with the result type '{2}' expected by the call site."

CannotAutoInitializeValueTypeElementThroughProperty ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Cannot auto initialize elements of value type through property '{0}', use assignment instead"

CannotAutoInitializeValueTypeMemberThroughProperty ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Cannot auto initialize members of value type through property '{0}', use assignment instead"

CannotCloseOverByRef ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Cannot close over byref parameter '{0}' referenced in lambda '{1}'"

CannotCompileConstant ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "CompileToMethod cannot compile constant '{0}' because it is a non-trivial value, such as a live object. Instead, create an expression tree that can construct this value."

CoercionOperatorNotDefined ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "No coercion operator is defined between types '{0}' and '{1}'."

DuplicateVariable ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Found duplicate parameter '{0}'. Each ParameterExpression in the list must be a unique object."

DynamicBinderResultNotAssignable ( object p0, object p1, object p2 ) : string

A string like "The result type '{0}' of the dynamic binding produced by binder '{1}' is not compatible with the result type '{2}' expected by the call site."

DynamicBindingNeedsRestrictions ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "The result of the dynamic binding produced by the object with type '{0}' for the binder '{1}' needs at least one restriction."

DynamicObjectResultNotAssignable ( object p0, object p1, object p2, object p3 ) : string

A string like "The result type '{0}' of the dynamic binding produced by the object with type '{1}' for the binder '{2}' is not compatible with the result type '{3}' expected by the call site."

ElementInitializerMethodNoRefOutParam ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Parameter '{0}' of element initializer method '{1}' must not be a pass by reference parameter"

EqualityMustReturnBoolean ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "The user-defined equality method '{0}' must return a boolean value."

ExpressionNotSupportedForNullableType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "The expression '{0}' is not supported for nullable type '{1}'"

ExpressionNotSupportedForType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "The expression '{0}' is not supported for type '{1}'"

ExpressionTypeCannotInitializeArrayType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "An expression of type '{0}' cannot be used to initialize an array of type '{1}'"

ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchAssignment ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Expression of type '{0}' cannot be used for assignment to type '{1}'"

ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchLabel ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Expression of type '{0}' cannot be used for label of type '{1}'"

ExpressionTypeDoesNotMatchReturn ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Expression of type '{0}' cannot be used for return type '{1}'"

ExpressionTypeNotInvocable ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Expression of type '{0}' cannot be invoked"

ExtensionNodeMustOverrideProperty ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Extension node must override the property {0}."

FieldInfoNotDefinedForType ( object p0, object p1, object p2 ) : string

A string like "Field '{0}.{1}' is not defined for type '{2}'"

FieldNotDefinedForType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Field '{0}' is not defined for type '{1}'"

GenericMethodWithArgsDoesNotExistOnType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "No generic method '{0}' on type '{1}' is compatible with the supplied type arguments and arguments. No type arguments should be provided if the method is non-generic. "

IncorrectTypeForTypeAs ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "The type used in TypeAs Expression must be of reference or nullable type, {0} is neither"

InstanceAndMethodTypeMismatch ( object p0, object p1, object p2 ) : string

A string like "Method '{0}' declared on type '{1}' cannot be called with instance of type '{2}'"

InstanceFieldNotDefinedForType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Instance field '{0}' is not defined for type '{1}'"

InstancePropertyNotDefinedForType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Instance property '{0}' is not defined for type '{1}'"

InstancePropertyWithSpecifiedParametersNotDefinedForType ( object p0, object p1, object p2 ) : string

A string like "Instance property '{0}{1}' is not defined for type '{2}'"

InstancePropertyWithoutParameterNotDefinedForType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Instance property '{0}' that takes no argument is not defined for type '{1}'"

InvalidCast ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Cannot cast from type '{0}' to type '{1}"

InvalidLvalue ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Invalid lvalue for assignment: {0}."

InvalidMetaObjectCreated ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "An IDynamicMetaObjectProvider {0} created an invalid DynamicMetaObject instance."

KeyDoesNotExistInExpando ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "The specified key '{0}' does not exist in the ExpandoObject."

LabelTargetAlreadyDefined ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Cannot redefine label '{0}' in an inner block."

LabelTargetUndefined ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Cannot jump to undefined label '{0}'."

LogicalOperatorMustHaveBooleanOperators ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "The user-defined operator method '{1}' for operator '{0}' must have associated boolean True and False operators."

MemberNotFieldOrProperty ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Member '{0}' not field or property"

MethodContainsGenericParameters ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Method {0} contains generic parameters"

MethodIsGeneric ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Method {0} is a generic method definition"

MethodNotPropertyAccessor ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "The method '{0}.{1}' is not a property accessor"

MethodWithArgsDoesNotExistOnType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "No method '{0}' on type '{1}' is compatible with the supplied arguments."

MethodWithMoreThanOneMatch ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "More than one method '{0}' on type '{1}' is compatible with the supplied arguments."

MustRewriteChildToSameType ( object p0, object p1, object p2 ) : string

A string like "Rewriting child expression from type '{0}' to type '{1}' is not allowed, because it would change the meaning of the operation. If this is intentional, override '{2}' and change it to allow this rewrite."

MustRewriteToSameNode ( object p0, object p1, object p2 ) : string

A string like "When called from '{0}', rewriting a node of type '{1}' must return a non-null value of the same type. Alternatively, override '{2}' and change it to not visit children of this type."

MustRewriteWithoutMethod ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Rewritten expression calls operator method '{0}', but the original node had no operator method. If this is intentional, override '{1}' and change it to allow this rewrite."

NonLocalJumpWithValue ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Cannot jump to non-local label '{0}' with a value. Only jumps to labels defined in outer blocks can pass values."

NotAMemberOfType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "'{0}' is not a member of type '{1}'"

OperandTypesDoNotMatchParameters ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "The operands for operator '{0}' do not match the parameters of method '{1}'."

OperatorNotImplementedForType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "The operator '{0}' is not implemented for type '{1}'"

OutOfRange ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "{0} must be greater than or equal to {1}"

OverloadOperatorTypeDoesNotMatchConversionType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "The return type of overload method for operator '{0}' does not match the parameter type of conversion method '{1}'."

ParameterExpressionNotValidAsDelegate ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "ParameterExpression of type '{0}' cannot be used for delegate parameter of type '{1}'"

PropertyDoesNotHaveAccessor ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "The property '{0}' has no 'get' or 'set' accessors"

PropertyDoesNotHaveGetter ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "The property '{0}' has no 'get' accessor"

PropertyDoesNotHaveSetter ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "The property '{0}' has no 'set' accessor"

PropertyNotDefinedForType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Property '{0}' is not defined for type '{1}'"

PropertyWithMoreThanOneMatch ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "More than one property '{0}' on type '{1}' is compatible with the supplied arguments."

ReferenceEqualityNotDefined ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Reference equality is not defined for the types '{0}' and '{1}'."

SameKeyExistsInExpando ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "An element with the same key '{0}' already exists in the ExpandoObject."

SwitchValueTypeDoesNotMatchComparisonMethodParameter ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Switch value of type '{0}' cannot be used for the comparison method parameter of type '{1}'"

TestValueTypeDoesNotMatchComparisonMethodParameter ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Test value of type '{0}' cannot be used for the comparison method parameter of type '{1}'"

TryNotSupportedForMethodsWithRefArgs ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "TryExpression is not supported as an argument to method '{0}' because it has an argument with by-ref type. Construct the tree so the TryExpression is not nested inside of this expression."

TryNotSupportedForValueTypeInstances ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "TryExpression is not supported as a child expression when accessing a member on type '{0}' because it is a value type. Construct the tree so the TryExpression is not nested inside of this expression."

TypeMissingDefaultConstructor ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Type '{0}' does not have a default constructor"

TypeNotIEnumerable ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Type '{0}' is not IEnumerable"

TypeParameterIsNotDelegate ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Type parameter is {0}. Expected a delegate."

UnaryOperatorNotDefined ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "The unary operator {0} is not defined for the type '{1}'."

UndefinedVariable ( object p0, object p1, object p2 ) : string

A string like "variable '{0}' of type '{1}' referenced from scope '{2}', but it is not defined"

UnexpectedVarArgsCall ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Unexpected VarArgs call to method '{0}'"

UnhandledBinary ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Unhandled binary: {0}"

UnhandledBindingType ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Unhandled Binding Type: {0}"

UnhandledConvert ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Unhandled convert: {0}"

UnhandledUnary ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "Unhandled unary: {0}"

UnknownLiftType ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "unknown lift type: '{0}'."

UserDefinedOpMustHaveConsistentTypes ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "The user-defined operator method '{1}' for operator '{0}' must have identical parameter and return types."

UserDefinedOpMustHaveValidReturnType ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "The user-defined operator method '{1}' for operator '{0}' must return the same type as its parameter or a derived type."

UserDefinedOperatorMustBeStatic ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "User-defined operator method '{0}' must be static."

UserDefinedOperatorMustNotBeVoid ( object p0 ) : string

A string like "User-defined operator method '{0}' must not be void."

VariableMustNotBeByRef ( object p0, object p1 ) : string

A string like "Variable '{0}' uses unsupported type '{1}'. Reference types are not supported for variables."