C# 클래스 SobekCM.Engine_Library.Endpoints.ResultsServices

Endpoint supports services related to search results (or item browses) across the entire instance or a subset of aggregations
상속: EndpointBase
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: MarkVSullivan/SobekCM-Web-Application

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Get_Search_Results ( SobekCM.Core.Results.Results_Arguments Current_Mode, Complete_Item_Aggregation Aggregation_Object, bool Include_Private_Items, Custom_Tracer Tracer, SobekCM.Core.Results.Search_Results_Statistics &Complete_Result_Set_Info, List &Paged_Results ) : ResultsEndpointErrorEnum

Performs a search ( or retrieves the search results from the cache ) and outputs the results and search url used

Get_Search_Results_Legacy ( HttpResponse Response, List UrlSegments, NameValueCollection QueryString, Microservice_Endpoint_Protocol_Enum Protocol, bool IsDebug ) : void

Gets the search results and returns them in the legacy format supported prior to v5.0

Get_Search_Results_Page ( HttpResponse Response, List UrlSegments, NameValueCollection QueryString, Microservice_Endpoint_Protocol_Enum Protocol, bool IsDebug ) : void

Get just the search statistics information for a search or browse

Get_Search_Statistics ( HttpResponse Response, List UrlSegments, NameValueCollection QueryString, Microservice_Endpoint_Protocol_Enum Protocol, bool IsDebug ) : void

Get just the search statistics information for a search or browse

Split_Clean_Search_Terms_Fields ( string Search_String, string Search_Fields, Search_Type_Enum Search_Type, List Output_Terms, List Output_Fields, List Search_Stop_Words, Search_Precision_Type_Enum Search_Precision, char Delimiter_Character ) : void

Takes the search string and search fields from the URL and parses them, according to the search type, into a collection of terms and a collection of fields. Stop words are also suppressed here

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
legacy_json_display_search_results ( TextWriter Output, SobekCM.Core.Results.Results_Arguments Args, SobekCM.Core.Results.Search_Results_Statistics ResultsStats, List ResultsPage ) : void

Writes the search or browse information in JSON format directly to the output stream

legacy_xml_display_search_results ( TextWriter Output, SobekCM.Core.Results.Results_Arguments Args, SobekCM.Core.Results.Search_Results_Statistics ResultsStats, List ResultsPage ) : void

Display search results in simple XML format

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Metadata_Field_Number ( string FieldCode ) : short
Perform_Database_Search ( Custom_Tracer Tracer, List Terms, List Web_Fields, long Date1, long Date2, int ActualCount, SobekCM.Core.Results.Results_Arguments Current_Mode, int Current_Sort, Complete_Item_Aggregation Aggregation_Object, int Results_Per_Page, bool Potentially_Include_Facets, bool Include_Private_Items, SobekCM.Core.Results.Search_Results_Statistics &Complete_Result_Set_Info, List &Paged_Results, bool Need_Search_Statistics ) : void
Perform_Solr_Search ( Custom_Tracer Tracer, List Terms, List Web_Fields, int ActualCount, string Current_Aggregation, int Current_Page, int Current_Sort, int Results_Per_Page, SobekCM.Core.Results.Search_Results_Statistics &Complete_Result_Set_Info, List &Paged_Results ) : void
Write_XML ( TextWriter Output, string Value ) : void

메소드 상세

Get_Search_Results() 공개 메소드

Performs a search ( or retrieves the search results from the cache ) and outputs the results and search url used
public Get_Search_Results ( SobekCM.Core.Results.Results_Arguments Current_Mode, Complete_Item_Aggregation Aggregation_Object, bool Include_Private_Items, Custom_Tracer Tracer, SobekCM.Core.Results.Search_Results_Statistics &Complete_Result_Set_Info, List &Paged_Results ) : ResultsEndpointErrorEnum
Current_Mode SobekCM.Core.Results.Results_Arguments Mode / navigation information for the current request
Aggregation_Object SobekCM.Core.Aggregations.Complete_Item_Aggregation Object for the current aggregation object, against which this search is performed
Include_Private_Items bool
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
Complete_Result_Set_Info SobekCM.Core.Results.Search_Results_Statistics [OUT] Information about the entire set of results
Paged_Results List [OUT] List of search results for the requested page of results
리턴 ResultsEndpointErrorEnum

Get_Search_Results_Legacy() 공개 메소드

Gets the search results and returns them in the legacy format supported prior to v5.0
public Get_Search_Results_Legacy ( HttpResponse Response, List UrlSegments, NameValueCollection QueryString, Microservice_Endpoint_Protocol_Enum Protocol, bool IsDebug ) : void
Response System.Web.HttpResponse
UrlSegments List
QueryString System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
Protocol Microservice_Endpoint_Protocol_Enum
IsDebug bool
리턴 void

Get_Search_Results_Page() 공개 메소드

Get just the search statistics information for a search or browse
public Get_Search_Results_Page ( HttpResponse Response, List UrlSegments, NameValueCollection QueryString, Microservice_Endpoint_Protocol_Enum Protocol, bool IsDebug ) : void
Response System.Web.HttpResponse
UrlSegments List
QueryString System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
Protocol Microservice_Endpoint_Protocol_Enum
IsDebug bool
리턴 void

Get_Search_Statistics() 공개 메소드

Get just the search statistics information for a search or browse
public Get_Search_Statistics ( HttpResponse Response, List UrlSegments, NameValueCollection QueryString, Microservice_Endpoint_Protocol_Enum Protocol, bool IsDebug ) : void
Response System.Web.HttpResponse
UrlSegments List
QueryString System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
Protocol Microservice_Endpoint_Protocol_Enum
IsDebug bool
리턴 void

Split_Clean_Search_Terms_Fields() 공개 정적인 메소드

Takes the search string and search fields from the URL and parses them, according to the search type, into a collection of terms and a collection of fields. Stop words are also suppressed here
public static Split_Clean_Search_Terms_Fields ( string Search_String, string Search_Fields, Search_Type_Enum Search_Type, List Output_Terms, List Output_Fields, List Search_Stop_Words, Search_Precision_Type_Enum Search_Precision, char Delimiter_Character ) : void
Search_String string Search string from the SobekCM search results URL
Search_Fields string Search fields from the SobekCM search results URL
Search_Type Search_Type_Enum Type of search currently being performed (sets how it is parsed and default index)
Output_Terms List List takes the results of the parsing of the actual search terms
Output_Fields List List takes the results of the parsing of the actual (and implied) search fields
Search_Stop_Words List List of all stop words ignored during metadata searching (such as 'The', 'A', etc..)
Search_Precision Search_Precision_Type_Enum Search precision for this search ( i.e., exact, contains, stemmed, thesaurus lookup )
Delimiter_Character char Character used as delimiter between different components of an advanced search
리턴 void

legacy_json_display_search_results() 보호된 메소드

Writes the search or browse information in JSON format directly to the output stream
protected legacy_json_display_search_results ( TextWriter Output, SobekCM.Core.Results.Results_Arguments Args, SobekCM.Core.Results.Search_Results_Statistics ResultsStats, List ResultsPage ) : void
Output System.IO.TextWriter Stream to which to write the JSON search or browse information
Args SobekCM.Core.Results.Results_Arguments
ResultsStats SobekCM.Core.Results.Search_Results_Statistics
ResultsPage List
리턴 void

legacy_xml_display_search_results() 보호된 메소드

Display search results in simple XML format
protected legacy_xml_display_search_results ( TextWriter Output, SobekCM.Core.Results.Results_Arguments Args, SobekCM.Core.Results.Search_Results_Statistics ResultsStats, List ResultsPage ) : void
Output System.IO.TextWriter Stream to which to write the text for this main writer
Args SobekCM.Core.Results.Results_Arguments
ResultsStats SobekCM.Core.Results.Search_Results_Statistics
ResultsPage List
리턴 void