메소드 | 설명 | |
AnalyzeFormsAuthenticationCookie ( System.Web.HttpCookie cookie ) : |
Perform analysis of the FormsAuthenticationCookie supplied
AnalyzeFormsAuthenticationTicket ( |
Perform analysis of the FormsAuthenticationTicket supplied
AnalyzeRequest ( System.Web.HttpCookie formsAuthenticationCookie, RequestLifecyclePhase requestPhase, bool saveToContext ) : |
Creates a new instance of a FormsAuthenticationCookieAnalyzer
AnalyzeServerAuthenticationTicket ( |
Perform analysis of the UserAuthenticationTicket supplied
AnalyzeServerAuthenticationTicket ( |
Retrieve and analyze the UserAuthenticationTicket
Compare ( |
Performs a comparison of analyses taken a different points in the request processing pipeline
GetRequestPhasesWithAnalyses ( ) : RequestLifecyclePhase[] |
Retrieve all phases for which a RequestAnalysis has been performed & persisted to HttpContext.Current.Items collection
RetrieveAnalysis ( RequestLifecyclePhase requestPhase ) : RequestAnalysis |
Retrieves the saved analysis for the request phase specified
public static AnalyzeFormsAuthenticationCookie ( System.Web.HttpCookie cookie ) : |
cookie | System.Web.HttpCookie | The FormsAuthenticationCookie to validate |
리턴 |
public static AnalyzeFormsAuthenticationTicket ( |
cookieAnalysis | The result of the FormsAuthenticationCookie analysis | |
enforceServerAuthenticationTicketValidation | bool | Indicates whether to enforce UserAuthenticationTicket validation |
phase | RequestLifecyclePhase | |
리턴 |
public static AnalyzeRequest ( System.Web.HttpCookie formsAuthenticationCookie, RequestLifecyclePhase requestPhase, bool saveToContext ) : |
formsAuthenticationCookie | System.Web.HttpCookie | The formsAuthenticationCookie to inspect |
requestPhase | RequestLifecyclePhase | The phase of the request procesisng lifecycle from which the analysis is being requested |
saveToContext | bool | Whether or not to save the result of the analysis to the HttpContext.Current.Items collection |
리턴 |
public static AnalyzeServerAuthenticationTicket ( |
contextInformation | Context information derived from the current request | |
cookieAnalysis | The result of the FormsAuthenticationCookie analysis | |
ticketAnalysis | The result of the FormsAuthenticationTicket analysis | |
userAuthenticationTicket | The UserAuthenticationTicket to inspect | |
enforceHostAddressValidation | bool | Indicates whether to enforce that the ticket was provided from the same IP address for which it created |
리턴 |
public static AnalyzeServerAuthenticationTicket ( |
contextInformation | Context information derived from the current request | |
cookieAnalysis | The result of the FormsAuthenticationCookie analysis | |
ticketAnalysis | The result of the FormsAuthenticationTicket analysis | |
enforceHostAddressValidation | bool | Indicates whether to enforce that the ticket was provided from the same IP address for which it created |
리턴 |
public static Compare ( |
before | The prior analysis | |
after | The current analysis | |
리턴 | ComparisonResult |
public static GetRequestPhasesWithAnalyses ( ) : RequestLifecyclePhase[] | ||
리턴 | RequestLifecyclePhase[] |
public static RetrieveAnalysis ( RequestLifecyclePhase requestPhase ) : RequestAnalysis | ||
requestPhase | RequestLifecyclePhase | The phase of the request processing to request an analysis for |
리턴 | RequestAnalysis |