C# 클래스 SharpTune.RomMod.Mod

Defines and Applies a Mod (series of patches) to a ROM.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Merp/SharpTune 1 사용 예제들

공개 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
ReleaseBuildWarning string
TestBuildWarning string
patchList List
unPatchList List

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Mod ( Stream s, string modPath ) : System

Constructor for embedded mods

Mod ( string modPath ) : System

Constructor for external mods

Mod ( string modPath, string build ) : System

Constructor for partial-patches

PrintPatches ( ) : void

Print patch descriptions to the console.

TryApplyMod ( Stream romStream ) : bool

Try to apply the patches to the ROM.

TryCheckApplyMod ( string romPath, string outPath, bool apply, bool commit ) : bool
TryDefinition ( AvailableDevices ad, string defPath ) : bool
TryGetMetaBlob ( uint startAddress, uint length, Blob &match, List blobs ) : bool

Try to find a blob in the patch that starts at the given address.

TryPrintBaselines ( string patchPath, Stream romStream ) : bool

Extract actual ROM data, for appending to a patch file.

TryReadMetaString ( Blob metadata, string &metaString, int &offset ) : bool

Read a single string from the metadata blob.

Consider returning false, printing error message. But, need to be certain to abort the whole process at that point...

TryReadPatches ( ) : bool

Create the patch start/end metadata from the patch file.

TryRemoveMod ( Stream romStream ) : bool

Try to remove patches from a ROM

TryReversePatches ( ) : bool

Reverses the "direction" of the patch by start address manipulation

TryValidatePatches ( Stream romStream ) : bool

Determine whether the data that the patch was designed to overwrite match what's actually in the ROM.

TryValidateUnPatches ( Stream romStream ) : bool

Determine whether the data that the patch was designed to overwrite match what's actually in the ROM.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
TryApplyPatch ( Patch patch, Stream romStream ) : bool

Given a patch, look up the content Blob and write it into the ROM.

TryCheckPrintBaseline ( Patch patch, Stream outStream ) : bool

Print the current contents of the ROM in the address range for the given patch. Contains a check against metadata when IsMetaChecked = true

TryConfirmPatchVersion ( Blob blob, int &offset ) : bool

Try to read the 'required version' metadata.

TryGetPatchBlob ( uint startAddress, uint length, Blob &match, List blobs ) : bool

Try to find a blob that starts at the given address.

TryReadBlobs ( BlobList &blist ) : bool

Try to read blobs from the patch file.

TryReadBuffer ( Stream romStream, uint startAddress, byte buffer ) : bool

Try to read an arbitrary byte range from the ROM.

TryReadCalibrationChange ( Blob blob, int &offset ) : bool

Try to read the initial and final calibration IDs

TryReadCalibrationId ( Blob blob, int &offset, string &calibrationId ) : bool

Try to read the calibration ID from the patch metadata.

TryReadCopyPatch ( Blob metadata, Patch &patch, int &offset, List blobs ) : bool

Read a single Offset Patch from the metadata blob. Offset patch reads from Srecord "copystart" Writes to rom at "start"

Consider returning false, printing error message. But, need to be certain to abort the whole process at that point...

TryReadMetaHeader8 ( Blob metadata, int &offset ) : bool
TryReadMetadata ( Blob blob, List blobs ) : bool

Try to read the patch file metadata (start and end addresses of each patch, etc).

TryReadPatch ( Blob metadata, Patch &patch, int &offset, List blobs ) : bool

Read a single Patch from the metadata blob.

Consider returning false, printing error message. But, need to be certain to abort the whole process at that point...

TryReadPatches ( Blob metadata, int &offset, List blobs ) : bool

Try to read the Patch metadata from the file.

TrySynthesize4BytePatch ( Blob metadata, Patch &patch, int &offset ) : bool

Construct a 4-byte patch from the metadata blob.

TrySynthesizeLast2Of4BytePatch ( Blob metadata, Patch &patch, int &offset ) : bool

Construct a Last 2 of 4-byte patch from the metadata blob.

TrySynthesizePullJsrHookPatch ( Blob metadata, Patch &patch, int &offset, List blobs ) : bool

Construct a Pull JSR HOOK patch from the metadata blob.

ValidateBytes ( Patch patch, Stream romStream ) : bool

Determine whether the bytes from a Patch's expected data match the contents of the ROM.

ValidateJSRHookBytes ( PullJSRHookPatch patch, Stream romStream ) : bool

Determine whether the bytes from a Patch's expected data match the contents of the ROM.

메소드 상세

Mod() 공개 메소드

Constructor for embedded mods
public Mod ( Stream s, string modPath ) : System
s Stream
modPath string
리턴 System

Mod() 공개 메소드

Constructor for external mods
public Mod ( string modPath ) : System
modPath string
리턴 System

Mod() 공개 메소드

Constructor for partial-patches
public Mod ( string modPath, string build ) : System
modPath string
build string
리턴 System

PrintPatches() 공개 메소드

Print patch descriptions to the console.
public PrintPatches ( ) : void
리턴 void

TryApplyMod() 공개 메소드

Try to apply the patches to the ROM.
public TryApplyMod ( Stream romStream ) : bool
romStream Stream
리턴 bool

TryCheckApplyMod() 공개 메소드

public TryCheckApplyMod ( string romPath, string outPath, bool apply, bool commit ) : bool
romPath string
outPath string
apply bool
commit bool
리턴 bool

TryDefinition() 공개 메소드

public TryDefinition ( AvailableDevices ad, string defPath ) : bool
ad AvailableDevices
defPath string
리턴 bool

TryGetMetaBlob() 공개 메소드

Try to find a blob in the patch that starts at the given address.
public TryGetMetaBlob ( uint startAddress, uint length, Blob &match, List blobs ) : bool
startAddress uint
length uint
match Blob
blobs List
리턴 bool

TryPrintBaselines() 공개 메소드

Extract actual ROM data, for appending to a patch file.
public TryPrintBaselines ( string patchPath, Stream romStream ) : bool
patchPath string
romStream Stream
리턴 bool

TryReadMetaString() 공개 메소드

Read a single string from the metadata blob.
Consider returning false, printing error message. But, need to be certain to abort the whole process at that point...
public TryReadMetaString ( Blob metadata, string &metaString, int &offset ) : bool
metadata Blob
metaString string
offset int
리턴 bool

TryReadPatches() 공개 메소드

Create the patch start/end metadata from the patch file.
public TryReadPatches ( ) : bool
리턴 bool

TryRemoveMod() 공개 메소드

Try to remove patches from a ROM
public TryRemoveMod ( Stream romStream ) : bool
romStream Stream
리턴 bool

TryReversePatches() 공개 메소드

Reverses the "direction" of the patch by start address manipulation
public TryReversePatches ( ) : bool
리턴 bool

TryValidatePatches() 공개 메소드

Determine whether the data that the patch was designed to overwrite match what's actually in the ROM.
public TryValidatePatches ( Stream romStream ) : bool
romStream Stream
리턴 bool

TryValidateUnPatches() 공개 메소드

Determine whether the data that the patch was designed to overwrite match what's actually in the ROM.
public TryValidateUnPatches ( Stream romStream ) : bool
romStream Stream
리턴 bool

프로퍼티 상세

ReleaseBuildWarning 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public string ReleaseBuildWarning
리턴 string

TestBuildWarning 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public string TestBuildWarning
리턴 string

patchList 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public List patchList
리턴 List

unPatchList 공개적으로 프로퍼티

public List unPatchList
리턴 List