C# 클래스 SharpNeat.Decoders.HyperNeat.NodeSetMapping

Describes a mapping between nodesets. Packages an INodeSetMappingFunction with indexes into a list of node sets that identify the source and target nodesets for the mapping.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: colgreen/sharpneat

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Create ( int srcNodeSetIdx, int tgtNodeSetIdx, INodeSetMappingFunction mappingFn ) : NodeSetMapping

Creates a NodeSet from the provided source and target nodeset indexes and mapping function.

Create ( int srcNodeSetIdx, int tgtNodeSetIdx, double maximumConnectionDistance ) : NodeSetMapping

Creates a NodeSet from the provided source and target nodeset indexes and maximum connection distance for mappings/connections.

Create ( int srcNodeSetIdx, int tgtNodeSetIdx, double maximumConnectionDistance, bool allowLocalRecurrentConnections ) : NodeSetMapping

Creates a NodeSet from the provided source and target nodeset indexes, maximum connection distance for mappings/connections and a flag defining if local recurrent connections should be created when mapping between nodes in the same nodeset.

GenerateConnections ( List nodeSetList ) : IEnumerable

Generates the connections defined by the mapping.

GetConnectionCountHint ( List nodeSetList ) : int

Returns an estimate/hint for the number of connections that would be created by the mapping.

NodeSetMapping ( int srcNodeSetIdx, int tgtNodeSetIdx, INodeSetMappingFunction mappingFn ) : System.Collections.Generic

Constructs with the provided source and target nodeset indexes and mapping function to apply between those sets.

메소드 상세

Create() 공개 정적인 메소드

Creates a NodeSet from the provided source and target nodeset indexes and mapping function.
public static Create ( int srcNodeSetIdx, int tgtNodeSetIdx, INodeSetMappingFunction mappingFn ) : NodeSetMapping
srcNodeSetIdx int
tgtNodeSetIdx int
mappingFn INodeSetMappingFunction
리턴 NodeSetMapping

Create() 공개 정적인 메소드

Creates a NodeSet from the provided source and target nodeset indexes and maximum connection distance for mappings/connections.
public static Create ( int srcNodeSetIdx, int tgtNodeSetIdx, double maximumConnectionDistance ) : NodeSetMapping
srcNodeSetIdx int
tgtNodeSetIdx int
maximumConnectionDistance double
리턴 NodeSetMapping

Create() 공개 정적인 메소드

Creates a NodeSet from the provided source and target nodeset indexes, maximum connection distance for mappings/connections and a flag defining if local recurrent connections should be created when mapping between nodes in the same nodeset.
public static Create ( int srcNodeSetIdx, int tgtNodeSetIdx, double maximumConnectionDistance, bool allowLocalRecurrentConnections ) : NodeSetMapping
srcNodeSetIdx int
tgtNodeSetIdx int
maximumConnectionDistance double
allowLocalRecurrentConnections bool
리턴 NodeSetMapping

GenerateConnections() 공개 메소드

Generates the connections defined by the mapping.
public GenerateConnections ( List nodeSetList ) : IEnumerable
nodeSetList List
리턴 IEnumerable

GetConnectionCountHint() 공개 메소드

Returns an estimate/hint for the number of connections that would be created by the mapping.
public GetConnectionCountHint ( List nodeSetList ) : int
nodeSetList List
리턴 int

NodeSetMapping() 공개 메소드

Constructs with the provided source and target nodeset indexes and mapping function to apply between those sets.
public NodeSetMapping ( int srcNodeSetIdx, int tgtNodeSetIdx, INodeSetMappingFunction mappingFn ) : System.Collections.Generic
srcNodeSetIdx int
tgtNodeSetIdx int
mappingFn INodeSetMappingFunction
리턴 System.Collections.Generic