C# 클래스 SharpArch.Castle.Extensions.WindsorPropertyInjectionExtensions

Property injection support for Windsor.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: sharparchitecture/Sharp-Architecture

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CleanupInjectableProperties ( [ kernel, [ target, ITypePropertyDescriptorCache cache ) : void

Cleanups up injectable properties. All injectable properties will be set to null.

Since this method does not perform dependency validation InjectProperties , cache is used as read-only. Calling CleanupInjectableProperties without call to InjectProperties on the same type will incur performance penalty as list of properties will be evaluated every time.

InjectProperties ( [ kernel, [ target, [ cache, ComponentModel>.Action validatePropertyRegistration = null ) : void

Injects dependencies into properties.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetInjectableProperties ( IKernel kernel, ITypePropertyDescriptorCache cache, ComponentModel>.Action validatePropertyRegistration, Type type ) : TypePropertyDescriptor
GetInjectableProperties ( Type type, IKernel kernel, ComponentModel>.Action validatePropertyRegistration ) : TypePropertyDescriptor
GetOrAdd ( IKernel kernel, ITypePropertyDescriptorCache cache, Type type, ComponentModel>.Action validatePropertyRegistration ) : TypePropertyDescriptor

메소드 상세

CleanupInjectableProperties() 공개 정적인 메소드

Cleanups up injectable properties. All injectable properties will be set to null.
Since this method does not perform dependency validation InjectProperties , cache is used as read-only. Calling CleanupInjectableProperties without call to InjectProperties on the same type will incur performance penalty as list of properties will be evaluated every time.
public static CleanupInjectableProperties ( [ kernel, [ target, ITypePropertyDescriptorCache cache ) : void
kernel [ Windsor kernel.
target [ The target object to cleanup injectable properties.
cache ITypePropertyDescriptorCache Injectable property descriptor cache.
리턴 void

InjectProperties() 공개 정적인 메소드

Injects dependencies into properties.
is .
public static InjectProperties ( [ kernel, [ target, [ cache, ComponentModel>.Action validatePropertyRegistration = null ) : void
kernel [ Windsor kernel
target [ The target object to inject properties.
cache [ Injectable property descriptor cache.
validatePropertyRegistration ComponentModel>.Action /// Callback to validate property dependency to be injected. Must throw /// exception in case of failure. ///
리턴 void