C# 클래스 ServiceClientGenerator.ProjectFileCreator

Class used to emit the set of per-platform project files for a service. Existing project files are retained, only missing files are generated.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: aws/aws-sdk-net 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Execute ( string serviceFilesRoot, ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration, IEnumerable projectFileConfigurations ) : void

Creates the platform-specific project files for the given service configuration

ExecuteCore ( string coreFilesRoot, IEnumerable projectFileConfigurations ) : void
ProjectFileCreator ( GeneratorOptions options ) : System

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GenerateCoreCLRProjectFiles ( string serviceFilesRoot, ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration, string assemblyName ) : void
GenerateProjectFile ( ProjectFileConfiguration projectFileConfiguration, ProjectConfigurationData projectConfiguration, object>.IDictionary session, string serviceFilesRoot, string projectFilename ) : void

Invokes the T4 generator to emit a platform-specific project file.

GetCoreProjectSourceFolders ( ProjectFileConfiguration projectFileConfiguration, string coreRootFolder ) : IList

Returns the collection of subfolders containing source code that need to be included in the project file. This is comprised the standard platform folders under Generated, plus any custom folders we find that are not otherwise handled (eg Properties).

GetProjectSourceFolders ( ProjectFileConfiguration projectFileConfiguration, string serviceRootFolder ) : IList

Returns the collection of subfolders containing source code that need to be included in the project file. This is comprised the standard platform folders under Generated, plus any custom folders we find that are not otherwise handled (eg Properties).

메소드 상세

Execute() 공개 메소드

Creates the platform-specific project files for the given service configuration
public Execute ( string serviceFilesRoot, ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration, IEnumerable projectFileConfigurations ) : void
serviceFilesRoot string The folder under which all of the source files for the service will exist
serviceConfiguration ServiceConfiguration
projectFileConfigurations IEnumerable
리턴 void

ExecuteCore() 공개 메소드

public ExecuteCore ( string coreFilesRoot, IEnumerable projectFileConfigurations ) : void
coreFilesRoot string
projectFileConfigurations IEnumerable
리턴 void

ProjectFileCreator() 공개 메소드

public ProjectFileCreator ( GeneratorOptions options ) : System
options GeneratorOptions
리턴 System