C# 클래스 SampleWebApp.SharePointAcsContext

Encapsulates all the information from SharePoint in ACS mode.
상속: SharePointContext
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: upeo/inbloom-dotnet

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
SharePointAcsContext ( Uri spHostUrl, Uri spAppWebUrl, string spLanguage, string spClientTag, string spProductNumber, string contextToken, SharePointContextToken contextTokenObj ) : System

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetAccessTokenString ( DateTime>.Tuple &accessToken, Func tokenRenewalHandler ) : string

Ensures the access token is valid and returns it.

RenewAccessTokenIfNeeded ( DateTime>.Tuple &accessToken, Func tokenRenewalHandler ) : void

Renews the access token if it is not valid.

메소드 상세

SharePointAcsContext() 공개 메소드

public SharePointAcsContext ( Uri spHostUrl, Uri spAppWebUrl, string spLanguage, string spClientTag, string spProductNumber, string contextToken, SharePointContextToken contextTokenObj ) : System
spHostUrl System.Uri
spAppWebUrl System.Uri
spLanguage string
spClientTag string
spProductNumber string
contextToken string
contextTokenObj SharePointContextToken
리턴 System