C# 클래스 SOLOVayne.Utility.General.SOLOMenuExtensions

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: DZ191/LeagueSharp

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddChampMenu ( this mainMenu, bool defValue ) : List

Adds the champ menu.

AddManaManager ( this mainMenu, SpellSlot slot, LeagueSharp.Common.Orbwalking Mode, int defMana ) : MenuItem

Adds the mana manager.

AddModeMenu ( this mainMenu, LeagueSharp.Common.Orbwalking Mode ) : LeagueSharp.Common.Menu

Adds the mode menu.

AddSkill ( this mainMenu, SpellSlot slot, LeagueSharp.Common.Orbwalking Mode, bool defaultValue = true, int defMana = 20, bool addMM = true ) : MenuItem

Adds a skill.

IsEnabledAndReady ( this Spell, bool checkMana = true ) : bool

Determines whether the skills is enabled and ready.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddManaManagerMenu ( this mainMenu, LeagueSharp.Common.Orbwalking Mode ) : LeagueSharp.Common.Menu

Adds the mana manager menu.

메소드 상세

AddChampMenu() 공개 정적인 메소드

Adds the champ menu.
public static AddChampMenu ( this mainMenu, bool defValue ) : List
mainMenu this The main menu.
defValue bool if set to true [definition value].
리턴 List

AddManaManager() 공개 정적인 메소드

Adds the mana manager.
public static AddManaManager ( this mainMenu, SpellSlot slot, LeagueSharp.Common.Orbwalking Mode, int defMana ) : MenuItem
mainMenu this The main menu.
slot SpellSlot The slot.
Mode LeagueSharp.Common.Orbwalking The mode.
defMana int The definition mana.
리턴 MenuItem

AddModeMenu() 공개 정적인 메소드

Adds the mode menu.
public static AddModeMenu ( this mainMenu, LeagueSharp.Common.Orbwalking Mode ) : LeagueSharp.Common.Menu
mainMenu this The main menu.
Mode LeagueSharp.Common.Orbwalking The mode.
리턴 LeagueSharp.Common.Menu

AddSkill() 공개 정적인 메소드

Adds a skill.
public static AddSkill ( this mainMenu, SpellSlot slot, LeagueSharp.Common.Orbwalking Mode, bool defaultValue = true, int defMana = 20, bool addMM = true ) : MenuItem
mainMenu this The main menu.
slot SpellSlot The slot.
Mode LeagueSharp.Common.Orbwalking The mode.
defaultValue bool if set to true [default value].
defMana int The definition mana.
addMM bool if set to true [add mm].
리턴 MenuItem

IsEnabledAndReady() 공개 정적인 메소드

Determines whether the skills is enabled and ready.
public static IsEnabledAndReady ( this Spell, bool checkMana = true ) : bool
Spell this The spell.
checkMana bool if set to true also checks for the mana condition.
리턴 bool