C# 클래스 SDKDocGenerator.Writers.BaseWriter

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: aws/aws-sdk-net

공개 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
BJSDisclaimerTemplate string
FieldTableColumnHeaders List
IconisedNameDescriptionTableColumnHeaders List
NameDescriptionTableColumnHeaders List
PropertiesTableColumnHeaders List

보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
_referAsyncAlternativePCL bool
_referAsyncAlternativeUnity bool
_unityVersionOfAsyncExists bool
_version FrameworkVersion

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CreateCrossReferenceTagReplacement ( AbstractTypeProvider typeProvider, string crefTypeName, FrameworkVersion version ) : string
GetCrossReferenceTypeName ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement element ) : string
Write ( ) : void
WriteCrossReferenceTagReplacement ( TextWriter writer, string typeName ) : void

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddExamples ( TextWriter writer ) : void
AddMemberTableSectionClosing ( TextWriter writer ) : void
AddMemberTableSectionHeader ( TextWriter writer, string title, List columnHeaders ) : void

Adds a standard member-name/description table with optional type column

AddMemberTableSectionHeader ( TextWriter writer, string name, bool showIconColumn = true ) : void
AddNamespace ( TextWriter writer, string ns, string moduleName ) : void
AddRemarksDocumentation ( TextWriter writer ) : void
AddSectionClosing ( TextWriter writer ) : void
AddSectionHeader ( TextWriter writer, string name ) : void
AddSummaryDocumentation ( TextWriter writer ) : void
AddSummaryNotes ( TextWriter writer ) : void
AddSyntax ( TextWriter writer, string csharpSyntax ) : void
AddVersionInformation ( TextWriter writer, AbstractWrapper wrapper ) : void
BaseWriter ( GenerationManifest artifacts, AbstractTypeProvider typeProvider, FrameworkVersion version ) : System
BaseWriter ( GenerationManifest artifacts, FrameworkVersion version ) : System
FormatParameters ( IList infos ) : string
GenerateFilename ( ) : string
GenerateFilepath ( ) : string
GetMemberName ( ) : string
GetMemberType ( ) : string
GetSummaryDocumentation ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement
GetTOCID ( ) : string
GetTitle ( ) : string
WriteContent ( TextWriter writer ) : void
WriteFooter ( TextWriter writer ) : void
WriteHeader ( TextWriter writer ) : void
WriteRegionDisclaimer ( TextWriter writer ) : void
WriteScriptFiles ( TextWriter writer ) : void
WriteToolbar ( TextWriter writer ) : void

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ComputeRelativePathToRoot ( string filePath ) : string
GenerateFeedbackHTML ( ) : string

메소드 상세

AddExamples() 보호된 메소드

protected AddExamples ( TextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
리턴 void

AddMemberTableSectionClosing() 보호된 메소드

protected AddMemberTableSectionClosing ( TextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
리턴 void

AddMemberTableSectionHeader() 보호된 메소드

Adds a standard member-name/description table with optional type column
protected AddMemberTableSectionHeader ( TextWriter writer, string title, List columnHeaders ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
title string
columnHeaders List
리턴 void

AddMemberTableSectionHeader() 보호된 메소드

protected AddMemberTableSectionHeader ( TextWriter writer, string name, bool showIconColumn = true ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
name string
showIconColumn bool
리턴 void

AddNamespace() 보호된 메소드

protected AddNamespace ( TextWriter writer, string ns, string moduleName ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
ns string
moduleName string
리턴 void

AddRemarksDocumentation() 보호된 메소드

protected AddRemarksDocumentation ( TextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
리턴 void

AddSectionClosing() 보호된 메소드

protected AddSectionClosing ( TextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
리턴 void

AddSectionHeader() 보호된 메소드

protected AddSectionHeader ( TextWriter writer, string name ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
name string
리턴 void

AddSummaryDocumentation() 보호된 메소드

protected AddSummaryDocumentation ( TextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
리턴 void

AddSummaryNotes() 보호된 메소드

protected AddSummaryNotes ( TextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
리턴 void

AddSyntax() 보호된 메소드

protected AddSyntax ( TextWriter writer, string csharpSyntax ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
csharpSyntax string
리턴 void

AddVersionInformation() 보호된 메소드

protected AddVersionInformation ( TextWriter writer, AbstractWrapper wrapper ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
wrapper AbstractWrapper
리턴 void

BaseWriter() 보호된 메소드

protected BaseWriter ( GenerationManifest artifacts, AbstractTypeProvider typeProvider, FrameworkVersion version ) : System
artifacts GenerationManifest
typeProvider AbstractTypeProvider
version FrameworkVersion
리턴 System

BaseWriter() 보호된 메소드

protected BaseWriter ( GenerationManifest artifacts, FrameworkVersion version ) : System
artifacts GenerationManifest
version FrameworkVersion
리턴 System

CreateCrossReferenceTagReplacement() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static CreateCrossReferenceTagReplacement ( AbstractTypeProvider typeProvider, string crefTypeName, FrameworkVersion version ) : string
typeProvider AbstractTypeProvider
crefTypeName string
version FrameworkVersion
리턴 string

FormatParameters() 보호된 메소드

protected FormatParameters ( IList infos ) : string
infos IList
리턴 string

GenerateFilename() 보호된 추상적인 메소드

protected abstract GenerateFilename ( ) : string
리턴 string

GenerateFilepath() 보호된 추상적인 메소드

protected abstract GenerateFilepath ( ) : string
리턴 string

GetCrossReferenceTypeName() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static GetCrossReferenceTypeName ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement element ) : string
element System.Xml.Linq.XElement
리턴 string

GetMemberName() 보호된 추상적인 메소드

protected abstract GetMemberName ( ) : string
리턴 string

GetMemberType() 보호된 추상적인 메소드

protected abstract GetMemberType ( ) : string
리턴 string

GetSummaryDocumentation() 보호된 추상적인 메소드

protected abstract GetSummaryDocumentation ( ) : System.Xml.Linq.XElement
리턴 System.Xml.Linq.XElement

GetTOCID() 보호된 추상적인 메소드

protected abstract GetTOCID ( ) : string
리턴 string

GetTitle() 보호된 추상적인 메소드

protected abstract GetTitle ( ) : string
리턴 string

Write() 공개 메소드

public Write ( ) : void
리턴 void

WriteContent() 보호된 추상적인 메소드

protected abstract WriteContent ( TextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
리턴 void

WriteCrossReferenceTagReplacement() 공개 메소드

public WriteCrossReferenceTagReplacement ( TextWriter writer, string typeName ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
typeName string
리턴 void

WriteFooter() 보호된 메소드

protected WriteFooter ( TextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
리턴 void

WriteHeader() 보호된 메소드

protected WriteHeader ( TextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
리턴 void

WriteRegionDisclaimer() 보호된 메소드

protected WriteRegionDisclaimer ( TextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
리턴 void

WriteScriptFiles() 보호된 메소드

protected WriteScriptFiles ( TextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.IO.TextWriter
리턴 void

WriteToolbar() 보호된 메소드

protected WriteToolbar ( TextWriter writer ) : void
writer TextWriter
리턴 void

프로퍼티 상세

BJSDisclaimerTemplate 공개적으로 정적으로 프로퍼티

public static string BJSDisclaimerTemplate
리턴 string

FieldTableColumnHeaders 공개적으로 정적으로 프로퍼티

public static List FieldTableColumnHeaders
리턴 List

IconisedNameDescriptionTableColumnHeaders 공개적으로 정적으로 프로퍼티

public static List IconisedNameDescriptionTableColumnHeaders
리턴 List

NameDescriptionTableColumnHeaders 공개적으로 정적으로 프로퍼티

public static List NameDescriptionTableColumnHeaders
리턴 List

PropertiesTableColumnHeaders 공개적으로 정적으로 프로퍼티

public static List PropertiesTableColumnHeaders
리턴 List

_referAsyncAlternativePCL 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected bool _referAsyncAlternativePCL
리턴 bool

_referAsyncAlternativeUnity 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected bool _referAsyncAlternativeUnity
리턴 bool

_unityVersionOfAsyncExists 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected bool _unityVersionOfAsyncExists
리턴 bool

_version 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected FrameworkVersion _version
리턴 FrameworkVersion