메소드 | 설명 | |
Copy ( |
Copy properties (data) from one instance to this.
FilterClassroomsByBuildings ( List |
Method filtering classrooms by given buildings. Result held in 'Classrooms' property of Model.
FilterGroupsBySpecializations ( List |
Method filtering groups (kruhy) by given specializations (zaměření). Groups are visible when just one degreeYear is selected. Result held in 'Groups' property of Model.
FilterLecturersByDepartments ( List |
Method filtering lecturers by given departments, where employed. Result held in 'Lecturers' property of Model.
FilterSpecializationsByDegreeYears ( List |
Method filtering specializations (zaměření) by given degreeYears. Specializations are visible just only one degreeYear is selected.
FilterTimetableFieldsByAll ( List |
Method filtering lessons (vyučovací hodiny) by given degreeYears, specializations zaměření, groups (kruhy), departments (dep. of the course), lecturers, classrooms, days and times. Result held in 'TimetableFields' property of Model.
Load ( string xmlPath ) : bool |
Reloads xml file, parses and initializes properties which holds base data of the application. This method should be used for refreshing the model after updating thxml with timetable.
메소드 | 설명 | |
LoadOneXMLTimetableFromFile ( string xmlPath ) : bool |
Method which open and parse the xml file.
ParseData ( ) : bool |
Init class properties by xml data.
RemoveDiacriticsAndLower ( string s ) : string |
Removes diacritics and gets the characters to lower case.
RemoveFirstTwoDigits ( string s ) : string |
Removes first two digits of the given string.
anyId ( List |
Return true when there is any id, false for empty list.
filterLessonsByBuildings ( List |
Method filtering lessons by given buildings, used only when no classroom is selected.
filterLessonsByClassrooms ( List |
Method filtering lessons by given classrooms.
filterLessonsByCourses ( List |
Method filtering lessons by given courses.
filterLessonsByDays ( List |
Method filtering lessons by given days.
filterLessonsByDegreeYears ( List |
Method filtering lessons by given degreeYear.
filterLessonsByDepartments ( List |
Method filtering lessons by given departments.
filterLessonsByGroups ( List |
Method filtering lessons by given groups.
filterLessonsByLecturers ( List |
Method filtering lessons by given lecturers.
filterLessonsByLectures ( List |
Method filtering lessons by given lectures.
filterLessonsBySearchString ( string searchString, ICollection |
Method filtering lessons by given search string representing acronym or name of a course.
filterLessonsBySpecializations ( List |
Method filtering lessons by given specializations.
filterLessonsByTimes ( List |
Method filtering lessons by given times.
intersect ( IEnumerable |
Makes set intersection of the given lists of lessons.
public Copy ( |
src | Source instance. | |
리턴 | void |
public FilterClassroomsByBuildings ( List |
buildingIds | List |
Ids of the given buildings |
리턴 | List |
public FilterGroupsBySpecializations ( List |
specializationIds | List |
리턴 | List |
public FilterLecturersByDepartments ( List |
departmentIds | List |
Ids of the given departments |
리턴 | List |
public FilterSpecializationsByDegreeYears ( List |
degreeYearIds | List |
리턴 | List |
public FilterTimetableFieldsByAll ( List |
degreeYearIds | List |
Ids of the given degreeYear. |
specializationIds | List |
Ids of the given specialization. |
groupIds | List |
Ids of the given groups. |
departmentIds | List |
Ids of the given departments. |
lecturerIds | List |
Ids of the given lecturers. |
buildingIds | List |
Ids of the given buildings. |
classroomIds | List |
Ids of the given classrooms. |
dayIds | List |
Ids of the given days. |
timeIds | List |
Ids of the given times. |
searchedString | string | |
리턴 | List |
public Load ( string xmlPath ) : bool | ||
xmlPath | string | Path to the source xml file. |
리턴 | bool |