C# 클래스 Rock.Utility.ExcelHelper

Methods that facilitate generating Excel files
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: NewSpring/Rock

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddWorksheet ( this excel, DataTable data ) : void

Adds a worksheet from a DataTable

CreateNewFile ( DataSet sqlResults = null, string title = null ) : ExcelPackage

Creates an Excel Workbook from a DataSet

DefaultColumnFormat ( IRockGridField field, object exportValue ) : string

Sets the default formatting for an excel column based on the field type and data type

DefaultColumnFormat ( Type type ) : string

Sets the default formatting for an excel column based on the data type

FinalColumnFormat ( object exportValue, string defaultFormat ) : string

Updates the excel column format based on the level of detail in the data

FormatWorksheet ( this worksheet, string title, int headerRows, int rows, int columns ) : void

Apply the default Rock worksheet formatting

Save ( ExcelPackage excel, string fileName, RockContext rockContext, BinaryFileType binaryFileType = null ) : BinaryFile

Saves an ExcelPackage as a BinaryFile and stores it in the database

SendToBrowser ( this excel, System page, string filename ) : void

Sends an Excel workbook to the user

SetExcelValue ( OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange range, object exportValue ) : void

Formats the export value.

ToByteArray ( this excel ) : byte[]

Convert an ExcelPackage to a ByteArray

ToMemoryStream ( this excel ) : MemoryStream

Convert an ExcelPackage to a MemoryStream

메소드 상세

AddWorksheet() 공개 정적인 메소드

Adds a worksheet from a DataTable
public static AddWorksheet ( this excel, DataTable data ) : void
excel this The ExcelPackage object to add a worksheet to
data System.Data.DataTable The DataTable to populate the worksheet with. The TableName of the DataTable will be the header and Tab name of the worksheet.
리턴 void

CreateNewFile() 공개 정적인 메소드

Creates an Excel Workbook from a DataSet
public static CreateNewFile ( DataSet sqlResults = null, string title = null ) : ExcelPackage
sqlResults System.Data.DataSet The DataSet to populate a workbook with. The TableName of each DataTable will be the header and Tab name of each sheet.
title string The Title of the workbook
리턴 OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage

DefaultColumnFormat() 공개 정적인 메소드

Sets the default formatting for an excel column based on the field type and data type
public static DefaultColumnFormat ( IRockGridField field, object exportValue ) : string
field IRockGridField The grid field
exportValue object An example value for this column; you can use the data from the first row
리턴 string

DefaultColumnFormat() 공개 정적인 메소드

Sets the default formatting for an excel column based on the data type
public static DefaultColumnFormat ( Type type ) : string
type System.Type The data type of the column
리턴 string

FinalColumnFormat() 공개 정적인 메소드

Updates the excel column format based on the level of detail in the data
public static FinalColumnFormat ( object exportValue, string defaultFormat ) : string
exportValue object The cell value to use for formatting
defaultFormat string The existing column format to use if no changes are to be made
리턴 string

FormatWorksheet() 공개 정적인 메소드

Apply the default Rock worksheet formatting
public static FormatWorksheet ( this worksheet, string title, int headerRows, int rows, int columns ) : void
worksheet this The worksheet to be formatted
title string The title to display in the worksheet header
headerRows int The number of rows to use for the header
rows int The number of rows populated in the worksheet
columns int The number of columns populated in the worksheet
리턴 void

Save() 공개 정적인 메소드

Saves an ExcelPackage as a BinaryFile and stores it in the database
public static Save ( ExcelPackage excel, string fileName, RockContext rockContext, BinaryFileType binaryFileType = null ) : BinaryFile
excel OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage The ExcelPackage object to save
fileName string The filename to save the workbook as
rockContext Rock.Data.RockContext The RockContext to use
binaryFileType BinaryFileType Optionally specifies the BinaryFileType to apply to this file for security purposes
리턴 BinaryFile

SendToBrowser() 공개 정적인 메소드

Sends an Excel workbook to the user
public static SendToBrowser ( this excel, System page, string filename ) : void
excel this The ExcelPackage to send
page System The current Page object
filename string The filename to send the file as
리턴 void

SetExcelValue() 공개 정적인 메소드

Formats the export value.
public static SetExcelValue ( OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange range, object exportValue ) : void
range OfficeOpenXml.ExcelRange The range.
exportValue object The export value.
리턴 void

ToByteArray() 공개 정적인 메소드

Convert an ExcelPackage to a ByteArray
public static ToByteArray ( this excel ) : byte[]
excel this The ExcelPackage
리턴 byte[]

ToMemoryStream() 공개 정적인 메소드

Convert an ExcelPackage to a MemoryStream
public static ToMemoryStream ( this excel ) : MemoryStream
excel this The ExcelPackage
리턴 System.IO.MemoryStream