C# 클래스 Revit.SDK.Samples.TransactionControl.CS.TransactionForm

A Form used to deal with transaction and create, move or delete a wall
상속: System.Windows.Forms.Form
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: AMEE/revit 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
TransactionForm ( ExternalCommandData commandData ) : System


보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Clean up any resources being used.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddNode ( OperationType type ) : void

add node to tree view control

AddNode ( OperationType type, string info ) : void

add node to tree view control

HandleNestedTransactionGroups ( OperationType operationType ) : void

Commit or rollback nested transaction groups

InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

UpdateButtonsStatus ( ) : void

Update form buttons depending on the status of existing transaction and groups

UpdateTreeNode ( TreeNode parentNode, Color color ) : void

Update the color of tree node including all its sub-nodes

UpdateTreeNode ( TreeNode parentNode, OperationType type ) : void

Update the color of a tree node

btnCommitTransGroup_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Commit transaction group button click event

btnRollbackTransGroup_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Rollback transaction group button click event

btnStartTransGroup_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Start transaction group button click event

cancelButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Rollback all changes and close this form

commitTransButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Commit a transaction

createWallbutton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Create a wall, append a node to tree view

deleteWallButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Delete a wall, append a node to tree view

moveWallButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Move a wall, append a node to tree view

okButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Accept the changes and and close this form

If any transaction group or the active transaction is still open give the user the option to either commit them or roll them back first.

rollbackTransButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Rollback a transaction

startTransButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Begin a transaction, append transaction node to tree view

updateModel ( bool autoJoin ) : void

Updates the model and refreshes the active view

메소드 상세

Dispose() 보호된 메소드

Clean up any resources being used.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
리턴 void

TransactionForm() 공개 메소드

public TransactionForm ( ExternalCommandData commandData ) : System
commandData ExternalCommandData the external command data
리턴 System