프로퍼티 | 타입 | 설명 | |
CurrentConnection | |||
Instance | MainPage | ||
IsInSettings | bool | ||
_isPreviewing | bool |
메소드 | 설명 | |
CheckAlwaysRunning ( bool force = null ) : void |
Tries to keep the machine from locking/sleeping by periodically making a DisplayRequest
Connect ( |
Connects to a remote device over firmata
Disconnect ( ) : void |
Disconnects the current connection and cleans up any related objects
MainPage ( ) : System | ||
PopulateList ( ) : void |
Populates the list of connections in the settings UI
RefreshConnections ( ) : Task |
Refreshes the connections from the available device sources
메소드 | 설명 | |
OnNavigatedTo ( |
OnNavigatingFrom ( |
메소드 | 설명 | |
Application_Resuming ( object sender, object o ) : void | ||
Application_Suspending ( object sender, |
CaptureTimerTick ( object sender, object e ) : void |
Performs a capture every timer tick, to provide continuous streaming
CleanupCameraAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task |
Cleans up the camera resources (after stopping the preview if necessary) and unregisters from MediaCapture events
ConvertDisplayOrientationToDegrees ( DisplayOrientations orientation ) : int |
Converts the given orientation of the app on the screen to the corresponding rotation in degrees
DisplayInformation_OrientationChanged ( DisplayInformation sender, object args ) : void |
This event will fire when the page is rotated
Display_Tapped ( object sender, |
Display button tapped event handler
FindCameraDeviceByPanelAsync ( Windows.Devices.Enumeration.Panel desiredPanel ) : Task |
Queries the available video capture devices to try and find one mounted on the desired panel
GetPreviewFrameAsSoftwareBitmapAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task |
Gets the current preview frame as a SoftwareBitmap, displays its properties in a TextBlock, and can optionally display the image in the UI and/or save it to disk as a jpg
GetPreviewFrameButton_Tapped ( object sender, |
InitializeCameraAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task |
Initializes the MediaCapture, registers events, gets camera device information for mirroring and rotating, and starts preview
MediaCapture_Failed ( |
OnConnectionEstablished ( ) : void |
OnConnectionFailed ( string message ) : void |
Handler for failed connection event, logs and displays a UI message
OnConnectionLost ( string message ) : void |
Handler for lost connection event, logs and displays a UI message
PreviewButton_Checked ( object sender, |
PreviewButton_Click ( object sender, |
Handler for clicking the preview button
PreviewButton_Unchecked ( object sender, |
SetPreviewRotationAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task |
Gets the current orientation of the UI in relation to the device and applies a corrective rotation to the preview
SettingButton_Click ( object sender, |
Handler for clicking the setting button
StartPreviewAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task |
Starts the preview and adjusts it for for rotation and mirroring after making a request to keep the screen on and unlocks the UI
StopPreviewAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task |
Stops the preview and deactivates a display request, to allow the screen to go into power saving modes, and locks the UI
TestButton_Click ( object sender, |
Handler for clicking the test button
public CheckAlwaysRunning ( bool force = null ) : void | ||
force | bool | Forces the request, even if AlwaysRunning isn't set |
리턴 | void |
public Connect ( |
selectedConnection | Connection to connect to | |
리턴 | System.Threading.Tasks.Task |
protected OnNavigatedTo ( |
e | ||
리턴 | void |
protected OnNavigatingFrom ( |
e | ||
리턴 | void |
public Connection,RemoteLedMatrix.Helpers CurrentConnection | ||
리턴 |