C# 클래스 RemObjects.InternetPack.Messages.Mime.Decode.Utility

Contains common operations needed while decoding.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: remobjects/internetpack

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetHeadersValue ( String rawHeader ) : String[]

Separate header name and header value.

ParseCharsetToEncoding ( String characterSet ) : Encoding

Parse a character set into an encoding.

RemoveQuotesIfAny ( String text ) : String

Remove quotes, if found, around the String.

SplitStringWithCharNotInsideQuotes ( String input, char toSplitAt ) : List

Split a String into a list of strings using a specified character.
Everything inside quotes are ignored.

메소드 상세

GetHeadersValue() 공개 정적인 메소드

Separate header name and header value.
If is
public static GetHeadersValue ( String rawHeader ) : String[]
rawHeader String
리턴 String[]

ParseCharsetToEncoding() 공개 정적인 메소드

Parse a character set into an encoding.
If is
public static ParseCharsetToEncoding ( String characterSet ) : Encoding
characterSet String The character set to parse
리턴 System.Text.Encoding

RemoveQuotesIfAny() 공개 정적인 메소드

Remove quotes, if found, around the String.
If is
public static RemoveQuotesIfAny ( String text ) : String
text String Text with quotes or without quotes
리턴 String

SplitStringWithCharNotInsideQuotes() 공개 정적인 메소드

Split a String into a list of strings using a specified character.
Everything inside quotes are ignored.
public static SplitStringWithCharNotInsideQuotes ( String input, char toSplitAt ) : List
input String A String to split
toSplitAt char The character to use to split with
리턴 List