C# 클래스 QUT.Gplex.Parser.RegExTree

Abstract class for AST representing regular expressions. Concrete subclasses correspond to --- binary trees (context, alternation and concatenation) unary trees (closure, finite repetition and anchored patterns) leaf nodes (chars, char classes, literal strings and the eof marker)
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: spark-shading-language/spark 1 사용 예제들

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명
RegExTree System
Visit void
contextLength int
minimumLength int

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
RegExTree ( RegOp op ) : System
Visit ( RegExDFS visitor ) : void

This is the navigation method for running the visitor over the tree in a depth-first-search visit order.

contextLength ( ) : int

This is a helper to compute the length of strings recognized by a regular expression. This is important because the right context operator "R1/R2" is efficiently implemented if either R1 or R2 produce fixed length strings.

minimumLength ( ) : int

This is a helper to compute the minimum length of strings recognized by a regular expression. It is the minimum consumption of input by a pattern.