C# 클래스 ProAppDistanceAndDirectionModule.ViewModels.ProEllipseViewModel

상속: ProTabBaseViewModel
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Esri/distance-direction-addin-dotnet

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ProEllipseViewModel ( ) : ArcGIS.Core.CIM

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CreateMapElement ( ) : void
DrawEllipse ( ) : void
GetAzimuthAsDegrees ( ) : double
GetRadiansFrom360Degrees ( double degrees ) : double

gets radians in a format the PRO sdk likes from 360 degrees, straight up is ZERO Radians from far right to far left counter clockwise is 0 to positive PI Radians from far right to far left clockwise is 0 to negative PI

OnMouseMoveEvent ( object obj ) : void
OnNewMapPointEvent ( object obj ) : void
OnSketchComplete ( object obj ) : void
Reset ( bool toolReset ) : void
ResetPoints ( ) : void
UpdateAzimuth ( double radians ) : void
UpdateAzimuthFromTo ( AzimuthTypes fromType, AzimuthTypes toType ) : void
UpdateFeedbackWithEllipse ( bool HasMinorAxis = true ) : void

메소드 상세

ProEllipseViewModel() 공개 메소드

public ProEllipseViewModel ( ) : ArcGIS.Core.CIM
리턴 ArcGIS.Core.CIM