C# 클래스 Pdelvo.Minecraft.Proxy.Library.Connection.ProxyConnection

The basic implementation of the IProxyConnection interface
상속: IProxyConnection
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: pdelvo/Pdelvo.Minecraft.Proxy 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CloseAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Asynchronously close this connection

Dispose ( ) : void

Cleans all resources of this connection

InitializeServerAsync ( RemoteServerInfo serverEndPoint ) : Task

Asynchronously initialize the server side of this connection

KickUserAsync ( string message ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Asyncronously kicking a client

ProxyConnection ( Socket networkSocket, ProxyServer server ) : System

Creates a new instance of the ProxyConnection class with the remote socket of the client and the ProxyServer this connection should belong to.

StartClientListening ( ) : void

Start waiting for client packets

StartServerListening ( ) : void

Start waiting for server packets

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ClientConnectionLost ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
ClientPacketReceived ( object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs args ) : void
HandleClient ( ) : void
InitializeServerAsync ( ) : Task
OnConnectionLost ( ) : void
ServerConnectionLost ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
ServerPacketReceived ( object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs args ) : void
UnregisterServer ( ) : void

메소드 상세

CloseAsync() 공개 메소드

Asynchronously close this connection
public CloseAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
리턴 System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Dispose() 공개 메소드

Cleans all resources of this connection
public Dispose ( ) : void
리턴 void

InitializeServerAsync() 공개 메소드

Asynchronously initialize the server side of this connection
public InitializeServerAsync ( RemoteServerInfo serverEndPoint ) : Task
serverEndPoint RemoteServerInfo Information of the new server this connection should connect to.
리턴 Task

KickUserAsync() 공개 메소드

Asyncronously kicking a client
public KickUserAsync ( string message ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
message string The kick message
리턴 System.Threading.Tasks.Task

ProxyConnection() 공개 메소드

Creates a new instance of the ProxyConnection class with the remote socket of the client and the ProxyServer this connection should belong to.
public ProxyConnection ( Socket networkSocket, ProxyServer server ) : System
networkSocket Socket The network socket of the network client
server ProxyServer The proxy server this connection belongs to
리턴 System

StartClientListening() 공개 메소드

Start waiting for client packets
public StartClientListening ( ) : void
리턴 void

StartServerListening() 공개 메소드

Start waiting for server packets
public StartServerListening ( ) : void
리턴 void