C# 클래스 Pdelvo.Minecraft.Protocol.PacketFactory

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: pdelvo/Pdelvo.Minecraft

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
SendPacket ( Packet packet, BigEndianStream stream, int version, int requiredVersion, int lastSupportedVersion, bool throwOnRequired, bool throwOnLast ) : void

Sends the packet.

SendPacketAsync ( Packet packet, BigEndianStream stream, int version, int requiredVersion, int lastSupportedVersion, bool throwOnRequired, bool throwOnLast ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CheckPacket ( Packet packet, int version, int requiredVersion, int lastSupportedVersion, bool throwOnRequired, bool throwOnLast ) : bool
GetCreator ( Type type ) : PacketCreator

Gets the creator.

GetMonoCreator ( Type type ) : PacketCreator

Fallback because the mono CreateDelegate method missmatches the one of the .net framework

GetMonoSender ( Type type ) : PacketSender

Fallback because the mono CreateDelegate method missmatches the one of the .net framework

GetMonoSenderAsync ( Type type ) : PacketSenderAsync

Fallback because the mono CreateDelegate method missmatches the one of the .net framework

GetNetCreator ( Type type ) : PacketCreator
GetNetSender ( Type type ) : PacketSender
GetNetSenderAsync ( Type type ) : PacketSenderAsync
GetSender ( Type type ) : PacketSender

Gets the sender.

GetSenderAsync ( Type type ) : PacketSenderAsync

메소드 상세

SendPacket() 공개 정적인 메소드

Sends the packet.
public static SendPacket ( Packet packet, BigEndianStream stream, int version, int requiredVersion, int lastSupportedVersion, bool throwOnRequired, bool throwOnLast ) : void
packet Pdelvo.Minecraft.Protocol.Packets.Packet The packet.
stream Pdelvo.Minecraft.Network.BigEndianStream The stream.
version int The version.
requiredVersion int The required version.
lastSupportedVersion int The last supported version.
throwOnRequired bool if set to true [throw on required].
throwOnLast bool if set to true [throw on last].
리턴 void

SendPacketAsync() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static SendPacketAsync ( Packet packet, BigEndianStream stream, int version, int requiredVersion, int lastSupportedVersion, bool throwOnRequired, bool throwOnLast ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
packet Pdelvo.Minecraft.Protocol.Packets.Packet
stream Pdelvo.Minecraft.Network.BigEndianStream
version int
requiredVersion int
lastSupportedVersion int
throwOnRequired bool
throwOnLast bool
리턴 System.Threading.Tasks.Task