C# 클래스 Pchp.Library.PerlRegex.RegexBoyerMoore

파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: iolevel/peachpie 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Dump ( string indent ) : string
ToString ( ) : string

Used when dumping for debugging.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
IsMatch ( string text, int index, int beglimit, int endlimit ) : bool

When a regex is anchored, we can do a quick IsMatch test instead of a Scan

MatchPattern ( string text, int index ) : bool
RegexBoyerMoore ( string pattern, bool caseInsensitive, bool rightToLeft, CultureInfo culture ) : System

Constructs a Boyer-Moore state machine for searching for the string pattern. The string must not be zero-length.

Scan ( string text, int index, int beglimit, int endlimit ) : int

Scan uses the Boyer-Moore algorithm to find the first occurrence of the specified string within text, beginning at index, and constrained within beglimit and endlimit. The direction and case-sensitivity of the match is determined by the arguments to the RegexBoyerMoore constructor.

메소드 상세

Dump() 공개 메소드

public Dump ( string indent ) : string
indent string
리턴 string

ToString() 공개 메소드

Used when dumping for debugging.
public ToString ( ) : string
리턴 string