C# 클래스 Pchp.Library.PerlRegex.Match

Represents the results from a single regular expression match.
상속: Group
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: iolevel/peachpie 1 사용 예제들

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명
AddMatch void
BalanceMatch void
Dump void
GroupToStringImpl string
IsMatched bool
LastGroupToStringImpl string
Match System
MatchIndex int
MatchLength int
RemoveMatch void
Reset void
Tidy void

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
NextMatch ( ) : Match

Returns a new Match with the results for the next match, starting at the position at which the last match ended (at the character beyond the last matched character).

Result ( string replacement ) : string

Returns the expansion of the passed replacement pattern. For example, if the replacement pattern is ?$1$2?, Result returns the concatenation of Group(1).ToString() and Group(2).ToString().

Synchronized ( Match inner ) : Match

Returns a Match instance equivalent to the one supplied that is safe to share between multiple threads.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddMatch ( int cap, int start, int len ) : void
BalanceMatch ( int cap ) : void
Dump ( ) : void
GroupToStringImpl ( int groupnum ) : string
IsMatched ( int cap ) : bool
LastGroupToStringImpl ( ) : string
Match ( Regex regex, int capcount, string text, int begpos, int len, int startpos ) : System
MatchIndex ( int cap ) : int
MatchLength ( int cap ) : int
RemoveMatch ( int cap ) : void
Reset ( Regex regex, string text, int textbeg, int textend, int textstart ) : void
Tidy ( int textpos ) : void

메소드 상세

NextMatch() 공개 메소드

Returns a new Match with the results for the next match, starting at the position at which the last match ended (at the character beyond the last matched character).
public NextMatch ( ) : Match
리턴 Match

Result() 공개 메소드

Returns the expansion of the passed replacement pattern. For example, if the replacement pattern is ?$1$2?, Result returns the concatenation of Group(1).ToString() and Group(2).ToString().
public Result ( string replacement ) : string
replacement string
리턴 string

Synchronized() 공개 정적인 메소드

Returns a Match instance equivalent to the one supplied that is safe to share between multiple threads.
public static Synchronized ( Match inner ) : Match
inner Match
리턴 Match