C# 클래스 Payscale.Sitefinity.BlogTaxonomyControl

Custom Sitefinity Taxonomy Control to display taxonomy items for a specific Blog
Developed and tested on Sitefinity 5.2.3800.
상속: TaxonomyControl
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: payscale/sitefinity

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetTaxaItemsCountForTaxonomy ( ) : uint>.Dictionary

Returns a dictionary where the key is the taxon and value is the number is the count of the times that the taxon is used(marked)

메소드 상세

GetTaxaItemsCountForTaxonomy() 보호된 메소드

Returns a dictionary where the key is the taxon and value is the number is the count of the times that the taxon is used(marked)
protected GetTaxaItemsCountForTaxonomy ( ) : uint>.Dictionary
리턴 uint>.Dictionary