C# 클래스 Pathoschild.DesignByContract.DesignedByContractAttribute

상속: OnMethodBoundaryAspect
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Pathoschild/DesignByContract

Private Properties

프로퍼티 타입 설명

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CompileTimeInitialize ( MethodBase method, AspectInfo aspectInfo ) : void

Method invoked at build time to initialize the instance fields of the current aspect. This method is invoked before any other build-time method.

This implementation analyzes the annotated method and prepares the conditions for runtime verification.

CompileTimeValidate ( MethodBase method ) : bool

Method invoked at build time to determine whether code needs to be injected for this method.

DesignedByContractAttribute ( ) : System

Construct an annotation which indicates that invocations of the target methods should be validated to ensure that their preconditions or postconditions are respected.

OnEntry ( MethodExecutionArgs args ) : void

Method executed before the body of methods to which this aspect is applied.

OnSuccess ( MethodExecutionArgs args ) : void

Method executed after the body of methods to which this aspect is applied, but only when the method successfully returns (i.e. when no exception flies out the method.).

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
DesignedByContractAttribute ( IMethodAnalyzer analyzer, bool inheritContract = true ) : System

Construct an instance.

메소드 상세

CompileTimeInitialize() 공개 메소드

Method invoked at build time to initialize the instance fields of the current aspect. This method is invoked before any other build-time method.
This implementation analyzes the annotated method and prepares the conditions for runtime verification.
public CompileTimeInitialize ( MethodBase method, AspectInfo aspectInfo ) : void
method System.Reflection.MethodBase Method to which the current aspect is applied
aspectInfo AspectInfo Reserved for future usage.
리턴 void

CompileTimeValidate() 공개 메소드

Method invoked at build time to determine whether code needs to be injected for this method.
public CompileTimeValidate ( MethodBase method ) : bool
method System.Reflection.MethodBase Method to which the current aspect is applied
리턴 bool

DesignedByContractAttribute() 공개 메소드

Construct an annotation which indicates that invocations of the target methods should be validated to ensure that their preconditions or postconditions are respected.
public DesignedByContractAttribute ( ) : System
리턴 System

DesignedByContractAttribute() 보호된 메소드

Construct an instance.
protected DesignedByContractAttribute ( IMethodAnalyzer analyzer, bool inheritContract = true ) : System
analyzer IMethodAnalyzer Reflects methods and properties for contract analysis.
inheritContract bool Whether to inherit the contract annotations defined on a base class or interface.
리턴 System

OnEntry() 공개 최종 메소드

Method executed before the body of methods to which this aspect is applied.
public final OnEntry ( MethodExecutionArgs args ) : void
args MethodExecutionArgs Event arguments specifying which method is being executed, which are its arguments, and how should the execution continue after the execution of .
리턴 void

OnSuccess() 공개 최종 메소드

Method executed after the body of methods to which this aspect is applied, but only when the method successfully returns (i.e. when no exception flies out the method.).
public final OnSuccess ( MethodExecutionArgs args ) : void
args MethodExecutionArgs Event arguments specifying which method is being executed and which are its arguments.
리턴 void