C# 클래스 PHB.Apps.Mesh.ProfileManager._WizardCreateProfile

Template class for wizard. The application programmer implements the wizard by overriding wizard methods. Note that since the user may backtrack when implementing a method, callbacks MUST tolerate being called multiple times. It is also permitted for a user to cancel a wizard before the final commit.
상속: Wizard
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: hallambaker/Mathematical-Mesh

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Dispatch ( int Step ) : bool
_WizardCreateProfile ( Model Model ) : System

Default constructor

메소드 상세

Dispatch() 공개 메소드

public Dispatch ( int Step ) : bool
Step int
리턴 bool

_WizardCreateProfile() 공개 메소드

Default constructor
public _WizardCreateProfile ( Model Model ) : System
Model Model Model to bind to
리턴 System