C# 클래스 OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.SceneGraph

This class used to be called InnerScene and may not yet truly be a SceneGraph. The non scene graph components should be migrated out over time.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: N3X15/VoxelSim 1 사용 예제들

보호된 프로퍼티들

프로퍼티 타입 설명
Entities OpenSim.Framework.EntityManager
RestorePresences ScenePresence>.Dictionary
SceneObjectGroupsByFullID SceneObjectGroup>.Dictionary
SceneObjectGroupsByLocalID SceneObjectGroup>.Dictionary
_PhyScene PhysicsScene
m_activeScripts int
m_numChildAgents int
m_numPrim int
m_numRootAgents int
m_parentScene Scene
m_physicalPrim int
m_presenceLock object
m_regInfo RegionInfo
m_scenePresenceArray List
m_scenePresenceMap ScenePresence>.Dictionary
m_scriptLPS int
m_syncRoot object
m_updateList SceneObjectGroup>.Dictionary

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddNewSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, System.Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, System.Vector3 vel ) : bool

Add a newly created object to the scene.

DeleteSceneObject ( UUID uuid, bool resultOfObjectLinked ) : bool

Delete an object from the scene

DropObject ( uint objectLocalID, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
DuplicateObject ( uint originalPrimID, System.Vector3 offset, uint flags, UUID AgentID, UUID GroupID, Quaternion rot ) : SceneObjectGroup

Duplicate the given object.

ForEachScenePresence ( Action action ) : void

Performs action on all scene presences. This can ultimately run the actions in parallel but any delegates passed in will need to implement their own locking on data they reference and modify outside of the scope of the delegate.

GetActiveObjectsCount ( ) : int
GetActiveScriptsCount ( ) : int
GetChildAgentCount ( ) : int
GetCoarseLocations ( List &coarseLocations, List &avatarUUIDs, uint maxLocations ) : void
GetControllingClient ( UUID agentId ) : IClientAPI

Get the controlling client for the given avatar, if there is one. FIXME: The only user of the method right now is Caps.cs, in order to resolve a client API since it can't use the ScenePresence. This could be better solved in a number of ways - we could establish an OpenSim.Framework.IScenePresence, or move the caps code into a region package (which might be the more suitable solution).

this used to be protected internal, but that prevents CapabilitiesModule from accessing it

GetGroupByPrim ( uint localID ) : SceneObjectGroup

Get a scene object group that contains the prim with the given local id

GetRootAgentCount ( ) : int
GetScriptLPS ( ) : int
GetTopScripts ( ) : float>.Dictionary
GetTotalObjectsCount ( ) : int
RecalculateStats ( ) : void
UpdatePrimPosition ( uint localID, Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

Update the position of the given part

removeUserCount ( bool TypeRCTF ) : void

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
AddActiveScripts ( int number ) : void
AddNewSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool sendClientUpdates ) : bool

Add a newly created object to the scene. This will both update the scene, and send information about the new object to all clients interested in the scene.

AddPhysicalPrim ( int number ) : void
AddRestoredSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool alreadyPersisted, bool sendClientUpdates ) : bool

Add an object into the scene that has come from storage

AddSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool sendClientUpdates ) : bool

Add an object to the scene. This will both update the scene, and send information about the new object to all clients interested in the scene.

AddScenePresence ( ScenePresence presence ) : void

Add a presence to the scene

AddToScriptLPS ( int number ) : void
AddToUpdateList ( SceneObjectGroup obj ) : void

Add an object to the list of prims to process on the next update

Close ( ) : void
ConvertLocalIDToFullID ( uint localID ) : UUID
CreateAndAddChildScenePresence ( IClientAPI client, AvatarAppearance appearance ) : ScenePresence
DelinkObjects ( List prims ) : void

Delink a linkset

DuplicateObject ( uint originalPrim, System.Vector3 offset, uint flags, UUID AgentID, UUID GroupID ) : void

Duplicate the given object, Fire and Forget, No rotation, no return wrapper

ForEachSOG ( Action action ) : void

Performs action on all scene object groups.

GetClosestIntersectingPrim ( Ray hray, bool frontFacesOnly, bool faceCenters ) : EntityIntersection
GetEntities ( ) : EntityBase[]

Returns a list of the entities in the scene. This is a new list so no locking is required to iterate over it

GetSceneObjectPart ( UUID fullID ) : SceneObjectPart

Get a part contained in this scene.

GetSceneObjectPart ( string name ) : SceneObjectPart

Get a named prim contained in this scene (will return the first found, if there are more than one prim with the same name)

GetSceneObjectPart ( uint localID ) : SceneObjectPart

Get a part contained in this scene.

GetScenePresence ( UUID agentID ) : ScenePresence

Request a scene presence by UUID. Fast, indexed lookup.

GetScenePresence ( string firstName, string lastName ) : ScenePresence

Request the scene presence by name.

GetScenePresence ( uint localID ) : ScenePresence

Request the scene presence by localID.

HandleObjectGroupUpdate ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID GroupID, uint objectLocalID, UUID Garbage ) : void
HandleRedo ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID primId ) : void
HandleUndo ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID primId ) : void
LinkObjects ( SceneObjectPart root, List children ) : void

Initial method invoked when we receive a link objects request from the client.

MakeObjectSearchable ( IClientAPI remoteClient, bool IncludeInSearch, uint localID ) : void
MoveObject ( UUID objectID, System.Vector3 offset, System.Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient, List surfaceArgs ) : void

Move the given object

PrimClickAction ( IClientAPI remoteClient, uint primLocalID, string clickAction ) : void
PrimDescription ( IClientAPI remoteClient, uint primLocalID, string description ) : void

PrimMaterial ( IClientAPI remoteClient, uint primLocalID, string material ) : void
PrimName ( IClientAPI remoteClient, uint primLocalID, string name ) : void

RemovePhysicalPrim ( int number ) : void
RemoveScenePresence ( UUID agentID ) : void

Remove a presence from the scene

RequestObjectPropertiesFamily ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID AgentID, uint RequestFlags, UUID ObjectID ) : void

This handles the nifty little tool tip that you get when you drag your mouse over an object Send to the Object Group to process. We don't know enough to service the request

SceneGraph ( Scene parent, RegionInfo regInfo ) : System
SpinObject ( UUID objectID, Quaternion rotation, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

Spin the given object

SpinStart ( UUID objectID, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

Start spinning the given object

SwapRootChildAgent ( bool direction_RC_CR_T_F ) : void
TryGetAvatarByName ( string name, ScenePresence &avatar ) : bool
TryGetScenePresence ( UUID agentID, ScenePresence &avatar ) : bool
UpdateExtraParam ( UUID agentID, uint primLocalID, ushort type, bool inUse, byte data ) : void
UpdateObjectGroups ( ) : void

Process all pending updates

UpdatePhysics ( double elapsed ) : float
UpdatePreparePhysics ( ) : void
UpdatePresences ( ) : void
UpdatePrimFlags ( uint localID, bool UsePhysics, bool IsTemporary, bool IsPhantom, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

UpdatePrimGroupScale ( uint localID, Vector3 scale, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
UpdatePrimRotation ( uint localID, Quaternion rot, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

UpdatePrimRotation ( uint localID, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

UpdatePrimScale ( uint localID, Vector3 scale, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

UpdatePrimShape ( UUID agentID, uint primLocalID, UpdateShapeArgs shapeBlock ) : void

UpdatePrimSinglePosition ( uint localID, Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

Update the position of the given part

UpdatePrimSingleRotation ( uint localID, Quaternion rot, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

UpdatePrimSingleRotationPosition ( uint localID, Quaternion rot, Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

UpdatePrimTexture ( uint localID, byte texture, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

Update the texture entry of the given prim.

UpdateScenePresenceMovement ( ) : void
Vector3Distance ( Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2 ) : float

Calculates the distance between two Vector3s

physicsBasedCrash ( ) : void

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetGroupByPrim ( UUID fullID ) : SceneObjectGroup

Get a scene object group that contains the prim with the given uuid

GetScenePresences ( ) : List

Get a reference to the scene presence list. Changes to the list will be done in a copy There is no guarantee that presences will remain in the scene after the list is returned. This list should remain private to SceneGraph. Callers wishing to iterate should instead pass a delegate to ForEachScenePresence.

메소드 상세

AddActiveScripts() 보호된 메소드

protected AddActiveScripts ( int number ) : void
number int
리턴 void

AddNewSceneObject() 공개 메소드

Add a newly created object to the scene.
public AddNewSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, System.Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, System.Vector3 vel ) : bool
sceneObject SceneObjectGroup
attachToBackup bool
pos System.Vector3 Position of the object
rot Quaternion Rotation of the object
vel System.Vector3 Velocity of the object. This parameter only has an effect if the object is physical
리턴 bool

AddNewSceneObject() 보호된 메소드

Add a newly created object to the scene. This will both update the scene, and send information about the new object to all clients interested in the scene.
protected AddNewSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool sendClientUpdates ) : bool
sceneObject SceneObjectGroup
attachToBackup bool /// If true, the object is made persistent into the scene. /// If false, the object will not persist over server restarts ///
sendClientUpdates bool
리턴 bool

AddPhysicalPrim() 보호된 메소드

protected AddPhysicalPrim ( int number ) : void
number int
리턴 void

AddRestoredSceneObject() 보호된 메소드

Add an object into the scene that has come from storage
protected AddRestoredSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool alreadyPersisted, bool sendClientUpdates ) : bool
sceneObject SceneObjectGroup
attachToBackup bool /// If true, changes to the object will be reflected in its persisted data /// If false, the persisted data will not be changed even if the object in the scene is changed ///
alreadyPersisted bool /// If true, we won't persist this object until it changes /// If false, we'll persist this object immediately ///
sendClientUpdates bool /// If true, we send updates to the client to tell it about this object /// If false, we leave it up to the caller to do this ///
리턴 bool

AddSceneObject() 보호된 메소드

Add an object to the scene. This will both update the scene, and send information about the new object to all clients interested in the scene.
protected AddSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool sendClientUpdates ) : bool
sceneObject SceneObjectGroup
attachToBackup bool /// If true, the object is made persistent into the scene. /// If false, the object will not persist over server restarts ///
sendClientUpdates bool /// If true, updates for the new scene object are sent to all viewers in range. /// If false, it is left to the caller to schedule the update ///
리턴 bool

AddScenePresence() 보호된 메소드

Add a presence to the scene
protected AddScenePresence ( ScenePresence presence ) : void
presence ScenePresence
리턴 void

AddToScriptLPS() 보호된 메소드

protected AddToScriptLPS ( int number ) : void
number int
리턴 void

AddToUpdateList() 보호된 메소드

Add an object to the list of prims to process on the next update
protected AddToUpdateList ( SceneObjectGroup obj ) : void
obj SceneObjectGroup /// A ///
리턴 void

Close() 보호된 메소드

protected Close ( ) : void
리턴 void

ConvertLocalIDToFullID() 보호된 메소드

protected ConvertLocalIDToFullID ( uint localID ) : UUID
localID uint

CreateAndAddChildScenePresence() 보호된 메소드

protected CreateAndAddChildScenePresence ( IClientAPI client, AvatarAppearance appearance ) : ScenePresence
client IClientAPI
appearance OpenSim.Framework.AvatarAppearance
리턴 ScenePresence

DeleteSceneObject() 공개 메소드

Delete an object from the scene
public DeleteSceneObject ( UUID uuid, bool resultOfObjectLinked ) : bool
uuid UUID
resultOfObjectLinked bool
리턴 bool

DelinkObjects() 보호된 메소드

Delink a linkset
protected DelinkObjects ( List prims ) : void
prims List
리턴 void

DropObject() 공개 메소드

public DropObject ( uint objectLocalID, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
objectLocalID uint
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

DuplicateObject() 공개 메소드

Duplicate the given object.
public DuplicateObject ( uint originalPrimID, System.Vector3 offset, uint flags, UUID AgentID, UUID GroupID, Quaternion rot ) : SceneObjectGroup
originalPrimID uint
offset System.Vector3
flags uint
rot Quaternion
리턴 SceneObjectGroup

DuplicateObject() 보호된 메소드

Duplicate the given object, Fire and Forget, No rotation, no return wrapper
protected DuplicateObject ( uint originalPrim, System.Vector3 offset, uint flags, UUID AgentID, UUID GroupID ) : void
originalPrim uint
offset System.Vector3
flags uint
리턴 void

ForEachSOG() 보호된 메소드

Performs action on all scene object groups.
protected ForEachSOG ( Action action ) : void
action Action
리턴 void

ForEachScenePresence() 공개 메소드

Performs action on all scene presences. This can ultimately run the actions in parallel but any delegates passed in will need to implement their own locking on data they reference and modify outside of the scope of the delegate.
public ForEachScenePresence ( Action action ) : void
action Action
리턴 void

GetActiveObjectsCount() 공개 메소드

public GetActiveObjectsCount ( ) : int
리턴 int

GetActiveScriptsCount() 공개 메소드

public GetActiveScriptsCount ( ) : int
리턴 int

GetChildAgentCount() 공개 메소드

public GetChildAgentCount ( ) : int
리턴 int

GetClosestIntersectingPrim() 보호된 메소드

protected GetClosestIntersectingPrim ( Ray hray, bool frontFacesOnly, bool faceCenters ) : EntityIntersection
hray OpenMetaverse.Ray
frontFacesOnly bool
faceCenters bool
리턴 EntityIntersection

GetCoarseLocations() 공개 메소드

public GetCoarseLocations ( List &coarseLocations, List &avatarUUIDs, uint maxLocations ) : void
coarseLocations List
avatarUUIDs List
maxLocations uint
리턴 void

GetControllingClient() 공개 메소드

Get the controlling client for the given avatar, if there is one. FIXME: The only user of the method right now is Caps.cs, in order to resolve a client API since it can't use the ScenePresence. This could be better solved in a number of ways - we could establish an OpenSim.Framework.IScenePresence, or move the caps code into a region package (which might be the more suitable solution).
this used to be protected internal, but that prevents CapabilitiesModule from accessing it
public GetControllingClient ( UUID agentId ) : IClientAPI
agentId UUID
리턴 IClientAPI

GetEntities() 보호된 메소드

Returns a list of the entities in the scene. This is a new list so no locking is required to iterate over it
protected GetEntities ( ) : EntityBase[]
리턴 EntityBase[]

GetGroupByPrim() 공개 메소드

Get a scene object group that contains the prim with the given local id
public GetGroupByPrim ( uint localID ) : SceneObjectGroup
localID uint
리턴 SceneObjectGroup

GetRootAgentCount() 공개 메소드

public GetRootAgentCount ( ) : int
리턴 int

GetSceneObjectPart() 보호된 메소드

Get a part contained in this scene.
protected GetSceneObjectPart ( UUID fullID ) : SceneObjectPart
리턴 SceneObjectPart

GetSceneObjectPart() 보호된 메소드

Get a named prim contained in this scene (will return the first found, if there are more than one prim with the same name)
protected GetSceneObjectPart ( string name ) : SceneObjectPart
name string
리턴 SceneObjectPart

GetSceneObjectPart() 보호된 메소드

Get a part contained in this scene.
protected GetSceneObjectPart ( uint localID ) : SceneObjectPart
localID uint
리턴 SceneObjectPart

GetScenePresence() 보호된 메소드

Request a scene presence by UUID. Fast, indexed lookup.
protected GetScenePresence ( UUID agentID ) : ScenePresence
agentID UUID
리턴 ScenePresence

GetScenePresence() 보호된 메소드

Request the scene presence by name.
protected GetScenePresence ( string firstName, string lastName ) : ScenePresence
firstName string
lastName string
리턴 ScenePresence

GetScenePresence() 보호된 메소드

Request the scene presence by localID.
protected GetScenePresence ( uint localID ) : ScenePresence
localID uint
리턴 ScenePresence

GetScriptLPS() 공개 메소드

public GetScriptLPS ( ) : int
리턴 int

GetTopScripts() 공개 메소드

public GetTopScripts ( ) : float>.Dictionary
리턴 float>.Dictionary

GetTotalObjectsCount() 공개 메소드

public GetTotalObjectsCount ( ) : int
리턴 int

HandleObjectGroupUpdate() 보호된 메소드

protected HandleObjectGroupUpdate ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID GroupID, uint objectLocalID, UUID Garbage ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
objectLocalID uint
Garbage UUID
리턴 void

HandleRedo() 보호된 메소드

protected HandleRedo ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID primId ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
primId UUID
리턴 void

HandleUndo() 보호된 메소드

protected HandleUndo ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID primId ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
primId UUID
리턴 void

LinkObjects() 보호된 메소드

Initial method invoked when we receive a link objects request from the client.
protected LinkObjects ( SceneObjectPart root, List children ) : void
root SceneObjectPart
children List
리턴 void

MakeObjectSearchable() 보호된 메소드

protected MakeObjectSearchable ( IClientAPI remoteClient, bool IncludeInSearch, uint localID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
IncludeInSearch bool
localID uint
리턴 void

MoveObject() 보호된 메소드

Move the given object
protected MoveObject ( UUID objectID, System.Vector3 offset, System.Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient, List surfaceArgs ) : void
objectID UUID
offset System.Vector3
pos System.Vector3
remoteClient IClientAPI
surfaceArgs List
리턴 void

PrimClickAction() 보호된 메소드

protected PrimClickAction ( IClientAPI remoteClient, uint primLocalID, string clickAction ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
primLocalID uint
clickAction string
리턴 void

PrimDescription() 보호된 메소드

protected PrimDescription ( IClientAPI remoteClient, uint primLocalID, string description ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
primLocalID uint
description string
리턴 void

PrimMaterial() 보호된 메소드

protected PrimMaterial ( IClientAPI remoteClient, uint primLocalID, string material ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
primLocalID uint
material string
리턴 void

PrimName() 보호된 메소드

protected PrimName ( IClientAPI remoteClient, uint primLocalID, string name ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
primLocalID uint
name string
리턴 void

RecalculateStats() 공개 메소드

public RecalculateStats ( ) : void
리턴 void

RemovePhysicalPrim() 보호된 메소드

protected RemovePhysicalPrim ( int number ) : void
number int
리턴 void

RemoveScenePresence() 보호된 메소드

Remove a presence from the scene
protected RemoveScenePresence ( UUID agentID ) : void
agentID UUID
리턴 void

RequestObjectPropertiesFamily() 보호된 메소드

This handles the nifty little tool tip that you get when you drag your mouse over an object Send to the Object Group to process. We don't know enough to service the request
protected RequestObjectPropertiesFamily ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID AgentID, uint RequestFlags, UUID ObjectID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
RequestFlags uint
리턴 void

SceneGraph() 보호된 메소드

protected SceneGraph ( Scene parent, RegionInfo regInfo ) : System
parent Scene
regInfo RegionInfo
리턴 System

SpinObject() 보호된 메소드

Spin the given object
protected SpinObject ( UUID objectID, Quaternion rotation, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
objectID UUID
rotation Quaternion
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

SpinStart() 보호된 메소드

Start spinning the given object
protected SpinStart ( UUID objectID, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
objectID UUID
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

SwapRootChildAgent() 보호된 메소드

protected SwapRootChildAgent ( bool direction_RC_CR_T_F ) : void
direction_RC_CR_T_F bool
리턴 void

TryGetAvatarByName() 보호된 메소드

protected TryGetAvatarByName ( string name, ScenePresence &avatar ) : bool
name string
avatar ScenePresence
리턴 bool

TryGetScenePresence() 보호된 메소드

protected TryGetScenePresence ( UUID agentID, ScenePresence &avatar ) : bool
agentID UUID
avatar ScenePresence
리턴 bool

UpdateExtraParam() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdateExtraParam ( UUID agentID, uint primLocalID, ushort type, bool inUse, byte data ) : void
agentID UUID
primLocalID uint
type ushort
inUse bool
data byte
리턴 void

UpdateObjectGroups() 보호된 메소드

Process all pending updates
protected UpdateObjectGroups ( ) : void
리턴 void

UpdatePhysics() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdatePhysics ( double elapsed ) : float
elapsed double
리턴 float

UpdatePreparePhysics() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdatePreparePhysics ( ) : void
리턴 void

UpdatePresences() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdatePresences ( ) : void
리턴 void

UpdatePrimFlags() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdatePrimFlags ( uint localID, bool UsePhysics, bool IsTemporary, bool IsPhantom, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
localID uint
UsePhysics bool
IsTemporary bool
IsPhantom bool
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

UpdatePrimGroupScale() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdatePrimGroupScale ( uint localID, Vector3 scale, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
localID uint
scale Vector3
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

UpdatePrimPosition() 공개 메소드

Update the position of the given part
public UpdatePrimPosition ( uint localID, Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
localID uint
pos Vector3
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

UpdatePrimRotation() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdatePrimRotation ( uint localID, Quaternion rot, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
localID uint
rot Quaternion
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

UpdatePrimRotation() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdatePrimRotation ( uint localID, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
localID uint
pos Vector3
rot Quaternion
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

UpdatePrimScale() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdatePrimScale ( uint localID, Vector3 scale, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
localID uint
scale Vector3
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

UpdatePrimShape() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdatePrimShape ( UUID agentID, uint primLocalID, UpdateShapeArgs shapeBlock ) : void
agentID UUID
primLocalID uint
shapeBlock UpdateShapeArgs
리턴 void

UpdatePrimSinglePosition() 보호된 메소드

Update the position of the given part
protected UpdatePrimSinglePosition ( uint localID, Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
localID uint
pos Vector3
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

UpdatePrimSingleRotation() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdatePrimSingleRotation ( uint localID, Quaternion rot, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
localID uint
rot Quaternion
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

UpdatePrimSingleRotationPosition() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdatePrimSingleRotationPosition ( uint localID, Quaternion rot, Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
localID uint
rot Quaternion
pos Vector3
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

UpdatePrimTexture() 보호된 메소드

Update the texture entry of the given prim.
protected UpdatePrimTexture ( uint localID, byte texture, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
localID uint
texture byte
remoteClient IClientAPI
리턴 void

UpdateScenePresenceMovement() 보호된 메소드

protected UpdateScenePresenceMovement ( ) : void
리턴 void

Vector3Distance() 보호된 메소드

Calculates the distance between two Vector3s
protected Vector3Distance ( Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2 ) : float
v1 Vector3
v2 Vector3
리턴 float

physicsBasedCrash() 보호된 메소드

protected physicsBasedCrash ( ) : void
리턴 void

removeUserCount() 공개 메소드

public removeUserCount ( bool TypeRCTF ) : void
TypeRCTF bool
리턴 void

프로퍼티 상세

Entities 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected EntityManager,OpenSim.Framework Entities
리턴 OpenSim.Framework.EntityManager

RestorePresences 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected Dictionary RestorePresences
리턴 ScenePresence>.Dictionary

SceneObjectGroupsByFullID 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected Dictionary SceneObjectGroupsByFullID
리턴 SceneObjectGroup>.Dictionary

SceneObjectGroupsByLocalID 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected Dictionary SceneObjectGroupsByLocalID
리턴 SceneObjectGroup>.Dictionary

_PhyScene 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected PhysicsScene _PhyScene
리턴 PhysicsScene

m_activeScripts 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected int m_activeScripts
리턴 int

m_numChildAgents 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected int m_numChildAgents
리턴 int

m_numPrim 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected int m_numPrim
리턴 int

m_numRootAgents 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected int m_numRootAgents
리턴 int

m_parentScene 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected Scene m_parentScene
리턴 Scene

m_physicalPrim 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected int m_physicalPrim
리턴 int

m_presenceLock 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected object m_presenceLock
리턴 object

m_regInfo 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected RegionInfo m_regInfo
리턴 RegionInfo

m_scenePresenceArray 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected List m_scenePresenceArray
리턴 List

m_scenePresenceMap 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected Dictionary m_scenePresenceMap
리턴 ScenePresence>.Dictionary

m_scriptLPS 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected int m_scriptLPS
리턴 int

m_syncRoot 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected object m_syncRoot
리턴 object

m_updateList 보호되어 있는 프로퍼티

protected Dictionary m_updateList
리턴 SceneObjectGroup>.Dictionary