C# 클래스 OS2Indberetning.GpsPage

Page that is shown when trying the GPS signal
상속: Xamarin.Forms.ContentPage, IDisposable
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: os2indberetning/OS2_Windows_Phone

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Dispose ( ) : void


GpsPage ( ) : System

Constructor that handles initialization of the page

HandleNoGpsError ( ) : void

Method that handles a NoGpsError timeout from the viewmodel Reinitializes the toggle button and shows error popup

HandlePauseError ( ) : void

Method that handles a PauseError from the viewmodel Reinitializes the toggle button and shows error popup

HandleStartButtonNotPressable ( ) : void

Method that handles a NoGpsError from the viewmodel Reinitializes the toggle button and shows error popup

HandleStartButtonPressable ( ) : void

Method that handles that gps signal returned from the viewmodel Reinitializes the toggle button and shows error popup

SetContent ( ) : View

Method that creates the page content

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
OnBackButtonPressed ( ) : bool

Method that overrides the BackbuttonPressed event. Calls SendBackMessage so that the logic is handles by the viewmodel

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ClosePopup ( ) : void

Method that closes the popup

CreatePopup ( ) : StackLayout

Method that creates the stacklayout for the popup

NoGpsTimeoutPopUp ( ) : StackLayout

Method that creates and opens a popup for noGpsTimeout error

OpenPopup ( ) : void

Method that opens the popup

PauseSpaceTooBigPopUp ( ) : StackLayout

Method that creates and opens a popup for pause error

SendFinishMessage ( ) : void

Method that handles sending a finish message

SendFinishedHomeMessage ( ) : void

Method that handles sending a togglefinishedhome message

SendFirstFinishedHomeMessage ( ) : void

Method that handles sending a togglefirstfinishedhome message

SendHereMessage ( ) : void

Method that handles sending a here message

SendToggleMessage ( ) : void

Method that handles sending a toggle message

메소드 상세

Dispose() 공개 메소드

public Dispose ( ) : void
리턴 void

GpsPage() 공개 메소드

Constructor that handles initialization of the page
public GpsPage ( ) : System
리턴 System

HandleNoGpsError() 공개 메소드

Method that handles a NoGpsError timeout from the viewmodel Reinitializes the toggle button and shows error popup
public HandleNoGpsError ( ) : void
리턴 void

HandlePauseError() 공개 메소드

Method that handles a PauseError from the viewmodel Reinitializes the toggle button and shows error popup
public HandlePauseError ( ) : void
리턴 void

HandleStartButtonNotPressable() 공개 메소드

Method that handles a NoGpsError from the viewmodel Reinitializes the toggle button and shows error popup
public HandleStartButtonNotPressable ( ) : void
리턴 void

HandleStartButtonPressable() 공개 메소드

Method that handles that gps signal returned from the viewmodel Reinitializes the toggle button and shows error popup
public HandleStartButtonPressable ( ) : void
리턴 void

OnBackButtonPressed() 보호된 메소드

Method that overrides the BackbuttonPressed event. Calls SendBackMessage so that the logic is handles by the viewmodel
protected OnBackButtonPressed ( ) : bool
리턴 bool

SetContent() 공개 메소드

Method that creates the page content
public SetContent ( ) : View
리턴 Xamarin.Forms.View