C# 클래스 Nexus.Client.ModAuthoring.ModPackager

This builds a mod file from a mod Project.
상속: ThreadedBackgroundTask
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: NexusMods/NexusModManager-4.5

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ModPackager ( FileUtil p_futFileUtilities ) : System

A simple constructor that initializes the object with its dependencies.

PackageMod ( string p_strFileName, Project p_prjModProject ) : void

Creates a mod file at the specified location from the given mod Project.

보호된 메소드들

메소드 설명
DoWork ( object p_objArgs ) : object

Performs the actual mod preparation work.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
Compressor_FileCompressionFinished ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Called when a file has been added to a new mod.

This steps the progress of the task.

Compressor_FileCompressionStarted ( object sender, SevenZip.FileNameEventArgs e ) : void

Called when a file is about to be added to a new mod.

This cancels the compression if the task has been cancelled.

메소드 상세

DoWork() 보호된 메소드

Performs the actual mod preparation work.
protected DoWork ( object p_objArgs ) : object
p_objArgs object The task arguments.
리턴 object

ModPackager() 공개 메소드

A simple constructor that initializes the object with its dependencies.
public ModPackager ( FileUtil p_futFileUtilities ) : System
p_futFileUtilities Nexus.Client.Util.FileUtil The file utility class.
리턴 System

PackageMod() 공개 메소드

Creates a mod file at the specified location from the given mod Project.
public PackageMod ( string p_strFileName, Project p_prjModProject ) : void
p_strFileName string The path of the mod file to build.
p_prjModProject Project The describing the mod to be built.
리턴 void