C# 클래스 Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Data.WebServiceClient.WsCurrencyRateProviderBase

This class is the webservice client implementation that exposes CRUD methods for Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.CurrencyRate objects.
상속: CurrencyRateProviderBase
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: netTiers/netTiers

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
BulkInsert ( TransactionManager transactionManager, Nettiers entityList ) : void

Lets you efficiently bulk many entity to the database.

After inserting into the datasource, the Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.CurrencyRate object will be updated to refelect any changes made by the datasource. (ie: identity or computed columns)

Convert ( Nettiers outItem, WsProxy item ) : CurrencyRate

Convert a nettiers collection to the ws proxy collection.

Convert ( WsProxy item ) : CurrencyRate

Convert a nettiers collection to the ws proxy collection.

Convert ( WsProxy items ) : Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList

Convert a collection from the ws proxy to a nettiers collection.

Convert ( Nettiers item ) : WsProxy.CurrencyRate

Convert a nettiers entity to the ws proxy entity.

Convert ( Nettiers items ) : WsProxy.CurrencyRate[]

Convert a collection from to a nettiers collection to a the ws proxy collection.

Delete ( TransactionManager transactionManager, System _currencyRateId ) : bool Deletes based on primary key(s).
Find ( TransactionManager transactionManager, string whereClause, int start, int pagelen, int &count ) : Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList

Returns rows meeting the whereclause condition from the DataSource.

Operators must be capitalized (OR, AND)

GetAll ( TransactionManager transactionManager, int start, int pageLength, int &count ) : Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList

Gets All rows from the DataSource.

GetByCurrencyRateDateFromCurrencyCodeToCurrencyCode ( TransactionManager transactionManager, System _currencyRateDate, System _fromCurrencyCode, System _toCurrencyCode, int start, int pageLength, int &count ) : CurrencyRate

Gets rows from the datasource based on the AK_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateDate_FromCurrencyCode_ToCurrencyCode index.

GetByCurrencyRateId ( TransactionManager transactionManager, System _currencyRateId, int start, int pageLength, int &count ) : CurrencyRate

Gets rows from the datasource based on the PK_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateID index.

GetByFromCurrencyCode ( TransactionManager transactionManager, System _fromCurrencyCode, int start, int pageLength, int &count ) : Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList

Gets rows from the datasource based on the FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_FromCurrencyCode key. FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_FromCurrencyCode Description: Foreign key constraint referencing Currency.FromCurrencyCode.

GetByToCurrencyCode ( TransactionManager transactionManager, System _toCurrencyCode, int start, int pageLength, int &count ) : Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList

Gets rows from the datasource based on the FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_ToCurrencyCode key. FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_ToCurrencyCode Description: Foreign key constraint referencing Currency.ToCurrencyCode.

GetPaged ( TransactionManager transactionManager, string whereClause, string orderBy, int start, int pageLength, int &count ) : Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList

Gets a page of rows from the DataSource.

Insert ( TransactionManager transactionManager, Nettiers entity ) : bool

Inserts a Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.CurrencyRate object into the datasource using a transaction.

Update ( TransactionManager transactionManager, Nettiers entity ) : bool

Update an existing row in the datasource.

WsCurrencyRateProviderBase ( ) : System

Creates a new WsCurrencyRateProviderBase instance. Uses connection string to connect to datasource.

WsCurrencyRateProviderBase ( string url ) : System

Creates a new WsCurrencyRateProviderBase instance. Uses connection string to connect to datasource.

메소드 상세

BulkInsert() 공개 메소드

Lets you efficiently bulk many entity to the database.
After inserting into the datasource, the Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.CurrencyRate object will be updated to refelect any changes made by the datasource. (ie: identity or computed columns)
public BulkInsert ( TransactionManager transactionManager, Nettiers entityList ) : void
transactionManager TransactionManager NOTE: The transaction manager should be null for the web service client implementation.
entityList Nettiers The entities.
리턴 void

Convert() 공개 정적인 메소드

Convert a nettiers collection to the ws proxy collection.
public static Convert ( Nettiers outItem, WsProxy item ) : CurrencyRate
outItem Nettiers
item WsProxy
리턴 Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.CurrencyRate

Convert() 공개 정적인 메소드

Convert a nettiers collection to the ws proxy collection.
public static Convert ( WsProxy item ) : CurrencyRate
item WsProxy
리턴 Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.CurrencyRate

Convert() 공개 정적인 메소드

Convert a collection from the ws proxy to a nettiers collection.
public static Convert ( WsProxy items ) : Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList
items WsProxy
리턴 Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList

Convert() 공개 정적인 메소드

Convert a nettiers entity to the ws proxy entity.
public static Convert ( Nettiers item ) : WsProxy.CurrencyRate
item Nettiers
리턴 WsProxy.CurrencyRate

Convert() 공개 정적인 메소드

Convert a collection from to a nettiers collection to a the ws proxy collection.
public static Convert ( Nettiers items ) : WsProxy.CurrencyRate[]
items Nettiers
리턴 WsProxy.CurrencyRate[]

Delete() 공개 메소드

Deletes based on primary key(s).
public Delete ( TransactionManager transactionManager, System _currencyRateId ) : bool
transactionManager TransactionManager object
_currencyRateId System
리턴 bool

Find() 공개 메소드

Returns rows meeting the whereclause condition from the DataSource.
Operators must be capitalized (OR, AND)
public Find ( TransactionManager transactionManager, string whereClause, int start, int pagelen, int &count ) : Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList
transactionManager TransactionManager object
whereClause string Specifies the condition for the rows returned by a query (Name='John Doe', Name='John Doe' AND Id='1', Name='John Doe' OR Id='1').
start int Row number at which to start reading.
pagelen int Number of rows to return.
count int Number of rows in the DataSource.
리턴 Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList

GetAll() 공개 메소드

Gets All rows from the DataSource.
public GetAll ( TransactionManager transactionManager, int start, int pageLength, int &count ) : Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList
transactionManager TransactionManager object
start int Row number at which to start reading.
pageLength int Number of rows to return.
count int out parameter to get total records for query
리턴 Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList

GetByCurrencyRateDateFromCurrencyCodeToCurrencyCode() 공개 메소드

Gets rows from the datasource based on the AK_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateDate_FromCurrencyCode_ToCurrencyCode index.
public GetByCurrencyRateDateFromCurrencyCodeToCurrencyCode ( TransactionManager transactionManager, System _currencyRateDate, System _fromCurrencyCode, System _toCurrencyCode, int start, int pageLength, int &count ) : CurrencyRate
transactionManager TransactionManager object
_currencyRateDate System Date and time the exchange rate was obtained.
_fromCurrencyCode System Exchange rate was converted from this currency code.
_toCurrencyCode System Exchange rate was converted to this currency code.
start int Row number at which to start reading.
pageLength int Number of rows to return.
count int out parameter to get total records for query
리턴 Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.CurrencyRate

GetByCurrencyRateId() 공개 메소드

Gets rows from the datasource based on the PK_CurrencyRate_CurrencyRateID index.
public GetByCurrencyRateId ( TransactionManager transactionManager, System _currencyRateId, int start, int pageLength, int &count ) : CurrencyRate
transactionManager TransactionManager object
_currencyRateId System Primary key for CurrencyRate records.
start int Row number at which to start reading.
pageLength int Number of rows to return.
count int out parameter to get total records for query
리턴 Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.CurrencyRate

GetByFromCurrencyCode() 공개 메소드

Gets rows from the datasource based on the FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_FromCurrencyCode key. FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_FromCurrencyCode Description: Foreign key constraint referencing Currency.FromCurrencyCode.
public GetByFromCurrencyCode ( TransactionManager transactionManager, System _fromCurrencyCode, int start, int pageLength, int &count ) : Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList
transactionManager TransactionManager object
_fromCurrencyCode System Exchange rate was converted from this currency code.
start int Row number at which to start reading.
pageLength int Number of rows to return.
count int out parameter to get total records for query
리턴 Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList

GetByToCurrencyCode() 공개 메소드

Gets rows from the datasource based on the FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_ToCurrencyCode key. FK_CurrencyRate_Currency_ToCurrencyCode Description: Foreign key constraint referencing Currency.ToCurrencyCode.
public GetByToCurrencyCode ( TransactionManager transactionManager, System _toCurrencyCode, int start, int pageLength, int &count ) : Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList
transactionManager TransactionManager object
_toCurrencyCode System Exchange rate was converted to this currency code.
start int Row number at which to start reading.
pageLength int Number of rows to return.
count int out parameter to get total records for query
리턴 Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList

GetPaged() 공개 메소드

Gets a page of rows from the DataSource.
public GetPaged ( TransactionManager transactionManager, string whereClause, string orderBy, int start, int pageLength, int &count ) : Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList
transactionManager TransactionManager object
whereClause string Specifies the condition for the rows returned by a query (Name='John Doe', Name='John Doe' AND Id='1', Name='John Doe' OR Id='1').
orderBy string Specifies the sort criteria for the rows in the DataSource (Name ASC; BirthDay DESC, Name ASC);
start int Row number at which to start reading.
pageLength int Number of rows to return.
count int Number of rows in the DataSource.
리턴 Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.TList

Insert() 공개 메소드

Inserts a Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.CurrencyRate object into the datasource using a transaction.
public Insert ( TransactionManager transactionManager, Nettiers entity ) : bool
transactionManager TransactionManager object
entity Nettiers Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.CurrencyRate object to insert.
리턴 bool

Update() 공개 메소드

Update an existing row in the datasource.
public Update ( TransactionManager transactionManager, Nettiers entity ) : bool
transactionManager TransactionManager object
entity Nettiers Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.CurrencyRate object to update.
리턴 bool

WsCurrencyRateProviderBase() 공개 메소드

Creates a new WsCurrencyRateProviderBase instance. Uses connection string to connect to datasource.
public WsCurrencyRateProviderBase ( ) : System
리턴 System

WsCurrencyRateProviderBase() 공개 메소드

Creates a new WsCurrencyRateProviderBase instance. Uses connection string to connect to datasource.
public WsCurrencyRateProviderBase ( string url ) : System
url string The url to the nettiers webservice.
리턴 System