C# 클래스 NStub.Gui.Util.FormExtensions

Extension Methods for the Form class.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: Jedzia/NStub

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
AttachToEvent ( this value, object &formBackField, EventHandler &formBackFieldEvent, EventHandler eventHandler ) : bool

Automates the attach and detachment of the load event to an Form.

AttachToLoadEvent ( this value, Form &formBackField, EventHandler onLoadEventHandler ) : bool

Automates the attach and detachment of the load event to an Form.

AttachToLoadEvent ( this value, UserControl &userControlBackField, EventHandler onLoadEventHandler ) : bool

Automates the attach and detachment of the load event to an UserControl.

메소드 상세

AttachToEvent() 공개 정적인 메소드

Automates the attach and detachment of the load event to an Form.
public static AttachToEvent ( this value, object &formBackField, EventHandler &formBackFieldEvent, EventHandler eventHandler ) : bool
value this The control to be added.
formBackField object The backing field for the Form.
formBackFieldEvent EventHandler The backing fields event to attach to.
eventHandler EventHandler The event handler that is attached to the .
리턴 bool

AttachToLoadEvent() 공개 정적인 메소드

Automates the attach and detachment of the load event to an Form.
public static AttachToLoadEvent ( this value, Form &formBackField, EventHandler onLoadEventHandler ) : bool
value this The control to be added.
formBackField System.Windows.Forms.Form The backing field for the Form.
onLoadEventHandler EventHandler The load event handler.
리턴 bool

AttachToLoadEvent() 공개 정적인 메소드

Automates the attach and detachment of the load event to an UserControl.
public static AttachToLoadEvent ( this value, UserControl &userControlBackField, EventHandler onLoadEventHandler ) : bool
value this The control to be added.
userControlBackField System.Windows.Forms.UserControl The backing field for the .
onLoadEventHandler EventHandler The load event handler.
리턴 bool